Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

up, and speared Apisaon son of Hippasus shepherd of his people<br />

in the liver under the midriff, so that he died; he had come from<br />

fertile Paeonia and was the best man of them all after Asteropaeus.<br />

Asteropaeus flew forward to avenge him and attack the Danaans,<br />

but this might no longer be, inasmuch as those about Patroclus<br />

were well covered <strong>by</strong> their shields, and held their spears in front of<br />

them, for Ajax had given them strict orders that no man was either<br />

to give ground, or to stand out before the others, but all were to<br />

hold well together about the body and fight hand to hand. Thus<br />

did huge Ajax bid them, and the earth ran red with blood as the<br />

corpses fell thick on one another alike on the side of the Trojans<br />

and allies, and on that of the Danaans; for these last, too, fought no<br />

bloodless fight though many fewer of them perished, through the<br />

care they took to defend and stand <strong>by</strong> one another.<br />

Thus did they fight as it were a flaming fire; it seemed as though it<br />

had gone hard even with the sun and moon, for they were hidden<br />

over all that part where the bravest heroes were fighting about the<br />

dead son of Menoetius, whereas the other Danaans and Achaeans<br />

fought at their ease in full daylight with brilliant sunshine all<br />

round them, and there was not a cloud to be seen neither on plain<br />

nor mountain. These last moreover would rest for a while and<br />

leave off fighting, for they were some distance apart and beyond<br />

the range of one another’s weapons, whereas those who were in the<br />

thick of the fray suffered both from battle and darkness. All the best<br />

of them were being worn out <strong>by</strong> the great weight of their armour,<br />

but the two valiant heroes, Thrasymedes and Antilochus, had not<br />

yet heard of the death of Patroclus, and believed him to be still<br />

alive and leading the van against the Trojans; they were keeping<br />

themselves in reserve against the death or rout of their own<br />


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