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Book Nine<br />

spite of its adumbration at 7off.) in two and a half formular verses: with<br />

90 cf. Od. 5.267 ev ... TiOei |i£V0£iK6a TToAAd; 91 = 221 = 24.627 (and 11 x<br />

Od.); 92 = 1.469 etc. 7X (and 14X Od.). The retardation that is so effective<br />

at 199-222, the meal in Akhilleus' hut, would be out of place here, but the<br />

meal cannot be overlooked because the sequence of themes surrounding the<br />

council requires it: see Edwards, TAP A 105 (1975) 51-72. These three<br />

verses correspond to the fine scene of sacrifice and feast at 2.402—31 (see<br />

nn.). The mention must be brief lest the narrative should give an impression<br />

of complacency instead of urgency, but mention there must be. The meal is<br />

a matter of protocol and heavy with social symbolism (but see 12.310-<br />

2 in.). Oidipous cursed his sons in the Thebais (fr. 3 Davies) because they<br />

did not give him the honourable cut of meat: see Griffin, HLD 14-15.<br />

92-9 A run of verses (92-5 = 7.323-6) introduces Nestor's important<br />

proposals. It is Nestor's habit to hold forth after dinner, cf. 2.432ff., 7-323ff.,<br />

though not always so appositely as here. Verse 94 ( = 7.325) is a formular<br />

hint at Nestor's primary role as man of sense and moderation. In keeping<br />

with this characterization Nestor is made to use at 96 the complimentary<br />

whole-verse formula of address. Contrast the bare 'ATpei8r| (32) used by<br />

Diomedes in his sharp response to Agamemnon and Nestor's own Tu8eT8r|<br />

(53) in words of mild reproof. Nestor continues his compliments - ev CTO! \xkv<br />

Af)£co, aeo 6' dp^ouai is the language in which the singers of hymns apostrophized<br />

a god - but in order to remind Agamemnon that kingship has its<br />

duties, in this case to excel in pouAf).<br />

99 It is Agamemnon's Zeus-given privilege to decide what is Oeuis and<br />

what is not. Nestor tactfully implies that Agamemnon's interpretation of his<br />

rights in book 1 was, so to speak, intra vires, though others might complain<br />

that he 'kept Oeiiis by his side' (cf. [Aesch.] PV 186): ou yap eTxov ypcnTTOus<br />

vouous, dAAd TO TTOCV ?)V ev TOIS Kponroucjiv (bT).<br />

100-6 Trepi: i.e. 'more than the rest of us'. In 101 we may understand<br />

ITTOS from the preceding verse as object of Kprjfjvai (then 6T' dv = 'whenever'),<br />

or read 6 T 1 dv (= 'whatever') and make the clause the object. —<br />

Verse 102: 'Credit will go to you for whatever he proposes' (Fagles). —<br />

Verse 103 = 13.735. — Verse 106 e£eTi: 'ever since the time when', also at<br />

Od. 8.245.<br />

107 e(3r|S KAicrir|6ev diroupocs: 1.391 T-qv ... KAiair|Oev e(3av KTjpuKes dyovTes<br />

suggests that KAioinOev should be taken more closely with epT)s than with<br />

diToupas. — In reporting the events of book 1 the Iliad regularly (here and<br />

at 1.137, 1.185, 1.356, 2.240, 19.89) uses language (OCUTOS) that naturally<br />

implies personal action on Agamemnon's part, not action through agents.<br />

The problem in the other passages lies in the use of auTos (on which see A.<br />

Teffeteller, CQ40 (1990) 16-20); here it lies in the verb e^ris. The participle<br />

icov (1.138, 22.123), like English 'go and do' may express indignation,

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