Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

Achilles grasp his double cup, drawing wine from a mixing-bowl<br />

of gold, and calling upon the spirit of dead Patroclus as he poured<br />

it upon the ground until the earth was drenched. As a father<br />

mourns when he is burning the bones of his bridegroom son whose<br />

death has wrung the hearts of his parents, even so did Achilles<br />

mourn while burning the body of his comrade, pacing round the<br />

bier with piteous groaning and lamentation.<br />

At length as the Morning Star was beginning to herald the light<br />

which saffron-mantled Dawn was soon to suffuse over the sea, the<br />

flames fell and the fire began to die. The winds then went home<br />

beyond the Thracian sea, which roared and boiled as they swept<br />

over it. The son of Peleus now turned away from the pyre and lay<br />

down, overcome with toil, till he fell into a sweet slumber.<br />

Presently they who were about the son of Atreus drew near in a<br />

body, and roused him with the noise and tramp of their coming. He<br />

sat upright and said, “Son of Atreus, and all other princes of the<br />

Achaeans, first pour red wine everywhere upon the fire and<br />

quench it; let us then gather the bones of Patroclus son of<br />

Menoetius, singling them out with care; they are easily found, for<br />

they lie in the middle of the pyre, while all else, both men and<br />

horses, has been thrown in a heap and burned at the outer edge.<br />

We will lay the bones in a golden urn, in two layers of fat, against<br />

the time when I shall myself go down into the house of Hades. As<br />

for the barrow, labour not to raise a great one now, but such as is<br />

reasonable. Afterwards, let those Achaeans who may be left at the<br />

ships when I am gone, build it both broad and high.”<br />

Thus he spoke and they obeyed the word of the son of Peleus. First<br />

they poured red wine upon the thick layer of ashes and quenched<br />


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