Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

for fear of a foul, but Antilochus turned his horses out of the way,<br />

and followed him a little on one side. The son of Atreus was afraid<br />

and shouted out, “Antilochus, you are driving recklessly; rein in<br />

your horses; the road is too narrow here, it will be wider soon, and<br />

you can pass me then; if you foul my chariot you may bring both of<br />

us to a mischief.”<br />

But Antilochus plied his whip, and drove faster, as though he had<br />

not heard him. They went side <strong>by</strong> side for about as far as a young<br />

man can hurl a disc from his shoulder when he is trying his<br />

strength, and then Menelaus’s mares drew behind, for he left off<br />

driving for fear the horses should foul one another and upset the<br />

chariots; thus, while pressing on in quest of victory, they might<br />

both come headlong to the ground. Menelaus then upbraided<br />

Antilochus and said, “There is no greater trickster living than you<br />

are; go, and bad luck go with you; the Achaeans say not well that<br />

you have understanding, and come what may you shall not bear<br />

away the prize without sworn protest on my part.”<br />

Then he called on his horses and said to them, “Keep your pace,<br />

and slacken not; the limbs of the other horses will weary sooner<br />

than yours, for they are neither of them young.”<br />

The horses feared the rebuke of their master, and went faster, so<br />

that they were soon nearly up with the others.<br />

Meanwhile the Achaeans from their seats were watching how the<br />

horses went, as they scoured the plain amid clouds of their own<br />

dust. Idomeneus captain of the Cretans was first to make out the<br />

running, for he was not in the thick of the crowd, but stood on the<br />


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