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Book Ten<br />

give Menelaos the same outfit as his rival - Paris wore a leopard skin at 3.17.<br />

|i6T&9pevov eupu is unique, an easy thought but perhaps condensed from the<br />

formula u€T&9pevov EvpEE T* COUCO (2X ).<br />

30-1 OT69&vr| (3X ) is the rarest of Homeric words for the helmet, see<br />

D. H. F. Gray, CQ41 (1947) 114-19 = Language and Background 60-5. The<br />

two initial consonants are metrically necessary in all three places. The<br />

preferred term for the helmet is Kopus. — KE9aAfi9iv is dative singular, cf.<br />

257, 261, 458, 496, Od. 20.94, a relatively late usage developed within<br />

the Kunstsprache. Mycenaean -pi is an instrumental plural (Ventris and<br />

Chad wick, Documents 83). K£9ccAfJ9iv is genitive and again singular at 11.350<br />

and 16.762. Verses 30-1 resemble Hesiod, Theog. 578 ciT69dvr|v yjp\jokr\v<br />

K89aAf)9iv EOT|KE, but there the crre9&vr) is Pandora's crown, not a (part of<br />

a) helmet. — OfjKOTo: the strong-grade OT|K- in the active plural and middle<br />

parts of TIOTIIJI is relatively infrequent in the Iliad (5X and 8x Od.), and is<br />

nowhere formular. Two of the five occurrences are in book 24 (271, 795).<br />

For donning the helmet the traditional verse is Kpcm 8' ITT' !q>8i|Jicp KUVETIV<br />

EUTUKTOV £0r|K£v (4X ) with variant at 5.743 = 11.41, which reveals OTS9&vr|v,<br />

1^90X1191, OT|KOCTO, and xocAK6ir|V as innovatory in this context, cf. the handling<br />

of the uepuTipi£€iv-scene, 4n.<br />

32-3 Conventional praise of Agamemnon, cf. 1.78-9 (with Kporreei for<br />

•qvaaciE). 0E6S (5*) cos TIETO 6r|ucp is formular (5X //., ix Od.) Since cos is<br />

from of cos, the intrusion of 6' illustrates the increased flexibility of the epic<br />

diction as a result of the loss of p-, see Hoekstra, Modifications 26-30. Two<br />

personages so honoured are priests, Dolopion (5.78) and Onetor (16.605),<br />

but the rest are warriors, so that the formula refers to the quality and<br />

quantity of the honour, not to its motivation.<br />

34 Ti8f|uevov: for the -T|- cf. TiOfjuevai (23.83, 23.247). Some metrical<br />

licence for the accommodation of TI0EUEVOV is necessary, but the usual<br />

lengthening of the first syllable has given way to the analogy of TI-0T|-UI etc.,<br />


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