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Book Nine<br />

he had slept with Briseis he would only have been acting normally (and so<br />

irreproachably). It is part of his consistent characterization as paaiAEUTcnros<br />

that he cannot admit any degree of culpability beyond that implied by<br />

daad|ir|v (116). This compares most unfavourably with the candour of<br />

Akhilleus, see 19.56-73 and nn.<br />

133 TTJS euvns: TT\% is not the article but a demonstrative 'her' in reference<br />

to KoOpri Bpiorjos in 132. euvf\s 67Tipf)|i6vai: this euphemism occurs only here<br />

in the Iliad and in the repeated verse 275, but 5X in the Circe episode in<br />

the Odyssey. The doublet Euvfjs 6*rn(3f|usvai f|6e uiyfjvca follows a common<br />

pattern 'verb/noun + at verse-end f)56 (f|6') + quasi-synonymous verb/<br />

noun': there is a negative version of the pattern with 0O88 (ou8') for f)5e.<br />

134 The rhythm, with a strong syntactical break at the end of the<br />

third foot, is very rare, cf. 5.580, n. 154, Od. 3.34, 5.234, 11.260, 11.266.<br />

For the relation of 134 and 276 see 264-99^.<br />

138-9 EiasAOcov: i.e. having taken part in the sharing out. OCUTOS: by<br />

virtue of the commander's privilege, cf. 11.703-4, as opposed to allocation<br />

by the Aocos.<br />

140 We do not need to be told why Helen was unavailable, but a<br />

plus-verse, 140a, TT)V ydp dor' CCOTIS iycb 5coaco £av0co MeveAdco, is reported<br />

by Aristonicus (Arn/A), an addition which he rightly characterizes as sur|6ss<br />

TTOCVU.<br />

141 oOOap dcpoupris: also at HyDem 450, a traditional metaphor for<br />

fertility.<br />

142 Orestes is mentioned 6 times in the Odyssey, where the 'Atreidaiparadigm'<br />

is an important motif: see West, Od. vol. 1 16-17. This is the sole<br />

mention of Agamemnon's son in the Iliad. Like other important figures in<br />

the saga of Troy and its aftermath he is assumed to be familiar to the poet's<br />

audience and so to require no introduction.<br />

143 TT|Auy6TOs: 'late-born' i.e. 'cherished' is the conventional rendering,<br />

see 3.174-511. and HyDem 164-5 where the word seems to be glossed as<br />

dvyiyovos, TroAueuxETOS, and dorrdaios, used especially of an only child (or<br />

only son, as here), cf. the formula |iouvov TTjAuysTOV (482 and Od. 16.19.<br />

The etymologies cited or implied by bT, Eust., and Hsch., which connect<br />

the first element with TT^AE and the second with the root of yiyvouoci and<br />

may go back to the fifth century (cf. Eur. /T829), do violence to the root<br />

of the verb (gen(e), gne), see Chantraine, Diet. s. v. and 3.174-5^, see also<br />

9.482^<br />

144 =286: evi ueydpco eOTrfjKTCp, only in this repeated passage and at<br />

2.661, is known also to HyDem (164) but not to the Odyssey, uiyapov means<br />

'a room' (usually a public or principal room but not apparently at Od.<br />

11.374 and 18.198) and by extension, like 'hall', 'a house.' Its appropriation<br />

to the pillared halls of Late Helladic palatial complexes is a convenience<br />

of Mycenaean archaeology, on which see M. O. Knox, CQ,23 (1973) 1-21.<br />


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