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Book Nine<br />

JHS 101 (1981) 113-29, makes suggestions about the tuning and use in<br />

singing the hexameter verse. Like most of Akhilleus' property in the poem<br />

the lyre was loot, from Thebe like the horse Pedasos (16.152-4), cf. the<br />

prizes offered at the Funeral Games of Patroklos. Penelope's suitors played<br />

draughts (TTECTCTOI, Od. 1.107), and Athenian vase-painters depict Akhilleus<br />

and Aias thus amusing themselves; but the Iliadic Akhilleus is heroic and<br />

solitary even in his recreation. — The £uyov is the crossbar joining the two<br />

horns of the lyre, to which the pegs or other fittings that carried the strings<br />

were attached, cf. Od. 21.406-8.<br />

189 The poet allows us to assume that Akhilleus' emotional turmoil,<br />

which was expressed by his retirement to the seashore vocrqn AiocoOeis<br />

(1.349), has given way to tedium. He is singing to the lyre - but not just any<br />

song: Akhilleus the hero sings of the heroic deeds that he is no longer<br />

allowing himself to perform. — KAEOC dv8pcov, cf. 524, Od. 8.73 (and epy'<br />

&v8pcbv TE OECOV T6 Od. 1.338), Hesiod, Theog. 100, is the Homeric expression<br />

for what is now called heroic poetry. As with many modern forms of the<br />

genre it was literally sung (deiSeiv) accompanied by the singer on a stringed<br />

instrument. Akhilleus will be sitting, like Patroklos and like the archaic<br />

figurine illustrated at Arch. Horn, u plate ia. An amateur singer, however,<br />

who is also a member of the patron class is not readily paralleled (see<br />

Introduction 37). KAEOC + hiatus may represent KAEE(OC), but KAEOC was read<br />

e.g. by Apollonius 1.1 (KAEOC 9COTC0V); for the hyphaeresis cf. vnAECC, OEOUSEOC<br />

and Chantraine, GH\ 74. Crespo prefers KAEOC, (< KAEICC by metathesis) with<br />

correption before &v8pcov, see Prosodia 46-8 with bibliography. KAEIOC is<br />

extant at Hesiod, Theog. 100.<br />

190 oTos: the poet envisages the famous pair of heroes sitting alone<br />

together. Later (209), when it suits him, he adds Automedon and (658)<br />

ETapoi and 8ucpai.<br />

191 SsyuEVOS ... OTTOTE AT|£EIEV: 5EyuEVOS is clearly here a present participle,<br />

as the traditional accentuation suggests. For the formation, an athematic<br />

present conjugation, see I2.i47n. Patroklos is simply listening to<br />

Akhilleus, perhaps with the implication that he would take up the song at<br />

the point where Akhilleus left off. There are many ways of performing<br />

heroic song, including the employment of two singers, but the only one<br />

described in Homer is that of the solo singer, Od. i.325ff., 8.62ff., 8.499ff.,<br />

17.5i8fF. (The Muses, duEipouEvoa OTTI KOCATJ (1.604, Od. 24.60), are, of<br />

course, a choir.) Solo singing is tiring and the singer pauses from time to<br />

time, cf. Od. 8.87 fj TOI OTE ATJ^EIEV &EI8COV OETOS doi86s, and A. B. Lord,<br />

TAPA6y (1936) 106-13.<br />

192 The ambassadors enter (this is not stated but is implied by UTTECxen<br />

liEAdOpco at 204) unceremoniously, like Priam at 24.477, DUt w ^ tn l ess<br />

excuse. If they had been paying a formal visit to a proper house they<br />


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