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Book Nine<br />

Agamemnon (4.412-18) - add his wounding of Ares (5.855-63). Leaf<br />

takes oys at 31 to imply that Diomedes modestly waited for his seniors to<br />

speak first; rather what is implied is his self-confidence in speaking up when<br />

no others dared, cf. 696, and 7.399, 10.219. — The epithet phrase (3of|V<br />

dyaOos is generically applied to Telamonian Aias, Hektor and Polites but<br />

is the regular epithet in the third—fifth foot for Diomedes and Menelaos.<br />

The sense 'with powerful voice', like that of Stentor (see 5.785 and n.)<br />

alludes to the penetrating shout of a commanding officer urging on his men<br />

(OJJIOKAEGO I6X ) or summoning colleagues (e.g. 11.312, 11.461, cf. 12.337,<br />

14.147), see further Griffin, HLD 376°.<br />

31 oys 6E §T[ |iET6EiTT6 is the formular (5X //., 2X Od.) response to<br />

perplexity in disturbing or embarrassing circumstances.<br />

32 TipcoTa is imprecise. Diomedes appears to mean that he will begin<br />

with Agamemnon's foolish proposals (and proceed to the pusillanimity<br />

that the others have displayed by their prolonged silence). Diomedes speaks<br />

to Agamemnon in general terms, but his words are easily referred to the<br />

events of book 1 where Agamemnon, OEUIS ... dyoprj or no, could not<br />

abide the Trocpprjcria of Akhilleus. For Diomedes' sensitivity towards his<br />

lack of senior status cf. 14.111-12 \vt\ TI KOTCO dydar|CT0£ EKOCCTTOS | OUVEKCC 8fj<br />

ySVEI^Cpi VECOTaTOS ElUl [JIEO' U|ilV.<br />

33 Cf. 2.196 Ouuos 6E [iEyas lori SioTpEcpEcov |3acTiAf|Gov. Agamemnon,<br />

being a king, must be presumed to be easily provoked by contradiction,<br />

cf. 1.78, 2.196. The Odyssey (2.230 = 5.8) suggests that a good king should<br />

be TTpO9pcov, dyocvos, and f)7nos, not ydhs-nos; but the fact that the plea was<br />

made tells us something about traditional notions of regal character.<br />

34 dAK-qv |i£v pioi TTpcoTov: the IJLEV is answered by the 6E of TOCC/TOC 6E TrdvTOc<br />

(35), but note the emphatic position and contrast of dAKfjv 8E (39). bT read<br />

TTpcoTOS (dvTi TOO sis KOCI uovos T), which sharpens the point - 'You criticized<br />

me first; don't object if I criticize you now.' Diomedes' allusion is to<br />

Agamemnon's ill-judged censure at 4.3701!. That the brave vassal is a<br />

better protector of society's values than his weak and ungrateful lord is a<br />

potent theme (latent in the Akhilleus story itself) and common in heroic<br />

poetry, see Introduction 46-7. It makes the exchange in book 4 more<br />

natural there and more easily recalled here. Odysseus had suffered similarly<br />

at Agamemnon's hands at 4.339ft 0 . For subsequent reference to what appear<br />

at the time to be relatively unmemorable details cf. Hektor's recollection at<br />

22.99-103 of Pouludamas' advice given at 18.254-83. The poet knows<br />

what he has sung, naturally, even though his thoughts seem normally to be<br />

directed forwards towards his immediate narrative goal.<br />

35 Agamemnon did not in fact call Diomedes d7TT6AE|Jios KOU dvaAKis in<br />

book 4, but it is easy to imagine that he did since the combination of<br />

the two terms (or of KOCKOS and dvaAKis) is evidently a traditional reproach<br />


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