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Book Nine<br />

"follows" Achilles, and it does so by attacking his "substitute", his beloved<br />

friend Patroclus', contra Redfield, Nature and Culture 107, 'The crucial errors<br />

in Achilles' story are the errors of others - of Agamemnon, of Nestor, of<br />

Patroclus'). It should be borne in mind that the appeal to arvr\ is exculpatory.<br />

The poet does not wish to excuse Akhilleus and Akhilleus does not<br />

wish to excuse himself. He kills Hektor in the clear knowledge that his<br />

victory dooms him (see 18.95-6). That is heroism.<br />

Whether Akhilleus' obduracy itself is caused by air) is not in question<br />

here either. As an action with disastrous results it could no doubt be characterized<br />

as such, but neither Aias nor Diomedes does so characterize it, nor<br />

does Akhilleus in his brief comment on his relations with Agamemnon at<br />

19.270-5.<br />

502-3 The description of the AITCCI clearly must be pathetic, so that their<br />

being TTapapAcoiTSS 6960^60 does not express suspicion (as Trocpa(3A£mo<br />

does in classical Greek) but apprehension and a sense of helplessness. For<br />

the form of words KOU ydp TE AITCCI skn see West, Works and Days 142; it is<br />

characteristic of admonitory literature.<br />

505 "Am, aOevapf) xe KOCI apThros: cf. 19.9iff. upeapa Aios 6uydnr|p 7\TT|,<br />

f\ TTOCVTOCS daTai, I ouAoueVn,. Trj uev 0' dcTraAoi Tr65es* ou ydp ITT' ou8ei |<br />

TTiAvocrai, dAA' dpa fj ye KOCT' dv8pcov KpdocTa |3aiv6i | pAdrrToua' dvOpcoTrous.<br />

"Am, is swift and strong because her victims are reckless. — OUVEKCC 'means<br />

"this I conclude from the fact that"', so H. Frankel, Early Greek Poetry and<br />

Philosophy, transl. M. Hadas and J. Willis (Oxford 1975) 65, a hint that<br />

Phoinix himself should be understood as the author of this piece of allegorical<br />

theology.<br />

511 The AiTod have something in common with the Hesiodic Alien (Erga<br />

256-62). When Alien, is oppressed she complains to Zeus for vindication.<br />

Zeus is said to cause dm, generally at 19.270 and in specific instances (all<br />

false attributions) at 2.111, 8.237. 9- l &> an d 19-87; other gods mentioned<br />

are Moira and Erinus (19.87); Erinus alone (Od. 15.234); Aphrodite (Od.<br />

4.261); Apollo (16.804-5). All these attributions (except the last, which is<br />

made by the poet) are made/wtf eventum, and only when the speaker realizes<br />

that his mistake has led to unwelcome consequences (see n6n.). Phoinix<br />

reverses the thought and makes what is usually said as an explanation of<br />

what has happened into a prediction of what will happen. Since he is<br />

portraying the situation as a rejection of suppliants it is natural - and a<br />

powerful reinforcement of his argument - that he should name Zeus as the<br />

author of dm,.<br />

515 Why ydp? The reason is that implicit in Phoinix' appeal: '

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