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Book Nine<br />

this does not seem very persuasive as the climax to a list of crudely material<br />

inducements. Modern lexica accordingly take Ospuores as 'dues' (after Arn/<br />

A, 9Opoi) and Anrap&s as 'rich', but quote no parallel after Homer for this<br />

use of OEUICTTSS: an expression on the enigmatic Cnossos tablet As 821 e-ne-ka<br />

ti-mi'to has been interpreted as = EVEKOC deuioros. Shipp, Studies 267, compares<br />

Eng. 'customs', originally 'customary service due by feudal tenants to<br />

their lord' (OED). A feudal due would be a special sort of royal ordinance.<br />

157-61 Odysseus reports only the first of these revealing verses, but that<br />

is damning enough. uHTCcAAf^ocvTi xoAoio implies a condition: Akhilleus will<br />

get his presents if and when he fights. In other words Agamemnon's newfound<br />

love is strictly of the cupboard variety (a lif^Tis, as Akhilleus says,<br />

423), and implies no change of heart. Any suspicion that his offers mean<br />

otherwise is removed by the following verses. At 16.72-3 Akhilleus will say<br />

he would have routed the Trojans e! |ioi Kpeicov 'Ayaueiavcov | f^ma Ei8err|.<br />

158 8|iT|0T|Tco: Zenodotus and Aristophanes read KOC|J96T|TGO (Did/AT),<br />

to avoid the repetition 5|jr|0f|Tco ... &8d|jaoTos. On the contrary &8&|iaoTos<br />

confirms 8ur|6f|TCO. Kd|i7rro|jiai is classical in the sense 'submit' (e.g. Plato,<br />

Prot. 320 B), which is not otherwise attested in Homer: for 8a|ivao0ai in that<br />

sense see e.g. 3.183. An alternative form of this verse, or a plus-verse 159a, is<br />

reported by Didymus (Did/AT), OUVEK' ETTEI K6 Aa(3r|EpTepos EOTIV, ITTSI TrAEovecrcnv dv&aasi (which Thucydides took at<br />

face value, 1.9), cf. also Od. 15.533-6 where the family of Odysseus is<br />

paaiAeCrrepov because its members are KapTepoi; but it would be natural<br />

to take (3a

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