Final Draft - Preview Matter - Florida State University

Final Draft - Preview Matter - Florida State University

Final Draft - Preview Matter - Florida State University


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My master happened to have left for Capua to take care of some odds and ends.<br />

Seizing the opportunity, I persuade my guest to come with me to the fifth<br />

milestone. He was a soldier and strong as hell. We got our asses moving at cock<br />

crow; the moon was shining like it was noon. We came to the tombstones, and<br />

my friend began to crap right on the headstones. I sat down, and, singing,<br />

counted the stars. As I looked back at my companion, he stripped off his clothes<br />

and put them all on the side of the road. My heart was in my throat, I stood<br />

frozen like a dead man. He pissed in a circle around his clothes, and immediately<br />

became a wolf! Don’t think I’m kidding; I wouldn’t lie about this for any<br />

amount of fortune. But, as I was saying, after he turned into a wolf, he began to<br />

howl and fled into the woods. 276<br />

Common components of these tales include the symbolic leaving behind of clothing (the<br />

trappings of civilization), the adoption of the form of a wolf (by donning a wolf-skin or by<br />

transformation into the animal), the isolation of the lycanthrope from society during which time<br />

he lives as a wild beast, and an eventual return and reintegration into society. Lycanthropic<br />

episodes from other cultures preserve some of these same elements such as in the Norse Saga of<br />

the Volsungs in which Sigmund and Sfinjotli don mystical wolf-skins and are transformed into<br />

wolves. 277 The transformation into a wolf appears to be one way in which man satisfies, or<br />

perhaps rather pacifies his animal nature.<br />

I would further compare it to Bacchic ritual in which there is a similar abandonment of<br />

civilization and a connection to a wild, ecstatic state. 278 These rituals function to mediate<br />

between nature and culture, an action that is corroborated by Buxton’s statement, “The wolf<br />

stands for one who by his behavior has set himself beyond humanity.” 279 Buxton goes so far as<br />

to suggest that the Arcadian lycanthropes represent a class of young men who underwent a rite of<br />

276 Petron. Sat. 62. Latin Text taken from Petronius Satyricon Seneca Apocolocyntosis, edited by G.P. Goold, Loeb<br />

Classical Library, Cambridge, MA: Harvard <strong>University</strong> Press, 1997, p. 134, 136. (Translation by Author.)Forte<br />

dominus Capuam exierat ad scruta [scita] expedienda. Nactus ego occasionem persuadeo hospitem nostrum, ut<br />

mecum ad quintum miliarium veniat. Erat autem miles, fortis tanquam Orcus. Apoculamus nos circa gallicinia; luna<br />

lucebat tanquam meridie. Venimus inter monimenta: homo meus coepit ad stelas facere; sedeo ego cantabundus et<br />

stelas numero. Deinde ut respexi ad comitem, ille exuit se et omnia vestimenta secundum viam posuit. Mihi anima<br />

in naso esse; stabam tanquam mortuus. At ille circumminxit vestimenta sua, et subito lupus factus est. Nolite me<br />

iocari putare; ut mentiar, nullius patrimonium tanti facio. Sed, quod coeperam dicere, postquam lupus factus est,<br />

ululare coepit et in silvas fugit.<br />

277 Saga of the Volsungs Section 8.<br />

278 The Maenads also perform a change of costume in which they don the dappled fawn skin or nebris. We should<br />

not necessarily interpret this custom as indicating a transformation of a woman into a deer, but the wearing of<br />

animal skins is an indicator of the liminal nature of the Maenads. Bacchic rites are also performed on a famous, or<br />

rather infamous, mountain peak, Cithairon, and after a period of ecstasy, the worshippers are reintegrated into<br />

society. Dodds (1960, xiv) notes that during this period of ecstasy, the participants in the ritual have their<br />

personalities actually replaced by the god Dionysos.<br />

279 Buxton 1994, 69.<br />


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