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Book Ten<br />

Figure i. The boar's tusk helmet. From H.-G. Buchholz, Arch. Horn, E pi. ia.<br />

etymologically as a compound of Korrd and the root of Teuxco, the helmet<br />

being so called because it lacked height, having no crest. It is clear that the<br />

scholiasts had nothing before them but the text. Bechtel, Lexilogus zu Homer<br />

(Halle 1914) 187, having accepted Schulze's hypothesis that A690S was a<br />

Carian loan-word, conjectured the same source for KaTaiTU^.<br />

260 Meriones used the bow in battle at 13.650 and in the archery contest<br />

at the funeral games of Patroklos at 23.870-81. At other times, as second in<br />

command to Idomeneus (see 13.249-50^), he fights in the normal way<br />

with the spear. T remembered that Meriones was a Cretan and that the<br />

classical Cretans were great archers. A more important question is why a<br />

bow should be thought a useful weapon for a spy to have. T supposed that<br />

Odysseus could have shot from the darkness at men illuminated by the<br />

firelight. Rather the poet wanted variety, a spear for Diomedes and, with a<br />

glance at the Odyssey, a bow for Odysseus, just as he provided the spies with<br />

two different helmets.<br />

261-5 The boar's tusk helmet (see fig. 1). To W. Reichel (see Uber<br />

homerische Waffen (2nd edn Vienna 1901) 102) is owed the distinction of<br />

recognizing the significance of the ivory fragments turned up by nineteenthcentury<br />

excavators of Mycenaean sites. The boar's tusk helmet was chiefly<br />

current during the LHI and LHII periods but fell out of fashion during<br />

LHIIIA (sixteenth-fifteenth century B.C.), so Lorimer, HM 212-19, see<br />

alsoj. Borchhardt, Homerische Helme (Mainz 1972) 18-37, 47-52. The telltale<br />

boar's ivory plaques, however, are found in later contexts, as late as a<br />


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