Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

field. With this she struck Mars on the neck, and brought him<br />

down. Nine roods did he cover in his fall, and his hair was all<br />

soiled in the dust, while his armour rang rattling round him. But<br />

Minerva laughed and vaunted over him saying, “Idiot, have you<br />

not learned how far stronger I am than you, but you must still<br />

match yourself against me? Thus do your mother’s curses now<br />

roost upon you, for she is angry and would do you mischief<br />

because you have deserted the Achaeans and are helping the<br />

Trojans.”<br />

She then turned her two piercing eyes elsewhere, whereon Jove’s<br />

daughter Venus took Mars <strong>by</strong> the hand and led him away groaning<br />

all the time, for it was only with great difficulty that he had come to<br />

himself again. When Queen Juno saw her, she said to Minerva,<br />

“Look, daughter of aegis-bearing Jove, unweariable, that vixen<br />

Venus is again taking Mars through the crowd out of the battle; go<br />

after her at once.”<br />

Thus she spoke. Minerva sped after Venus with a will, and made at<br />

her, striking her on the bosom with her strong hand so that she fell<br />

fainting to the ground, and there they both lay stretched at full<br />

length. Then Minerva vaunted over her saying, “May all who help<br />

the Trojans against the Argives prove just as redoubtable and<br />

stalwart as Venus did when she came across me while she was<br />

helping Mars. Had this been so, we should long since have ended<br />

the war <strong>by</strong> sacking the strong city of Ilius.”<br />

Juno smiled as she listened. Meanwhile King Neptune turned to<br />

Apollo saying, “Phoebus, why should we keep each other at arm’s<br />

length? it is not well, now that the others have begun fighting; it<br />


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