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Book Nine<br />

Odysseus to say 'Akhilleus, you have welcomed us in regal fashion ...'<br />

therefore understand 'we' or 'people' as subject and emBeueTs (nom. pi.) as<br />

complement (so e.g. Ameis - Hentze). Some even proposed to read fjuev in<br />

226 (Did/A). Not surprisingly, since antiquity this has been thought harshly<br />

obscure. Lattimore's 'you' is presumably a slip. eTTiSeur), Aristarchus (Did,<br />

Arn/A), and emSeuris of some MSS would indeed refer to Akhilleus; but<br />

could Odysseus begin by reminding his host of his relations with his enemy?<br />

The expression depends in some way on the formulas o056 TI OUUOS ESEUETO<br />

8aiTos etoris (5x //., 2 x Od.) and ou... pcouos ESEUETO 5CCIT6S staris (24.69).<br />

228 8aivucrO(ai) is epexegetic infinitive, 'for us to dine on'. — hrripaTOu:<br />

eirfipocTa Bentley, in order to save the p- of epyoc. epyov has a persistent p-,<br />

but its persistence is most evident inside formular word-groups (T&8E ipya,<br />

Aoiyia spya, TroA8uf)'ia epya, etc.); these account for about 65 occurrences<br />

within the verse in the Iliad. There are 12 cases of neglected p- and 14<br />

of observed p- where the metrics are not protected by formular usage;<br />

ETrnp&Tou may therefore stand.<br />

230-1 These verses state the divisio of Odysseus' speech - 'the issue is<br />

your fighting or our destruction'. Like many other such statements it is<br />

careful to suppress the third option, 'to return home'. Akhilleus pointedly<br />

advocates just that (417ff.). — cracbcreuEv (also at 19.401 and with -uevca at<br />

13.96) must be aorist, the so-called 'mixed aorist' or sigmatic aorist with<br />

thematic endings. cnroAea-Oai | vfjas: the possibility that Hektor might reach<br />

(and burn) the ships is first mentioned at 8.182 and forms the goal towards<br />

which the narrative wends its way until the firing of the ship of Protesilaos<br />

at i6.ii2ff. Meanwhile reaching, saving, taking, or (the ultimate horror)<br />

burning the ships is mentioned 35 times, running as a leitmotif through the<br />

account of the Great Battle, see 241-2n.<br />

233 = 6.111, where it is vocative. TpcoES UTTEpOuaoi: the Trojans have<br />

certainly got their tails up, as happens usually to be the case where this<br />

epithet is used (see 17.276^), but the epithet, combined as it is 3x (or 2X ,<br />

see 11.56411.) with TTJAEKAEITOI T' emKOUpoi, where the second epithet must<br />

be understood generically, cannot certainly be taken as a contextually<br />

significant reference. — The epithets for the Trojans are examined by<br />

J. Pinsent in Foxhall and Davies, Trojan War 141-62. Some they share with<br />

the Achaeans (ocixuT|Tai, ueyaOuuoi, cpiAoTTToAeuoi); those special to the<br />

Trojans (dyfjvopES, Oppiorcd, U7T£pr|vop£ovTES3 UTrepOuuoi, CnrepcpiaAoi),<br />

which may be shared with individual Achaeans, present them as highspirited<br />

to excess.<br />

231 The metaphor 6u

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