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Book Nine<br />

206-21 The theme of the entertainment of guests takes over the narrative<br />

and requires Odysseus and his companions to eat, although they have<br />

already enjoyed a uevoeiKEa Sccnra in Agamemnon's hut (90-1) before<br />

setting out. Aristarchus was embarrassed at this supposed hint of heroic<br />

gluttony and thought of changing e£ epov IVTO (222) to dy e-rrdaavTO,<br />

on which Didymus commented aXK oucos UTTO 7T£piTTf)s euAa|36ias OU5EV<br />

U6T66r)K6v (Did/A). As Leaf observes, this does not show Aristarchus at<br />

his best. The present passage is the most elaborate description of a nonsacrificial<br />

meal in Homer, cf. 24.621-7 (Akhilleus' entertainment of<br />

Priam). Such retardation at a crucial moment is in the epic manner; further<br />

by incorporating such details as the personal attentions of Akhilleus the poet<br />

creates an atmosphere of amity that is soon to be cruelly betrayed. Aias<br />

makes this very point (640-2), that the claims of 91A10C, renewed by this<br />

shared meal, have been ignored. As usual the meal scene is not expanded<br />

by the ornamentation of one of its components (as arming scenes are) but<br />

by piling up one element on another. Whole-verse sentences express each<br />

step, but not many of the elements of this exceptional scene are demonstrably<br />

formular (210 from KOCI duq>' = 1.465, etc., 212 to 6Kdr| = 1.464, etc.,<br />

with m)p for |xnp', 216-17 = 24.625-6, with Automedon for Patroklos, 221<br />

= 9.991, etc.). The standard scene (Arend, Scenen 68-70) is cast in the 3rd<br />

person plural, not in the singular as here, and is much more formalized in<br />

the Odyssey (six examples). — One result of the elaboration of the scene<br />

is the appearance of several hapax legomena: dvOpocKir), 'embers', lAeov,<br />

'side-table', OvnAai, 'parts burnt as sacrifice', KpcrrEUTCci, 'fire-dogs', Kpelov,<br />

'carving dish'.<br />

206 sv m/pos ocuyfj is formular (2X Od.). The fire is as much for light as<br />

for heat, cf. Od. 19.64 of the fire in Odysseus' megaron, 90GOS euev "H^e OepeaOai.<br />

207-8 The VCOTOV and the pdxiS are the best cuts of the Homeric butcher,<br />

cf. 7.321 and n., Od. 4.65, 8.475, I 4437- At 217 (= 24.626, Akhilleus'<br />

entertainment of Priam) the hero must be understood to carve off a portion<br />

for each of his guests, as Odysseus did (VCOTOU dTTOTrpoTaucbv) for the<br />

singer Demodokos (Od. 8.475). — TeOaAuiav dAouprj is by 'declension' of<br />

OaAsOovTes dAouprj (2X), and well illustrates the equivalence of the perfective<br />

aspect of the verb and the -8- formant, cf. Chantraine, GHi, 326-7.<br />

Te8aAuTocv dAoupfiv Od. 13.410 is another variant.<br />

209 For Automedon see 16.145-8. He is third in the hierarchy of the<br />

Myrmidons and serves as Akhilleus' charioteer.<br />

212 The verse is clearly derived from the whole-verse formula aCrrdp ITTEI<br />

Korrd lif^p' 6Kar| KCC! orrAdyxva irdaavTo (1.464, 2.427). The v.ll., euapfivcrro,<br />

TraOaccTO 6e 9A6£ and m/pos dvOos, dTTETrraTO 6e 9A6£, are probably inspired<br />

by the slight awkwardness of KonraKaiouai with irup (not the burned<br />

object) as subject, a construction that is more readily understood than

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