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Book Nine<br />

Homerus (Assen 1951) 74-84, has a list of of similar expressions. Uncontracted<br />

de6Ao9opos occurs at 22.22 and 22.162. The prizes are doubtless<br />

those offered at funeral games, like those of Patroklos or Akhilleus himself<br />

(Od. 24.87-92), cf. 22.164 asOAc^opoi irspi Tspuorra lacovuxes ITTTTOI | jbiiupa<br />

udAa Tpcoxcoai. TO 8e neya KEITOI deOAov, | f| Tpiiros f)£ yuvf|, dv6pos KCCTCC-<br />

TsOvncoTos. There is no allusion in Homer to racing for prizes as a mere sport.<br />

125 dXfjios is strictly 'without booty' (Ion. Ar|Tr|); its association with<br />

dKTfjucov is quasi-formular, cf. 406-7, 5.613. TTOAUATJIOS (f|8' eOAeiucov) at<br />

[Hesiod] fr. 240.1 M-W, as if < Afj'iov, 'crop', is a misunderstanding.<br />

128*9 The operations of Akhilleus extended over Lesbos (129 = 271,<br />

664), Skuros (668), Tenedos (11.625), Lurnessos (2.690, 19.60, 20.92,<br />

20.191), Pedasos (20.92), and Thebe (1.366, 2.691). Skuros was held by the<br />

Dolopes in historical times, the rest lay in the Aeolic area (though within<br />

reasonable reach of a force based near Troy). For speculations based on the<br />

tradition of these raids see Bethe, Homer: Dichtung undSage m (Leipzig 1927)<br />

66-75. — I n I2 8 Zenodotus read duuuovas (clearly wrong before ipyoc),<br />

misled or encouraged by 23.263 yuvaiKa ... duuuova spy a !5uTav, about<br />

whose construction Arn/A were in despair. — sAev OCUTOS: cf. 329-33. All<br />

the booty in the Achaean camp seems to have been captured by Akhilleus,<br />

who is therefore now to be compensated with his own spoils.<br />

130 Zenodotus (Arn/A to 638) wished to include Briseis among the<br />

seven women and read ££ eA6|jr|V. The prefix e£- was a dangerous temptation<br />

to ingenious exegesis, cf. 12.295.<br />

132 Koupf) Bpiorjos (2X, since 274 is a mere repetition of this verse)<br />

interprets Bpior|is, her usual designation (iox) as a patronymic parallel<br />

to Xpuar|is. Of this Briseus nothing was known or invented. 'Briseis' is<br />

little more than a label; she may once have been 'the woman of Brisa' (a<br />

place in Lesbos), though the Iliad associates her with Lurnessos, see 343<br />

n., and the Cypria with Pedasos (fr. 21 Davies = Schol. T to 16.57). There<br />

were also nymphs called ppiacci in Keos and a Thracian tribe Brisae, see RE<br />

s.vv.<br />

133-4 = 19.176—7 which show the same variation in the second verse<br />

as appears at 276 below. Kirk (on 2.73-5) suggests that the custom (OEUIS)<br />

probably refers to the taking of an oath in these circumstances; but that<br />

would make the verses put dvSpes and yuvcciKES (unless that expression<br />

is merely a polar expansion of dvOpcoTroi) on the same footing as legal<br />

personae, an unlikely eventuality, nor is there anywhere any implication<br />

that Briseis is expected to support Agamemnon's asseverations with her own<br />

oath; when Agamemnon takes the oath at 19.2576°. she is not even present.<br />

The 'way of men and women' therefore must be a gloss on the euphemisms<br />

suvqs 67n|3f|uevai and uiyfjvou, cf. Hebr. 'a man to come in unto us after the<br />

manner of all the earth' (Gen. 19.31). Agamemnon affirms in effect that if<br />


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