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Book Ten<br />

226 = 23.590. PP&CTCTCOV (< ppdx-^cov) is an archaic comparative of<br />

Ppax^s found only here in the epic corpus, and so to be taken as an archaism<br />

on the part of the composer. Arn/A toy with the idea of the participle of<br />

PP&CTCTCO, 'shake violently'. AeTrrf] 8E T6 nfJTis = 23.590.<br />

228-31 The fivefold anaphora of f)66AeTr)v/f|8eAe is paralleled by the less<br />

emphatic TCO 8 s Im/Tolai 8 s 6TT' in the list of volunteers at 7.i63ff.<br />

231-2 TAT|UGOV ... ETOAUOC: the couplet reads like a schema etymologicum,<br />

although this cannot be as TAT)|JCOV is usually understood (= TTOAU-TACCS or<br />

UTro|i6vr|TiK6s (Arn/A)). For TAf)|icov = 'daring' see 21.430 and Theognis<br />

196. Except for TATJUCOV in this book the epithets of Odysseus are the same<br />

in both epics, though more appropriate to the hero of the Odyssey than to<br />

an Iliadic fighting hero. — 6 TAT||JGOV 'O8UCT6US is found only here and at<br />

498, though similar language is used at 5.670 'OSuaeus ... TATJUOVOC OUUOV<br />

Ixcov. For the article see 363^ — (KCCTa)80vai 6|iiAov is formular (6x //.,<br />

1 x Od.) but elsewhere in the Iliad always of troops in the field. Aristarchus<br />

accordingly wished ouiAos to mean 'army' (Arn/A at 338 and 499), whereas<br />

here it signifies TrAf^Oos KOC! aOpoicjua. Both the sharp observation and the<br />

excessively precise inference are characteristically Aristarchan. 6|iiAos takes<br />

its sense from its context, and is used at Od. 15.328, etc. of the company of<br />

Penelope's suitors.<br />

234 epico K6xocpia|ieve Ouuco: Agamemnon (who has no conspicuous affection<br />

for Diomedes, cf. 9.32ft 0 .) uses a formular verse put more naturally into<br />

the mouth of Athene at 5.243 and 5.826. The hemistich occurs also at<br />

11.608 and Od. 4.71.<br />

236 90CIVOIJ6VCOV: 'those who have come forward', 'the volunteers', is<br />

clearly what the poet wants, but his choice of word has puzzled commentators<br />

as to its precise sense, e.g. 'as they present themselves' (Leaf,<br />

Schadewaldt).<br />

237-9 ai86[i6vos: in the heroic system of values ai8cos denotes sensitivity<br />

to disapproval. It can therefore be a spur to action if the disapproved<br />

behaviour is e.g. cowardice, hence the cry oclScbs, 'Apyeioi, KOK' iAeyxeoc,<br />

eT8os &ytyroi (5.787 = 8.228), or as here it can restrain a hero from showing<br />

disrespect, cf. Od. 3.24 oci8cbs 8' aO VEOV dv8pa yepaiTspov e£spsea6ai<br />

(Telemakhos to 'Mentor'). Diomedes was a young man and sometimes at<br />

least (4.411-18, though not at 9.31-49) deferential towards seniority and<br />

rank. That a man can be yzxp&v but pacriAsuTepos is implicit in the wrath<br />

of Akhilleus, but as an arcanum imperii it is not usually so candidly revealed<br />

as it is here. — al8oT EIKCOV < ai86'i pekcov, ultimately that is, but preserved<br />

with hiatus by formular conservatism.<br />

240 This verse was certainly missing from Zenodotus' text (Did/AT),<br />

and was probably athetized by his successors as violating heroic standards<br />

of courage. Modern taste would tend to think the text stronger if<br />


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