Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

me to Right from Ida, when he attacked our cattle and sacked<br />

Lyrnessus and Pedasus; Jove indeed saved me in that he<br />

vouchsafed me strength to fly, else had the fallen <strong>by</strong> the hands of<br />

Achilles and Minerva, who went before him to protect him and<br />

urged him to fall upon the Lelegae and Trojans. No man may fight<br />

Achilles, for one of the gods is always with him as his guardian<br />

angel, and even were it not so, his weapon flies ever straight, and<br />

fails not to pierce the flesh of him who is against him; if heaven<br />

would let me fight him on even terms he should not soon<br />

overcome me, though he boasts that he is made of bronze.”<br />

Then said King Apollo, son to Jove, “Nay, hero, pray to the everliving<br />

gods, for men say that you were born of Jove’s daughter<br />

Venus, whereas Achilles is son to a goddess of inferior rank. Venus<br />

is child to Jove, while Thetis is but daughter to the old man of the<br />

sea. Bring, therefore, your spear to bear upon him, and let him not<br />

scare you with his taunts and menaces.”<br />

As he spoke he put courage into the heart of the shepherd of his<br />

people, and he strode in full armour among the ranks of the<br />

foremost fighters. Nor did the son of Anchises escape the notice of<br />

white-armed Juno, as he went forth into the throng to meet Achilles.<br />

She called the gods about her, and said, “Look to it, you two,<br />

Neptune and Minerva, and consider how this shall be; Phoebus<br />

Apollo has been sending Aeneas clad in full armour to fight<br />

Achilles. Shall we turn him back at once, or shall one of us stand <strong>by</strong><br />

Achilles and endow him with strength so that his heart fail not, and<br />

he may learn that the chiefs of the immortals are on his side, while<br />

the others who have all along been defending the Trojans are but<br />

vain helpers? Let us all come down from Olympus and join in the<br />


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