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Book Nine<br />

according to Szemerenyi, Syncope in Greek and Indo-European (Naples 1964)<br />

71-8, commends one who knows how to behave towards his elders or<br />

betters, cf. 58 and n.<br />

691-2 = 427-8 with change to the 3rd person.<br />

694 Zenodotus (Did/AT) did not read this verse but, as usual, it was read<br />

but athetized by Aristophanes and Aristarchus. Their objection was that<br />

KpocTEpcos described the manner of Akhilleus, not that of Odysseus: true, but<br />

the objection fails to take account of the habits of formular composition.<br />

The verse is repeated, with ayopeuae for oaresnrev, from 431. It is absent<br />

from the parallel run of verses 29-31 (29 = 693, 30-1 = 695-6), but that<br />

is without significance, for by no means could Agamemnon's defeatist manner<br />

at the beginning of the Book be described as speaking Kpcrrspcos. The<br />

same run, with 694 but without 695, recurs at 8.28-30, an instance of the<br />

way that these long formulas are adapted to their context. Verse 695 by<br />

repeating 30 emphasizes the utter failure of the Achaeans' initiative; they<br />

end the Book exactly where they began - but this is before Diomedes has<br />

spoken.<br />

697-709 The characterization of Diomedes as a self-confident warrior<br />

(cf. his assumption that a flag of truce is sign of weakness, 7.400-2, and his<br />

boast at 48-9), a double in that respect of Akhilleus but keeping some sense<br />

of Agamemnon's rank, is well maintained in this short speech. Note the tact<br />

attributed to him in trying circumstances at 4.4016°. and his careful language<br />

at 32-41 above. AicjcrecjOai (698) and uupioc 8copa (699) are bitter<br />

comments on the embassy and neatly expose the false situation into which<br />

Agamemnon's generosity has led him: the more he offers the less he negotiates<br />

from the position of a (3aaiA£UT6pos.<br />

699 dyrjvcop may be complimentary, a briefer synonym of ueyaAfjTGOp,<br />

but here = ayav uppionriKOS (Arn/A). The implication is that Akhilleus has<br />

not heeded Phoinix' appeal Sauaaov duuov usyav (496), cf. Odysseus'<br />

words to the ghost of Aias Sduao-ov 8e uevos KCU ayfjvopa Ouuov (Od. 11.562).<br />

701-9 Diomedes' vigorous language is heavily formular: 701 = Od.<br />

14.183; in 703, the formula Ouuos evi orfjOeaaiv avcoyrj (3X ) is drawn back<br />

by its enjambment from the verse-end position; 704 = 2.139 etc. (6x //.,<br />

2X Od.); 705, cf. TSTapTrouEvos xe 91A0V Kfjp (Od. 1.310); 706 = 19.161; 707<br />

imperfectly recalls fjuos 8' f)piyeveia 9&vr| £o8o8dKTuAos 'Hcbs (20X Od.,<br />

but only once previously (1.477) m ^0> 7°9> £V * ( U£T &) 'npcoToiai u&x«T0ai<br />

etc. (6x ).<br />

709-9 Diomedes turns back to Agamemnon, as the singulars in 709<br />

show, with a pointed remark. Agamemnon did not lead the battle that<br />

began at 4.446 - first blood went to Antilokhos — still less the fighting that<br />

began at 8.60; but he did not conduct the battle always from the safety of<br />

the rear either. He heads the list of victors at 5.38-83 (but not that at<br />


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