Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

Glaucus, Medon, Thersilochus, Asteropaeus, Deisenor and<br />

Hippothous, Phorcys, Chromius and Ennomus the augur. All these<br />

did he exhort saying, “Hear me, allies from other cities who are<br />

here in your thousands, it was not in order to have a crowd about<br />

me that I called you hither each from his several city, but that with<br />

heart and soul you might defend the wives and little ones of the<br />

Trojans from the fierce Achaeans. For this do I oppress my people<br />

with your food and the presents that make you rich. Therefore turn,<br />

and charge at the foe, to stand or fall as is the game of war;<br />

whoever shall bring Patroclus, dead though he be, into the hands<br />

of the Trojans, and shall make Ajax give way before him, I will give<br />

him one half of the spoils while I keep the other. He will thus share<br />

like honour with myself.”<br />

When he had thus spoken they charged full weight upon the<br />

Danaans with their spears held out before them, and the hopes of<br />

each ran high that he should force Ajax son of Telamon to yield up<br />

the body- fools that they were, for he was about to take the lives of<br />

many. Then Ajax said to Menelaus, “My good friend Menelaus,<br />

you and I shall hardly come out of this fight alive. I am less<br />

concerned for the body of Patroclus, who will shortly become meat<br />

for the dogs and vultures of Troy, than for the safety of my own<br />

head and yours. Hector has wrapped us round in a storm of battle<br />

from every quarter, and our destruction seems now certain. Call<br />

then upon the princes of the Danaans if there is any who can hear<br />

us.”<br />

Menelaus did as he said, and shouted to the Danaans for help at<br />

the top of his voice. “My friends,” he cried, “princes and<br />

counsellors of the Argives, all you who with Agamemnon and<br />


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