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Book Ten<br />

until the council's decision is taken. With the departure of Menelaos in the<br />

opposite direction and the despatch of Diomedes for the Lesser Aias and<br />

Meges in prospect the storyline has become too complicated for traditional<br />

narrative techniques to handle easily. The poet extricates himself by ignoring<br />

Menelaos and Diomedes and sticking to Nestor.<br />

'33 &H91 5' apcc xAodvav: cf. Od. 4.50 etc. (4X ). (poiviKOEaaav: the proper<br />

epithet for a cloak {Od. 14.500, 21.118). The -VIK- syllable should be metrically<br />

long, cf. 9olvi£, 901VIK0S, so that the word so spelled must be listed as<br />

one of the rare examples of metrical shortening. A contracted pronunciation<br />

(poiviKoOaaav is never indicated for this class of adjectives in Homer (see,<br />

however, 12.283^ and Od. 7.107 (Kcapoakov) with Chantraine's comment,<br />

GH\ 6). It is possible, of course, that the word was taken into the epic dialect<br />

in the form (poiviKfecrcja, cf. the Mycenaeanpe-de-we-sa i.e. TreSpecjaa PY Ta<br />

709, etc., where the syllabic signs -de-we indicate the absence of the linking<br />

vowel -o-.<br />

134 8nrAfjv: see 3.125-7^ 6KTa8ir|V is obscure (< EK-TEIVCO?) but presumably<br />

indicates the blanket-like size of the cloak. ouAr|: wool is the normal<br />

material of the Homeric x^aiVa, reasonably enough (2X in each epic). It<br />

may be used as a blanket (24.646, Od. 14.520). ETrevrjvoOe: for this strange<br />

epic verb, also found at 2.219 and Od. 8.365, 17.270, HyAphr 62, and (with<br />

prefix KOCT-) HyDem 279, [Hesiod], Aspis 269, see n.266n. A connexion<br />

with avOos, which would permit a basic sense 'sprout up', is argued by<br />

J. M. Aitchison, Glotta 41 (1963) 271-8, but see also LfgrE s.v. and Wyatt,<br />

ML 116-17. The poet may not have understood the word so precisely, for<br />

it is odd to describe the nap of a woven garment as sprouting from it.<br />

135 = 14.12, 15.482, a fragment of the standard arming scene, which<br />

the poet treats idiosyncratically, cf. i-2on. otKaxiisvov is clear enough in<br />

sense ('tipped', 'pointed') but of obscure derivation, see LfgrE s.v. Its equivalent<br />

at 11.43 in a secondary variant of this traditional verse is KeKopuOusvos.<br />

137 Ait uf)Tiv &T&AavTov: The formula is shown by its metrics to be<br />

an ancient element of the diction (< Aipel ufJTiv jmTCtAavTov). It is probably<br />

used in this Book as an archaism, for like Alt 91A0S (Aipel 9iAos) it is<br />

absent from the Odyssey.<br />

139 TT£pi 9pevas fjAuO' icof|: cf. Od. 17.261. Sound flows around the hearer<br />

in the epic. The closest verbal parallel, however, is HyHerm 421 epcmi 8e 81a<br />

9pevas fiAuO' icoTj. In all these passages icof) is a sound, in the Odyssey and the<br />

Hymn the beguiling sound of music. Elsewhere in the Iliad (4.276, 11.308,<br />

16.127) !cof| (picof)) refers to the force of wind or fire. Danek, Dolonie 91-7,<br />

takes the word for an archaism known to aoiSoi only from formulas and<br />

used by them, except here, with a defining genitive.<br />

140—76 The short speeches that characterize the exchanges between<br />

Nestor and Odysseus and Diomedes give this section especially a realistic<br />


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