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Book Nine<br />

conjectural: in Hsch. the yurj is equated with the TrAeOpov (c. 1,000 sq. yds),<br />

and at Od. 18.374 TETpdyuos denotes the extent of a day's labour with the<br />

best oxen.<br />

583 youvouusvos: 'entreating' (Oineus is outside the doors), cf.<br />

youvouuoci of Odysseus standing before Nausikaa {Od. 6.149).<br />

584 KCcaiyvrjTOu: there were four of them according to bT — Deianeira,<br />

Gorge, Poluxo, and Autonoe. ur)TT|p: a slip, surely; in the circumstances<br />

Althaie's prayers could hardly have moved her son. A scholiast (b), however,<br />

noted that as an offending party Althaie is analogous to Agamemnon,<br />

but there is no hint that she ever repented of her action.<br />

588-9 The fit of the parable is again made close: the city was on fire<br />

when Meleagros acted, just as Akhilleus was forced to act when the Trojans<br />

eventually fired a ship (16.1226°.).<br />

593-4 A brief description of the horrors of a sack; cf, with further<br />

atrocities, Priam's vision of the sack of Troy (22.62-71).<br />

594 (3a0u^covous describes the dress of archaic and classical times which<br />

allowed a fold of material (KOATTOS) to hang over the girdle; the Mycenaean<br />

style was strikingly different, see Sp. Marinatos, Arch. Horn, A/B 25—31.<br />

(3O6UKOATTOS (3X //.) occurs in a formular verse referring to Trojan or<br />

Dardanian women, but that is hardly enough to establish a contrast between<br />

Greek and Asiatic fashions: see, however, West on Od. 3.154. — ocAAoi<br />

is 'others' in the sense of 'strangers', as at 3.301. Zenodotus made the point<br />

clear by reading 8f)ioi (Arn/A).<br />

596 E5U

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