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Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

do anything to save the Trojans from destruction, not even when all<br />

Troy is burning in the flames which the Achaeans will kindle.”<br />

As soon as Juno heard this she said to her son Vulcan, “Son Vulcan,<br />

hold now your flames; we ought not to use such violence against a<br />

god for the sake of mortals.”<br />

When she had thus spoken Vulcan quenched his flames, and the<br />

river went back once more into his own fair bed.<br />

Xanthus was now beaten, so these two left off fighting, for Juno<br />

stayed them though she was still angry; but a furious quarrel broke<br />

out among the other gods, for they were of divided counsels. They<br />

fell on one another with a mighty uproar- earth groaned, and the<br />

spacious firmament rang out as with a blare of trumpets. Jove<br />

heard as he was sitting on Olympus, and laughed for joy when he<br />

saw the gods coming to blows among themselves. They were not<br />

long about beginning, and Mars piercer of shields opened the<br />

battle. Sword in hand he sprang at once upon Minerva and reviled<br />

her. “Why, vixen,” said he, “have you again set the gods <strong>by</strong> the ears<br />

in the pride and haughtiness of your heart? Have you forgotten<br />

how you set Diomed son of Tydeus on to wound me, and yourself<br />

took visible spear and drove it into me to the hurt of my fair body?<br />

You shall now suffer for what you then did to me.”<br />

As he spoke he struck her on the terrible tasselled aegis- so terrible<br />

that not even can Jove’s lightning pierce it. Here did murderous<br />

Mars strike her with his great spear. She drew back and with her<br />

strong hand seized a stone that was lying on the plain- great and<br />

rugged and black- which men of old had set for the boundary of a<br />


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