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Book Ten<br />

fj TO irdpos irep | ur)TT|p cos 'OSvafji TrapioraTai f|8 J eirapfiyei, but that is<br />

true rather of the Odyssey and the Cycle than the Iliad, see M. W. M. Pope,<br />

AJPSi (i960) 113-35. — nocAA&s is the special epithet of Athene (26 x //.,<br />

21 x Od.) in the nominative and accusative cases. The link between epithet<br />

and name is very tight, and the archaic epic does not use FTaAAds substantivally<br />

as a synonym or substitute for the divine name as, for example,<br />

'EvocrixOcov and 'Evvocjiyaios are used for Poseidon. It was probably unintelligible<br />

to the poet: traditional etymologies, of which P.Oxy. 2260 retails a<br />

sample, link it to the syllable TTOCAA- (iraAAaKri, irdAAeiv - see 5. in.), but an<br />

equation with Semitic ba'alat, feminine ofba'al, 'mistress', cf. a-ta-na-po-ti-nija<br />

(= 'Addva (or 'AOdvas) TTOTVIOC) KN V 52 with TTOTVia = TTaAAds, must<br />

be considered, for which see O. Carruba, Atti del I Congresso di Micenologia<br />

(Rome 1968) 932-44. Janko (on 15.610-14) draws attention to Myc. qa-ra2<br />

(TH Of 37-8 - qa-ra at Knossos is a toponym).<br />

247 7TEpioi8e vof^cjai is probably formular, or an echo of a formula, cf.<br />

oT8e vof^aai (1.343 and n.), where, however, the amplification aua Trpoaaco<br />

KOCI OTTio-aco gives the sense of vofjcrai its essential complement. The irEpi- is<br />

intensifying, as at Od. 17.317 \yyz

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