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Book Nine<br />

may draw death's sting but is not an equivalent for life on any rational<br />

calculation. Only Akhilleus in his splendid isolation from the ties of family<br />

and community can make such a point. Hektor, for example, cannot opt<br />

for safe obscurity (6.441-6, 22.104-30) without incurring obloquy, for the<br />

heroic ethic must insist against reason that honour is indeed an equivalent<br />

for life.<br />

403 = 22.156.<br />

404—5 Adivos o066s ... TluOoT: see Hainsworth, Od. 8.8on. The sole explicit<br />

reference to the oracle at Delphi in Homer is Od. 8.79-82, but the<br />

sacred site itself is of extreme antiquity: see P. Amandry, La Mantique<br />

apollinienne a Delphes (Paris 1950), and 2.519-23^ o066s would seem to<br />

imply the existence of a temple. For the epic's knowledge of holy places in<br />

mainland Greece see 16.234 (Dodona). FfuOcbv (2.519) or ITi/dco {Od. 8.80,<br />

11.581) is the designation of the site both in the epic and the Hymns, save<br />

AsAcpoi at h.Hom. 27.14. — dq>f|Topos puzzled the scholiasts (Arn/A) who are<br />

divided between d-cpr|-, an allusion to the enigmatic speech of the oracle,<br />

and dcpn-, 'let fly'. The fAcocjaroypdcpoi interpreted the word as 'socket'<br />

(orpo9EUs), which Zenodotus accepted and proceeded to read vnou for<br />

(Doiftou in 405 (Arn/A).<br />

406—9 The end-stopped lines and consequent location of the contrasted<br />

words in the first foot, with the easy enjambment of 408-9, make a fine<br />

instance of natural eloquence, cf. vol. v 44.<br />

409 dueivyETCci epKos 666VTCOV recurs in the Odyssey (10.328). The simple<br />

sense 'cross' is restricted to this phrase in the epic. The quaint phrase ipKOS<br />

666VTCOV is well entrenched in the diction (3X //., 7X Od.).<br />

410-16 Akhilleus knows that his life will be short (and this knowledge,<br />

of course, redoubles the force of the heroic imperatives upon him), as is<br />

affirmed at 1.352, 1.417, 1.505, 18.95, ! 8.458, and 21.277; but this is the<br />

only point where Akhilleus is said to have a choice of destinies. (The closest<br />

parallel is that of Eukhenor, 13.663-70, see 13.658-9^) The choice may<br />

have been part of the tradition of Akhilleus' birth but it seems more likely<br />

that it was invented here for its effectiveness as an argument, as Willcock,<br />

HSCP 81 (1977) 48-9 and Commentary ad loc, suggests. There is an inconsistency<br />

with Patroklos' raising the matter at 16.36-7 and Akhilleus' denial<br />

that he had heard of any 6eo7rpo7rir| or message from Thetis (on which see<br />

11.794-803^). The usual point made is that Akhilleus is short-lived, therefore<br />

he has a claim to fame. But it is easy for him (or the poet) to reverse<br />

this argument and imply that renouncing fame even at this late date would<br />

entail long life. The Odyssey makes Akhilleus' ghost imply that he made the<br />

wrong choice - the worst conceivable kind of life, eirdpoupos ecbv 8r|T6ue|i6v<br />

aAAcp, is preferable to the best that Hades can offer (Od. n.488-91). At<br />


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