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Book Nine<br />

Phoinix to do? R. Carpenter, Folktale, Fiction, and Saga in the Homeric Epics<br />

(Berkeley and Los Angeles 1946) 170-2, recalls a story in Herodotus<br />

(7.197) about the family of Phrixos at Alos in Thessaly, whose eldest son<br />

was forbidden to enter the prytaneum on pain of never leaving except to be<br />

sacrificed, and how many had fled the country in consequence; but again<br />

what would be the point of AICTO-OUEVOI?<br />

466-9 = 23.166 (and ~ Hesiod, Erga 795, fr. 198.11 M-W). For a<br />

briefer version of this list see Od. 9.45-6 ivOoc 8e TTOAAOV uev UE0U TTIVETO,<br />

TTOAAOC 8E ufjAa | loxpa^ov Trapd OTva KCCI 6iAiTro8as EAIKCCS |3O0S. — EAIKOCS |3O0S:<br />

'crumpled kine', with or without 'swinging feet' is the regular formula (6x<br />

//., 8x Od. with variants). Some ancient commentators (see the evidence<br />

cited by Pfeiffer to Callimachus fr. 299 (= fr. 116 Hollis) suggested IAi£ =<br />

'black', mainly to make sense of eAiKcovy, -COTTIS. 'Black' commended itself to<br />

Hellenistic poets, see A. S. F. Gow on Theocritus, Id. 25.127, and was<br />

accepted by Page (HHI 244-5) w i tn reference to the epithet eAiKCOTres.<br />

HyHerm 192 (poas) Kep&ecjcriv EAIKT&S doubtless paraphrases the sense as it<br />

was understood in the Late Archaic period. elAiTroSas stands in contrast to<br />

&6pcrnTo8es of horses (18.532).<br />

467 0OCAE0OVTES &Aoi

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