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Book Nine<br />

although the Erinues were accustomed to terrify their victims by their horrendous<br />

appearance. The Erinus 'that walks in darkness' (also 19.87) thus<br />

enhances her menace by the obscurity of her epithet. It is possible, though<br />

weak, that fjepo- denotes simply the lower air, so that the Erinus is thought<br />

to fly, like a bird-daimon or Ate at 19.92-3. bT at 19.87, however, note<br />

a variant siapomoTis, 'blood-drinking' (cf. eTap, 'blood', a Cypriot (i.e.<br />

Mycenaean?) word according to Hsch.), which may conceivably be the<br />

primary version of this formula before it became unintelligible and was<br />

reshaped. — 'Epe|3saq>iv: because the Erinues, like Hades and Persephone,<br />

dwell below ground, cf. 19.259-60 'Epivues, oci 0' OTTO ycclctv | &v6pd>Trous<br />

TivvvTCU. — The Erinus hearkened, as it should, to the parent's prayer<br />

and, since the action of such a being cannot be ineffective, the death of<br />

Meleagros is implied. Phoinix, of course, cannot mention it explicitly to<br />

Akhilleus, but an alert audience would notice that their return to battle<br />

sealed the fate of both heroes. For the Erinues supporting a mother against<br />

a son, see 21.412, Od. 2.135, 11.280.<br />

574J 5& 1 * 585* 59° The suppliants - priests and elders, father, mother<br />

and sisters, comrades, wife - must represent an ascending intensity of moral<br />

pressure. Kakridis, Researches 20, pointed out that the scale: citizens,<br />

parents/brothers, husband/wife is a traditional scale of affection into which<br />

ETOtTpoi, who correspond to Odysseus and Aias, are inserted at the highest<br />

possible point before the successful petition of Kleopatre. Lohmann's thesis,<br />

Reden 258-63, is that the suppliants of the paradigm exactly mirror those of<br />

the embassy - Odysseus representing the army, Phoinix the father, Aias the<br />

comrades. Dramatic effect forms the pattern in each case. For those who<br />

knew the story of the Iliad (among whom must be included Homer's later<br />

audiences) there is irony in the fact that Kleopatre's plea succeeds, as will<br />

the different plea of Patroklos.<br />

574 AicKTOVTO yepovTes is probably formular and enters into a very similar<br />

sentence at 18.448-9 (where yspovTES includes Odysseus and Aias).<br />

575 Arn/A allege that this line induced Sophocles to make the chorus of<br />

his Meleager priests. It is in fact not easy to guess what 'the noblest priests'<br />

are doing in this context, except as an exemplification of yepovTes.<br />

577 ireSiov: Kaludon commands the coastal plain and lower valley of<br />

the Euenos river, see HSL Catalogue 109. ipccvvfjs: elsewhere aiireivri and<br />

TTETprieacra are the epithets of Kaludon, a typical acropolis site.<br />

578 For the TEUEVOS, the private estate of kings, see nn. to 12.313, 14.122-<br />

5, and 18.550-1. TT6VTT|KOVT6yuov: a very handsome offer. Alkinoos' fruit<br />

garden (opxorros) at Od. 7.113, which seems to be identical with his<br />

-reuevos, was merely TETpayuos. bT, however, take the offer to be on the<br />

low side, in order to magnify what has been offered to Akhilleus. The yurj<br />

is a 'heroic' measure popular with the tragedians. Its actual extent is<br />


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