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This story is based on the video game Call of Duty. This will explain the story of the game mode, Nazi zombies. Enjoy<br />

In the beginning of WWII, The Nazis were in power of Germany. They were in control of the Axis party. The Allies were<br />

brought into the world war and were ready to fight. The Nazi party was aware of the current threat, and was not prepared to fight the<br />

Allies, so they turned to a super genius named, Dr. Maxis. They asked him to create a super-human soldier for their fight. He accepted,<br />

expecting to make a soldier that was super strong and not killed easily. Instead, he would create the world’s undoing and fall<br />

to his own creation, the zombie.<br />

He was given a small group of soldiers, ready to be tested on. The group was made up of 21 Nazis, and three prisoners of<br />

war. One was an America marine named Tank Dempsey. He was a blood thirsty killer and was ready to kill anyone who tried to kill<br />

him. A second one was a Japanese soldier that went rouge named Takeo. He was a high ranking officer in the beginning, but then<br />

went to a peaceful state of mind. He was warned many times to go back to a cold hard killer, but never did. He was arrested, and sent<br />

to Dr. Maxis for the testing. The third and final POW was a Russian called Nikoli. He was a regular soldier, who was on a mission to<br />

assassinate a German commander, but was caught and sent to Maxis.<br />

Maxis were not alone for the tests however. He had an assistant whose name is Dr. Rictofen. Rictofen was a germen Nazi<br />

who had served under the Third Rich for a very long time. He was sent over to assist Dr. Maxis and has done a spectacular job. That<br />

is, until the invention of The Wonder-Waff DG2. Dr. Maxis was not only working on the super-soldier, but was also working on a<br />

super weapon called the Wonder-Waff DG2, and teleportation. He had made multiple prototypes. All of which, for all attempts, had<br />

failed. Maxis gave up on the super weapon, and focused only on teleportation, forgetting about the super-soldier. After many many<br />

tries, he gave up. But on the last attempt, he sent his daughters German Sheppard, fluffy, through the teleporter. Never before had a<br />

living creature been sent through the device. After a bright blue flash, the dog had been transformed. It was flaming and growling.<br />

Samantha, Maxis’s daughter, was crying in fear. A guard came up, and shot the dog. Maxis threw away the blueprints for the teleporter,<br />

but soon enough, Rictofen would find them and make it successful.<br />

On the day of the first test with dead corpses, Rictofen stumbled upon the blueprints of the Wonder-Waff DG2 and the teleporter.<br />

He went straight to work, and was able to complete what Maxis was never able to do. Maxis caught wind of this information<br />

and became jealous of Rictofen. He was determined to create the Super-Soldier the Nazis wanted, so he became obsessed with it. So<br />

much that it was to the point of it being unhealthy. In the mean time, Rictofen was testing the teleporter. He was working 24/7 on it<br />

and kept putting inanimate objects through it. The items kept getting burnt to a crisp. The first true working product was an apple. He<br />

placed the apple in the center of the teleporter, and pulled the switch. It created a bright blue flash, and the smoke cleared. The apple<br />

was gone. Rictofen, excited with this success, was ready to try it himself.<br />

Meanwhile, Maxis was working on the super-soldier. He would inject a virus he created into test subjects. After many failed<br />

attempts, he would eject it into himself. It had no effect other than dizziness. He took multiple dead bodies from the morgue and injected<br />

them. After every failed attempt, he would adjust the virus a little bit. One day, it worked.<br />

“Stand up.” Maxis said. The dead body rose up, and turned to him. “grrrrrr.” It groaned. “Stand up!” He yelled, wanting it to<br />

be straight.” “Grrrrrrrrrrrr.” It replied. “Good, now walk, forward.” It began walking backwards. “Over here!” He yelled at it. It<br />

walked towards him. “Good, no-“He was cut off by it beginning to run. “Stop, Sto-“It swung at him. “Kill it!” The guard that was<br />

watching shot it twice. Maxis was very pleased with this. He was able to bring back the dead. “Bring me another.” And the guard ran<br />

to grab another body.<br />

Rictofen was ready to be teleported. He looked at his good friend, his assistant, Dr. Gumbler. The Dr. began to cry, know the<br />

risk. Rictofen looked at another assistant named peter. He gave the thumbs up and put on blacked out goggles. Peter pushed the lever<br />

down, and a bright blue-purple flash appeared. He pushed it back up, and his arm was stuck. He was being electrocuted by the electricity.<br />

He grabbed his pocket knife and cut off his right arm. They tried to remove the severed arm from the switch, but it was<br />

melted to it. Dr. Gumbler prayed for Rictofen to be okay.<br />

Four months later, Dr. Gumbler gave up all hope. He was ready to destroy the teleporter. He went to retrieve the demolition<br />

team. Once the teleporter was surrounded by any and all explosives, except for bouncing Betties, they were ready to destroy it. They<br />

opened the red button to detonate, and right when they were going to press it, a bright blue-purple flash appeared. Dr. Gumby ran up<br />

and kissed the floor in front of Rictofen. He asked where he had been, and Rictofen told of a place called Shangri-La and a place on<br />

the moon with a black pyramid. They knew what must be done.<br />

Maxis was going to show his daughter, Samantha, what he has been doing. He showed her a gun called the Ray Gun and<br />

showed her the zombie he had created. He was leaving the room with here when Rictofen stood in front of them. He told them to get<br />

back into the chamber and help a luger to them. They backed up and the door was locked. Rictofen shot cleanly through a window<br />

that lead into the chamber, and broke the chains that held the zombie. The zombie ate part of Maxis, and then was killed by Rictofen.<br />

He then brought Sam and Maxis to the area on the moon by the use of the teleporter. Sam ran away the second they got there, and<br />

tripped into the black pyramid. The sides closed, and she was trapped in it. She then died, and was resurrected. She was forced to<br />

stay there for eternity, or until someone took her spot. Maxis were dragged to her, and was given a last word to her. “Sam, avenge<br />

me, kill all of them.” And he was shot. Sam, furious with the group members of 935, teleported all dead bodies from the facility back<br />

on earth, to the moon, and created them into evil zombies. The three other POWs that were on Earth, went to the moon through the<br />

teleporter, and were forced to fight for their lives.<br />

They fought off a horde of zombies and then some. Rictofen was sick of fighting, so he transformed himself into matter, and<br />

pushed himself into the pyramid. He killed Sam, and was now in control of the zombies. The three other members were never to be<br />

heard from again.<br />

~ Jacob Robbins

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