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Book Nine<br />

when it has been soiled. At 343 he uses the past tense, cpiAeov, of his feelings<br />

towards Briseis. Here as elsewhere Akhilleus is obsessed with his own humiliation.<br />

— The expression (y specs) EIAET', zyz\ 8' aAoxov is clearly a variant<br />

of the formula lAcov yap lysx yepas (3X ). Nevertheless Leaf and some early<br />

commentators punctuated with a stop after EIAET' and a comma after<br />

0i/|iccpea. The sentence then translates 'He [Agamemnon] has an aAoxos of<br />

his own, let him be content with her.' But who then is the aAoxos? Briseis<br />

apart, Agamemnon has no named concubine in the camp at this moment,<br />

and to tell him to take his pleasure with Klutaimestra hundreds of miles<br />

away in Mycenae is too rhetorical to make an effective point. Allen's<br />

punctuation in the OCT, which is also that of Ameis-Hentze and Mazon<br />

and implied by the scholia (bT), is preferable. — The long -a- of Ouuapea,<br />

beside Q\j\xf\pss, Od. 10.362, is unexplained.<br />

337-8 Akhilleus is asking 'Why are we here?' The implicit answer, for<br />

the sake of the argument, is that they are there to uphold the rights of<br />

Menelaos. He then sharpens the point and asks 'Why is Agamemnon here?',<br />

so as to bring out the falsity of Agamenon's position. — Impersonal 5eT,<br />

'there is need', does not express moral obligation in archaic literature<br />

(where xpil * s used). The word occurs only here in the Iliad and not at all<br />

in the Odyssey or in Hesiod, but in a passage whose thought is untraditional<br />

that is no cause for surprise. Uncontracted -ee- from -epe- is usually maintained<br />

in the epic but has crept into the Iliad at 5.464 (uieis), 11.708<br />

(TTOAETS), 11.611 (epeTo, if the reading is correct), and perhaps 9.612 (ovyxsi,<br />

for which ovyxee could be read); -el- < -epei is attested only here and Od.<br />

9.227, 9.470 (hnTrAsTv).<br />

339-41 The singular 'ATp8i5r|S in 339 must be Agamemnon in this context.<br />

Agamemnon gathered the host, but it was Menelaos who loved his<br />

wife, hence 'ATpei8ai, plural, at 341. Akhilleus' argument would be even<br />

more effective if Agamemnon had been at Troy to recover his wife. But<br />

Agamemnon can have no complaint; he had identified his own honour with<br />

success at Troy, 2.114-15 = 9.21-2.<br />

340 uspomov dcvOpcomov: the sense of uepovy is unknown, see 1.25on. The<br />

formula, however, is not totally ossified, being declined into the nominative<br />

(18.288) and modified to provide the dat. plur. uepOTTEacn ppOTOicnv<br />

(2.285).<br />

341 Akhilleus attempts a 'persuasive definition', viz. to extend the application<br />

of ix£9pcov into that of ayccOos so as to bring sexual relations within<br />

the province of heroic ocpETf). But the underlying point is that Agamemnon<br />

has indulged his lust at another man's expense. The poet saw no conflict<br />

between Akhilleus' love for Briseis and his sleeping with Diomede this same<br />

night, see 664-5. Persuasive definitions are more frequent in the Odyssey<br />

where the heroic arrogance of the Suitors collides with the ethos of the<br />


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