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Book Nine<br />

is unknown. It could have figured in the Cypria in the first year of the war,<br />

before Achaeans and Trojans had taken each other's measure.<br />

356-63 Akhilleus' announcement of his departure is a threat (and so<br />

described at 682). It should be taken as a hyperbolical sign of the speaker's<br />

fury, like his baffled attempt to name his price at 379-85. The threat<br />

is quickly modified in response to Phoinix at 618-19, and further modified<br />

in reply to Aias at 650-3. Akhilleus had climaxed his quarrel with<br />

Agamemnon with the same threat (1.169).<br />

356 Why, if the paradosis can be relied on, should the poet sing £8EAOV<br />

TTOAEUI^EIV "EKTopi 8icp at 7.169 and £0EACO TTOAEUI^EUEV "EKTopi 6ico here (as<br />

read by many MSS)? Probably TTOAEUI^EUEVOCI at 337 induced TTOAEUI££UEV,<br />

or preserved it. w EK*ropi 8ico: bT (on 9.651) suggest the epithet was used to<br />

annoy the emissaries. That is unlikely; the formula occurs 26x in the<br />

accusative and 12 x in the dative.<br />

357-9 The participles (b^ocs and vr\r\oa.s, 'heap with', are in anacoluthon<br />

with ovyeai (TTAeuaouai or eTui would be expected); a dash at the end of 358<br />

would be the better punctuation. The broken syntax is consonant with the<br />

hyperbole of Akhilleus' language. Verse 359 = 4.353, however, where the<br />

context is quite different and the syntax in order.<br />

360 The expression 'EAAfjcJTTOVTov ITT' !x^ u ° HVTa 1S obviously derived<br />

from the regular TTOVTOV ETT' IXOUOEVTCC, see 94n. Formular usage is indifferent<br />

to the punning effect of such recombinations.<br />

363—4 'quern KE TpiT&Tco: the distance is about 220 miles. For other<br />

navigational data for the Homeric Aegean see Od. 3.168-83. — §V0&8E<br />

Eppcov is formular, cf. 8.239 and n.<br />

365 ycxhKbv IpuOpov (only here), whether specifically bronze or copper,<br />

evidently denotes the unworked material. The metrical duplicate vcbpoira<br />

XOCAKOV refers to bronze armour.<br />

366 = 23.261, there with reference to the prizes that Akhilleus put up for<br />

the games of Patroklos. That Briseis turns out to be such a small proportion<br />

of Akhilleus' spoils of war underlines the fact that for him she is not a<br />

valuable property but a symbol of his honour. The verse is unbalanced in<br />

rhythm and not a true threefolder. Words of the metrics of ywaiKas (u — u)<br />

are as handy at the verse-end as they are awkward in the rest of the verse,<br />

unless a trochee (r\bi or the like) can be contrived to precede. !0£covos and<br />

its virtual synonym |3a6u£covos (see 594n.) are loosely formular in the Iliad<br />

with yvvf|, semantically related words, and feminine personal names: 1

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