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Book Nine<br />

grandson, cf 488 and Od. 16.443 (youvoccriv olaiv 696crad|i£vos). The v.l.<br />

youvacr' euoicnv is an obvious facilior lectio.<br />

457 'Zeus under the earth' apparently = Plouton/Hades, a unique designation<br />

in Homer, but cf. Au x^ovico, Hesiod, Erga 465, and for other<br />

references West's note ad loc, and Nilsson, GgrR 1 376. Persephone is joined<br />

with Hades, as expected, in a similar context at 569.<br />

458-61 These verses are absent from the MS tradition, the tradition of<br />

the scholia, and the late first- or early second-century glossary Pack 2 1189,<br />

but are cited by Plutarch, Mor. 26 (and in part at Mor. 72B and Vita<br />

Coriolani 32). They owe their status in the printed vulgate to Wolf. Plutarch<br />

does not state his source for the verses, but alleges that Aristarchus removed<br />

(e^eTAe) them. That seems to have been a rash inference on Plutarch's (or his<br />

source's) part from the absence of the verses from the vulgate. It would not<br />

be surprising, of course, if Aristarchus had been shocked, as Plutarch reports,<br />

at Phoinix' admission that it crossed his mind to murder his father,<br />

cf. 453n.; it is more surprising that he would have dared to set aside the<br />

paradosis and that his excision could have had such a subsequent effect. If<br />

the verses had stood in the early Hellenistic vulgate, Aristarchus would have<br />

athetized them and they would stand so stigmatized in our MSS. See<br />

Boiling, External Evidence 121, Apthorp, MS Evidence 91-9. This is a strong<br />

argument, for the evidence is slight that Aristarchus excised without diplomatic<br />

support. (It is possible that the 'shock' was not that of Aristarchus but<br />

that of earlier and more irresponsible transmitters of the Homeric text, for<br />

which see Janko, vol. iv 28.) The lines, however, are Homeric in style and<br />

language and motivate Phoinix' flight, cf. van der Valk, Researches 11 483,<br />

'Homer has to give a representation in which Phoinix is forced to leave his<br />

country and to take refuge with Peleus. To this end he invents a quarrel<br />

between Phoinix and his father. In ordinary circumstances we might have<br />

expected that Phoinix would have killed his father and fled from home.<br />

Homer, however, is loth to present facts which are very offensive. This<br />

time he has the more reason to be cautious, because Phoinix is Achilles'<br />

preceptor.'<br />

464 6TOCI are usually grouped with Ka ! 6.456<br />

(= 674), Od. 4.3, 15.273. The sense is imprecise; Hoekstra (on Od. 15.273)<br />

suggests that the formulas signify something like cognati et socii (who might<br />

all, of course, be gentiles). Chantraine, Diet, s.v., cites an extensive bibliography;<br />

see also 6.239n. The intentions and motivation of Amuntor's relatives,<br />

whose behaviour towards his property is reminiscent of that of Penelope's<br />

suitors, are unclear, especially if 458-61 are retained, but evidently coercive.<br />

One may perhaps compare the action of the Spartan ephors in blockading<br />

Pausanias in the temple of Athena until he was on the point of death<br />

(Thuc. 1.134), but what then would they be imploring (Aiaaopievoi 465)<br />


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