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Book Ten<br />

narrative for the first and a passing reference for the second, cf. 11.15—46<br />

(Achaeans and Agamemnon, 32 verses) but 56-60 (Trojans, 5 verses).<br />

Dolon takes no corslet and neither sword nor shield, cf. 257ft 0 . At 459 he has<br />

a bow, here omitted.<br />

334-5 Dolon dons a wolfskin as a sort of cloak or camouflage. In [Eur.]<br />

Rhesus Dolon is made to have the grotesque idea of disguising himself as a<br />

wolf and creeping up to the ships on all fours {Rhesus 208-13). — KTi8er|v:<br />

for *iKTi5er|v (< IKTIS, 'marten,'), KTIS in Hsch. is a ghost-word 'imagine<br />

pour les besoins d'explication' (Chantraine, Diet. s.v. IKTIS). iKTi8er|V could<br />

be read here but not at 458. On the loss of i- by the misunderstanding of a<br />

rare epic word see Leumann, HW 53-4. It is a question whether any<br />

symbolism should be read into Dolon's wolf and weasel skins. Fenik, Iliad X<br />

and the Rhesus 60, roundly discounts a possibility that opens the door to<br />

wide-ranging anthropological speculation, but see 2C)n. Reinhardt on the<br />

other hand, IuD 247, recognizes that something of the character of the lion,<br />

leopard, boar, wolf, and weasel rubs off on the wearers of their skins, cf. bT<br />

(at verse 23) AoAcovoc 8e cos 6eiA6v KOU AaOpiSiov irpa^iv opucovTOC AuKf)v<br />

[6v8uei]. The weasel too was of evil reputation.<br />

336-40 bT note the effect of the foreshadowing; it creates suspense to<br />

know that Dolon is going to his doom. The focus of the narrative, however,<br />

at once switches to the two Achaeans and we follow events through their<br />

eyes, except for a brief digression at 515-25. One result is that from this<br />

point the Trojan council is forgotten.<br />

338 The expression 'ouiAos of men and horses' is a paraphrase, using the<br />

formulas of the battle scene, for 'camp', the horses being tethered to their<br />

chariots beside the men, cf. 47off. There is in fact no epic word to express<br />

encampment. The Achaeans' camp, called vauoraOuov by Aristarchus, is<br />

expressed by 'the ships' or 'the ships and huts'.<br />

340 8ioyevr|s 'O8ua6us: only here in the Iliad {Od. 5X). Aiour|86a 8e<br />

TTpoaEsnrev seems an odd half-verse with which to introduce direct speech<br />

but recurs at 8.138. The oddity is rather that the introductory sentence<br />

begins in the preceding verse with consequent enjambment, cf. 9.622-3.<br />

343 This is the sole allusion in the Iliad to the unsavoury (and of course<br />

unheroic) practice of scavenging loot on a battlefield. One may compare<br />

the unpleasant aspects of the real world that slip out in similes, e.g. the<br />

enslavement of a woman at Od. 8.523-30. In the heat of battle at 6.66-71<br />

Nestor urges the Achaeans to press on, not stopping to strip their victims<br />

(similarly Hektor to the Trojans at 15.347), ITTGITQ 8S KOU TCC [the evapa]<br />

6KT|Aoi I VEKpous au TTESIOV

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