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Book Nine<br />

145 Homer does not mention an Iphigeneia or an Electra among the<br />

daughters of Agamemnon. It is likely enough that Iphianassa and Iphigeneia<br />

are variants of the same name, but the discrepancies from the later canonical<br />

version of Agamemnon's family soon began to trouble genealogists: the<br />

Cypria (fr. 15) made two persons out of Iphianassa-Iphigeneia and gave<br />

Agamemnon four daughters; [Hesiod] fr. 23a M-W mentions only two<br />

daughters, Iphimede and Electra; the lyric poet Xanthus (a predecessor of<br />

Stesichorus) made Electra a soubriquet of Laodike (because she was long<br />

unwed) according to Aelian, Var. Hist. 4.26. The Homeric names probably<br />

reflect an eastern or Ionian, as opposed to a western or mainland, tradition,<br />

cf. 1 i.i5n.: the historical Agamemnon, king of Cyme, named his daughter<br />

Demodike (Arist. fr. 611 Rose), an evident reminiscence of the epic<br />

Laodike. Neither here nor elsewhere does Homer so much as hint at the<br />

dreadful events at Aulis before the war, though it does not follow that he<br />

was unaware of the legend.<br />

146-8 Agamemnon remits the brideprice (avdsSvov) and will throw in<br />

what is in effect, if not in name, a dowry. This seems to be a conflation<br />

of both I6va systems. (On i8va as brideprice, dowry, and indirect dowry<br />

see the account of A. M. Snodgrass, JHS 74 (1974) 114-25.) (jeiAia are<br />

properly 'soothing things', 'propitiatory gifts', like those listed at i22ff.,<br />

but Agamemnon has now passed on from the subject of recompense to that<br />

of honour. — cpiAriv: 'as his dear one', sc. wife. There is no close parallel; at<br />

Od. 15.22, Koupi6ioio 91A010, Koupi5ios is taken to be the noun. A possessive<br />

use, which here would have to be stronger than that sometimes attributed<br />

to 91A0S in such formulas as

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