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Book Nine<br />

(NrjAeus) ... | E£EAET' dauETa iroAAd. xd 6' dAA* Is 6*niiov I8COKE | SarrpEUEiv,<br />

and at Od. 14.232-3, TCOV E^ocipEuurjV UEVOEIKECC, TTOAACX 5' o-maaco |<br />

Adyxocvov. The latter practices would fit Agamemnon's alleged behaviour<br />

here, yet at 1.368 it is expressly stated that the UTES 'AXOUGOV assigned<br />

Khruseis to him, cf. Od. 7.10, where the Phaeacians assigned Eurumedousa<br />

to their king Alkinoos, and Od. 9.160, 9.550, where his companions assigned<br />

special prizes to Odysseus.<br />

334 &pio"Tf)EC7(Ti ... KCCI pao-iAsC/cri: Homeric designations of rank are not<br />

precise and technical but express a vague contrast between 'leaders' with<br />

their OEpdirovTES and the rest. Akhilleus means men like himself, and completes<br />

the verse with a virtually synonymous word.<br />

335-43 Akhilleus throws out a series of emphatic assertions and rhetorical<br />

questions that together make up a telling argument. 'Agamemnon has<br />

carried off my wife. But when Paris carried off Menelaos' wife he raised an<br />

army to recover her. He and his brother are not the only men to love their<br />

wives; I loved Briseis.' The train of thought is obscured partly by the<br />

staccato style in which Akhilleus gives vent to his anger, and partly by the<br />

intrusion of other thoughts into the argument: his present feelings towards<br />

Briseis, the reason why he is at Troy, and the idea of sexual continence.<br />

Akhilleus is saying, coherently but with some heat, that Agamemnon cannot<br />

have it both ways, or, as it is spelled out by AbT: Agamemnon was either<br />

wrong or silly; if seizing a woman was a trivial matter, he was silly to make<br />

war for Helen; if it was serious, he was wrong to seize Briseis (TTPCCKTIKOS 6<br />

Aoyos, 6EIKVUS TOV 'AyauEuvova f^ dauvETov f\ d6iKov. E! UEV ydp uiKpov<br />

fjyEiTai TO dSiicnO'nvai TTEpl yuvaiKa, TTOAEUETV OUK E6EI TTEpi<br />

dauvETos ouv EOTI TTEpi uiKpds aiTias TTOAEUEIV. EI 6E ypiksirov Kai UEya,<br />

dtTEp TTOcOcbv UTT' dAAocpuAcov dyavaKTEi, TOCC/TOC EIS TOUS quAous TTOICOV OUK<br />

d8iK£lv vojiiEi;)<br />

336 dAoxov OuiaapEoc is formular (Od. 232, [Hesiod] fr. 43a.2O M-W),<br />

but sounds a suitably pathetic (or self-pitying) note. As a description of<br />

Briseis dAoxos surprises, since the term normally denotes a wife (Koupi6ios<br />

is its regular epithet) and is contrasted with 6ouAr|, 'concubine', at 3.409.<br />

Unfortunately, the argumentative point of dAoxos, to equate the emotional<br />

commitment of Akhilleus to that of Menelaos, is only too clear, cf. 343<br />

and n. Never up to this point, nor afterwards, does anyone suggest that<br />

Agamemnon had wounded Akhilleus in his family honour. Adultery was<br />

beyond compensation - Penelope's suitors died for less. The specific term<br />

for a woman in Briseis' position is probably 5ouAr| (see. Od. 4.12 for<br />

Menelaos' son EK 6ouAr|s), but in spite of her significance in the story the<br />

status of this unhappy woman is undefined; she is never called a 8ucof|.<br />

The Iliad also knows the term TraAAoKis (9.449, 9.452). — TTJ Trapiaucov |<br />

TEpTTEaOco is psychologically effective: what Akhilleus had loved he spurns<br />


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