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Book Nine<br />

557 KccAAiacpupou (3X //., ix Od.): epithets of women are almost all<br />

concerned with their appearance (|3a6u£covos, POCOUKOATTOS, ev/TrAoKauos,<br />

f|UKO|ios, KOCAT|, AeuKcbAevos), those for heroes with their status and accomplishments.<br />

KOcAAiacpupos excited bT's imagination: crr|ueTov eoriv au|j-<br />

|i6Tpias acouaTos. Marpessa has the typical pre-Hellenic suffix -Tjaaa: her<br />

rape by Apollo seems to have a falsely etymological basis, as if < u&pTnreiv.<br />

Eur|vivr|: -\vr\ serves as a patronymic suffix, 'd. of Euenos', like 'A8pr|(7Tivr|<br />

(5.412), cf. Risch, Wortbildung 101.<br />

558-9 "I8eco 8 s , 6s ..., with 'irreducible' metathesis, illustrates vernacular<br />

language adapted to epic techniques of verse-making, being a blend, as<br />

it were, of "I86C0, 6s ... (cf. "AATECO, 6S ..., 2 I .86), where -eco may be reduced<br />

to -a', and e.g. "ISccv 6\ 6s ... (cf. Aiveiav, 6s .. •, 11.58). The pattern of the<br />

verse, name with or without connective + relative clause, is formular.<br />

559-61 Idas drew his bow against Apollo, not in a contest for a bride as<br />

560 seems to imply but, according to Paus. 5.18.2 (description of the Chest<br />

of Kupselos), to defend his wife against the god's licentiousness. Idas was an<br />

important figure in heroic saga. He and his brother Lunkeus sailed on the<br />

Argo (Ap. Rhod. 1.152, etc.) and were slain in a quarrel over cattle by the<br />

Dioskouroi (Cypria fr. 13 Davies, Pind. N. 10.60-70). Idas' father was<br />

Aphareus, whose name (in the form Aphares) reappears as the name of<br />

Althaie's brother (see 52411.). As frequently Homer gives the impression of<br />

knowing more than he tells.<br />

561-3 Kleopatre is apparently the heroine's original name replaced<br />

within her family (TOTE ... KaAeeoxov) by Alkuone. The explanation is<br />

whimsical; it is likely that Alkuone is primary and Kleopatre secondary,<br />

possibly an invention for this story, as the oddity of this digression suggests<br />

(so Schadewaldt, Iliasstudien 140). It would be fanciful, but perhaps not too<br />

fanciful, to hear in the name Kleo-patre an echo of Patro-klos, the friend<br />

with whom Akhilleus is now whiling away his time. E. Howald, RhM 73<br />

(1924) 411, cf. Der Dichter der Mas (Zurich 1946) 132, first made this point,<br />

but assumed that Patro-klos was secondary to Kleo-patre. The change of<br />

name is suggestive that the poet invented this detail in order to improve the<br />

fit of the parable.<br />

563 OTTOV, 'fate', is barely sense but may stand in this very compressed<br />

and allusive passage (OTKTOV, 'plaintive wail', Leaf, but cf. opvis, 6c irapa<br />

7T€Tpivas TTOVTOU 8eipa8as, OCAKUCOV, lAeyov OTTOV [oiKTpov Barnes] &ei86is<br />

Eur. IT 1089). What is meant is that Marpessa mourned as the &AKUCOV<br />

mourned for its mate. OCAKUCOV is classically the name of the kingfisher, but<br />

that bird does not sing, plaintively or otherwise; in spite of ornithology a<br />

considerable mythology grew up around the bird, see Thompson, A Glossary<br />

of Greek Birds (Oxford 1936) 46-51.<br />

565 = 4.513. "nrecJCTEi, 'digest': Meleagros, like Akhilleus in the earlier<br />


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