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Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

friends,” he cried, “be men, and fear dishonour; quit yourselves in<br />

battle so as to win respect from one another. Men who respect each<br />

other’s good opinion are less likely to be killed than those who do<br />

not, but in flight there is neither gain nor glory.”<br />

Thus did he exhort men who were already bent upon driving back<br />

the Trojans. They laid his words to heart and hedged the ships as<br />

with a wall of bronze, while Jove urged on the Trojans. Menelaus of<br />

the loud battle-cry urged Antilochus on. “Antilochus,” said he,<br />

“you are young and there is none of the Achaeans more fleet of foot<br />

or more valiant than you are. See if you cannot spring upon some<br />

Trojan and kill him.”<br />

He hurried away when he had thus spurred Antilochus, who at<br />

once darted out from the front ranks and aimed a spear, after<br />

looking carefully round him. The Trojans fell back as he threw, and<br />

the dart did not speed from his hand without effect, for it struck<br />

Melanippus the proud son of Hiketaon in the breast <strong>by</strong> the nipple<br />

as he was coming forward, and his armour rang rattling round him<br />

as he fell heavily to the ground. Antilochus sprang upon him as a<br />

dog springs on a fawn which a hunter has hit as it was breaking<br />

away from its covert, and killed it. Even so, O Melanippus, did<br />

stalwart Antilochus spring upon you to strip you of your armour;<br />

but noble Hector marked him, and came running up to him<br />

through the thick of the battle. Antilochus, brave soldier though he<br />

was, would not stay to face him, but fled like some savage creature<br />

which knows it has done wrong, and flies, when it has killed a dog<br />

or a man who is herding his cattle, before a body of men can be<br />

gathered to attack it. Even so did the son of Nestor fly, and the<br />

Trojans and Hector with a cry that rent the air showered their<br />


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