Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

the fire. With many tears they singled out the whitened bones of<br />

their loved comrade and laid them within a golden urn in two<br />

layers of fat: they then covered the urn with a linen cloth and took<br />

it inside the tent. They marked off the circle where the barrow<br />

should be, made a foundation for it about the pyre, and forthwith<br />

heaped up the earth. When they had thus raised a mound they<br />

were going away, but Achilles stayed the people and made them sit<br />

in assembly. He brought prizes from the ships-cauldrons, tripods,<br />

horses and mules, noble oxen, women with fair girdles, and swart<br />

iron.<br />

The first prize he offered was for the chariot races- a woman skilled<br />

in all useful arts, and a three-legged cauldron that had ears for<br />

handles, and would hold twenty-two measures. This was for the<br />

man who came in first. For the second there was a six-year old<br />

mare, unbroken, and in foal to a he-ass; the third was to have a<br />

goodly cauldron that had never yet been on the fire; it was still<br />

bright as when it left the maker, and would hold four measures.<br />

The fourth prize was two talents of gold, and the fifth a twohandled<br />

urn as yet unsoiled <strong>by</strong> smoke. Then he stood up and<br />

spoke among the Argives saying-<br />

“Son of Atreus, and all other Achaeans, these are the prizes that lie<br />

waiting the winners of the chariot races. At any other time I should<br />

carry off the first prize and take it to my own tent; you know how<br />

far my steeds excel all others- for they are immortal; Neptune gave<br />

them to my father Peleus, who in his turn gave them to myself; but<br />

I shall hold aloof, I and my steeds that have lost their brave and<br />

kind driver, who many a time has washed them in clear water and<br />

anointed their manes with oil. See how they stand weeping here,<br />


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