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Book Nine<br />

lying waste, cf. 2.505). If the line is traditional, as it may well be, the<br />

reference would certainly have been to the two Boeotian cities. Verses 382-<br />

4 are a 'most prosy interpolation' according to Leaf, but that comment is<br />

better applied to the amplified description at 383-4; 382 (= Od. 4.127) is<br />

effective here, Akhilleus saying in effect '... Thebes, and I don't mean<br />

Boeotian Thebes but the infinitely wealthier Thebes in Egypt'. The description<br />

of the Theban armies is indeed rhetorically otiose. Akhilleus is piling<br />

up a crescendo of exaggerations and descriptive digression is out of place;<br />

each 0O6' ei ... or 0O6' ocxcc ... must strike home before his hearers have<br />

recovered from the previous blast. — Why the Greeks called the Egyptian<br />

city Thebes is a mystery, none of the native names bearing any obvious<br />

resemblance (see A. L. Lloyd, Herodotus Book ii 11 (Leiden 1976) 12-13, for<br />

details, more briefly West on Od. 4.125-7). I* ^ s a question whether the city<br />

was ever walled, but the verses need not be supposed to reflect more than<br />

the reports that filtered down to Greek visitors to the Delta. In Od. the<br />

dominant image of Egypt is of its wealth {Od. 3.301, 4.229-30, and - it was<br />

worth raiding - 14.2456°.). Thebes was sacked by the Assyrians in 663 B.C.,<br />

but the implications of that are uncertain, see W. Burkert, WS 89 (1976)<br />

5-21, for the view that the verses reflect the revival of the city under the<br />

Ethiopian dynasty 715-663 B.C. Lorimer, HM 97-8, maintains the view<br />

that the verses preserve a memory of the glories of the New Kingdom.<br />

383 av 9 £K&

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