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Book Ten<br />

97-8, there being no complicated garb to itemize; women's dress is more<br />

elaborate, cf. 14.178-86. It is natural on going outdoors to put on something<br />

over the xvrcov, e -§- the X^ a * va °f J 33 or tne 9&pos of 2.43; the lion<br />

skin of 23 (cf. 177) betrays this Book's taste for exotic detail; we have a<br />

leopard skin at 29 and a wolf skin at 334; for possible symbolic nuances<br />

in this attire see 29n. and 334~5n. The sandals too (22 = 132 etc., 5X //.,<br />

8x Od.) are for outdoor wear. EIAETO 5' £yx°s: a hero is not fully dressed<br />

without some weapon; at 2.45, a whole-verse formula, Agamemnon took a<br />

sword. In this scene Menelaos, Nestor, and Diomedes are all said to take<br />

spears. The weapons are a badge of rank, or a claim to rank (cf. Telemakhos,<br />

Od. 2.10).<br />

25 Save for Menelaos' surmise that Agamemnon is minded to spy out<br />

Trojan intentions (which shows the poet thinking ahead) the brothers'<br />

conversation is nugatory and prolix. Aristophanes and Aristarchus (Arn/A)<br />

athetized 51—2, without perceptible impact on the impression of verbose<br />

and none too careful composition: see nn. to 46 ETTI 9p£va Ofjx' iepoTaiv, 48<br />

ETT' fjucrn liriTiaacrOai, 56 f]8' ETriTEiAai, 61 uuOco ETTITEAAECCI f\bk KEAEUEIS, 68<br />

TTOCTpoOEV £K yEVE^S.<br />

26 UTTVOS ETTI pTtopdpoiai (cf. 187 UTTVOS &TTO |3A£9&poiiv) is formular in<br />

the Odyssey (6x ), but not attested elsewhere in the Iliad. The metaphor of<br />

sleep 'sitting' upon a person's eyes recurs at 91-2 but is unique to this Book.<br />

Sleep is a sort of immaterial substance that is poured (the usual metaphor<br />

in both epics), falls, or is cast over the eyes.<br />

26-8 The words - ostensibly those of the poet - TTOCOOIEV ... EOEV EIVEKOC ...<br />

TTOAEUOV Opacruv are a good instance of the oblique expression of a character's<br />

feelings (cf. de Jong, Narrators 118-22). Menelaos is always sensible<br />

how much he owes to others, Agamemnon how much others owe to him.<br />

The language here is like that concerning Helen at 3.126-8 (see n.)<br />

OCEOAOUS ... ous £0EV EIVEK' Eiracxov, and expresses the same embarrassment.<br />

With 3.126ff. may be compared Helen's own words in a similar context, Od.<br />

4.145-6 6T' EUEIO KUVCOTTI8OS EIVEK' 'AXOCIO! | TJAOEO' UTTO Tpoiriv...<br />

27 TTOUAUV £9' uypfjv (also at Od. 4.709): TTOUAUV is used as a metrically<br />

convenient feminine 4X , without clear justification. OfjAus, always feminine<br />

(8x ), is a rather different case, since the gender need not be marked by a<br />

suffix when it is so to speak marked by the meaning. uypf)v, feminine after<br />

aAs or O&Aaarcra, is regularly used substantially, (3X //., 4X Od.).<br />

28 = Od. 4.146. TTOAEUOV Opaoruv: an unusual instance of an epithet<br />

transferred from the warriors to their trade; the expression, however, is<br />

formular, cf. 6.254.<br />

29 7Tap5aAET): Menelaos cos T|TTCOV TTapSaAf^v EV6UEI (bT), that is, it<br />

symbolizes his inferiority to Agamemnon, who (23) assumed the heroic garb<br />

of a lion skin. A poet who knew the Iliad well might find it appropriate to<br />


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