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Book Ten<br />

158 Ad£ TTO81 Kivfjaocs is formular and apparently not discourteous, cf.<br />

Od. 15.45 (Telemakhos rousing Peisistratos), where the scholia explain<br />

Nestor's behaviour here by reflecting that his age would prevent his<br />

stooping. 'Apparently the Alexandrians had no feeling for such a sign of<br />

rough camaraderie' (Hoekstra on Od. 15.45). — veiKecje T' dvrnv: ironical,<br />

cf. Od. 8.158 for a malicious sense of the formula.<br />

159 Aristarchus hesitated between iypso and dpaeo (Did/A). Eust. 519.32<br />

cites a plus-verse, 6 Nsorcop TCO Aiouf|8r| TTOU [SC. in this passage] (prjcnv,<br />

"eypEO, ... [XT] TIS TOI [KCC6]EU8OVTI ueTOC9p6vcp ev 86pu 7rf|£n" (= 8.95,<br />

which has 96uyovTi in mid-verse). But the verse has not wandered directly<br />

from book 8; it was the point of an indecent joke by Diogenes, who substituted<br />

E08OVTI for 96uyovTi, a joke famous enough to find its way into the<br />

doxographies (see Diog. Laert. 6.53), whence it obtained this first small<br />

foothold in the text. dcoTeis: an Odyssean word (10.548), glossed by Hsch.<br />

with diravOi^Eiv, i.e. it was taken as a denominative of OCCOTOS. Other conjectures<br />

in Frisk, GEW s.v.<br />

160 dteis, an epic verb, is rather loosely used as 'realize' (properly 'perceive<br />

by hearing'). (Tpcoes) 6*TTI Opcoaucp TreSioio is formular, adapted<br />

from the whole-verse formula Tpcoes 8' aOO' exepcoOev eiri Opcoauco TTS8IOIO<br />

(11.56 = 20.3, in both cases of the Trojans arming for battle after their<br />

bivouac outside the city). The 0pcoa|i6s ('rising ground') cannot be<br />

identified at the present day.<br />

164 Diomedes affects to protest, not at being awakened by a kick, but at<br />

Nestor's indefatigable activity, cf. Od. 12.279-80 ax^TAios els, 'OBuaeO* irepi<br />

TOI uevos OU8E TI yula | Kauvsis. ax^TAios properly expresses exasperation at<br />

outrageous behaviour, cf. 2.ii2n., 9-i9n. and AbT on this verse - 6 d£ioc<br />

dyavccKTrjaecos Trpdaacov, but here of course the exasperation is a comic<br />

pretence, dufixavos, 'impossible', at 167 continues Diomedes' humorous<br />

expostulation.<br />

166 iTTEixa: 'then' or 'therefore'. Ameis-Hentze cite 243 as a parallel. Or<br />

the poet adapted the very common 6s (etc.) uev STteiTa (i8x //., 20X Od.)<br />

at verse-end or verse-beginning.<br />

168 Except in this verse Nestor is always given the formula TOV 8'<br />

fjuEipeT' eTreiTa (8x //., 3X Od.) not its equivalent TOV 8* CCOTE Trpoaeenre.<br />

There is no contextual explanation of this preference, which seems to imply<br />

a hardening of the sentence into a virtual whole-verse formula. It is significant<br />

that a usage persisting throughout the rest of the Iliad and in the<br />

Odyssey is not maintained in this Book.<br />

169 = 23.626 (5X //., 3X Od., with various vocatives). For the meaning<br />

ofKonrd uoipocv see M. Finkelberg, CPh 82 (1987) 135-8; KOCTOC uoipccv, with<br />

long a, means 'in orderly succession', e.g. of troops (16.367), the linguistically<br />

more recent KCCTOC uoTpocv, with short a, means 'rightly'. The formula<br />

Korrd KOCTUOV shows a similar evolution.<br />


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