Final Draft - Preview Matter - Florida State University

Final Draft - Preview Matter - Florida State University

Final Draft - Preview Matter - Florida State University


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the most learned people of all brought to us for the tending of our minds and<br />

bodies. He was not one who, by revealing his worship nor by declaring openly<br />

his business and teaching trained our minds in error but was a high priest of<br />

hidden and nocturnal rites. There were initiations, which were passed down to a<br />

few at first, then they began to be spread commonly through both men and<br />

women. The desires of wine and feasts were added to the ceremonies, so that the<br />

minds of many more might be lured to the rites. When wine, night, and the<br />

mingling of both men and women, and also tender youth with an older age,<br />

inflamed their minds and destroyed every bit of modesty, sexual perversions of all<br />

types first began to occur, since each one had the ready pleasure to which the<br />

nature of their lust was rather disposed. The was not only one form of vice, the<br />

indiscriminate sex of free-born women, but also false witnesses, counterfeit seals<br />

and wills and evidence from those offices emerged: from the same place there<br />

were poisonings and secret murders such that sometimes bodies were not always<br />

visible for burial. Many things were dared by deceit, more things dared by<br />

violence. Violence was hidden because no voice of public outcry was able to be<br />

heard through the shouting and the crashing of the drums and cymbals. The<br />

debacle of this evil spread form Etruria to Rome just as the contagion of a<br />

disease. 518<br />

The exact reasons for the Roman Senate’s suppression of the Bacchic cult in Italy in the second<br />

century BCE are not known, but Wilburn suggests that the Senate may have sought to remove<br />

the orgiastic elements just described from the worship of Bacchus/Liber in order to preserve<br />

proper forms of state religion. 519 In a similar fashion, L. Bonfante notes that epigraphic and<br />

iconographic evidence concerning Fufluns indicates a “barbarian’s-eye view” of Dionysos. 520 It<br />

518 Livy. 39.8-9.1. Latin Text taken from Livy in Fourteen Volumes, Loeb Classical Library, Vol. 12, edited by E.T.<br />

Sage, Cambridge, MA: Harvard <strong>University</strong> Press, 1936, pp. 241, 243. (Translation by Author.)<br />

Insequens annus Sp. Postumium Albinum et Q. Marcium Philippum consules ab exercitu bellorumque et<br />

provinciarum cura ad intestinae conjurationis vindictam avertit… Consulibus ambobus quaestio de clandestinis<br />

conjurationibus decreta est. Graecus ignobilis in Etruriam primum venit nulla cum arte earum, quas multas ad<br />

animorum corporumque cultum nobis eruditissima omnium gens invexit, sacrificulus et vates; nec is qui aperta<br />

religione, propalam et quaestum et disciplinam profitendo, animos errore imbueret, sed occultorum et nocturnorum<br />

antistes sacrorum. Initia erant, quae primo paucis tradita sunt, deinde uulgari coepta sunt per viros mulieresque.<br />

Additae uoluptates religioni vini et epularum, quo plurium animi illicerentur. cum vinum animos [incendissent], et<br />

nox et mixti feminis mares, aetatis tenerae majoribus, discrimen omne pudoris exstinxissent, corruptelae primum<br />

omnis generis fieri coeptae, cum ad id quisque, quo natura pronioris libidinis esset, paratam voluptatem haberet. Nec<br />

unum genus noxae, stupra promiscua ingenuorum feminarumque erant, sed falsi testes, falsa signa testamentaque et<br />

indicia ex eadem officina exibant: venena indidem intestinaeque caedes, ita ut ne corpora quidem interdum ad<br />

sepulturam exstarent. Multa dolo, pleraque per vim audebantur. occulebat vim quod prae ululatibus tympanorumque<br />

et cymbalorum strepitu nulla vox quiritantium inter stupra et caedes exaudiri poterat. Huius mali labes ex Etruria<br />

Romam veluti contagione morbi penetrauit.<br />

519 Wilburn 2000, 55. For a further discussion of the Bacchic Conspiracy, see Nilsson 1975, 14-21. Livy suggests<br />

that the Bacchants participated in many kinds of base behavior, and the Senate may have believed this.<br />

520 Bonfante 1993, 222.<br />


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