Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

Teucer then aimed another arrow at Hector, and there would have<br />

been no more fighting at the ships if he had hit him and killed him<br />

then and there: Jove, however, who kept watch over Hector, had his<br />

eyes on Teucer, and deprived him of his triumph, <strong>by</strong> breaking his<br />

bowstring for him just as he was drawing it and about to take his<br />

aim; on this the arrow went astray and the bow fell from his hands.<br />

Teucer shook with anger and said to his brother, “Alas, see how<br />

heaven thwarts us in all we do; it has broken my bowstring and<br />

snatched the bow from my hand, though I strung it this selfsame<br />

morning that it might serve me for many an arrow.”<br />

Ajax son of Telamon answered, “My good fellow, let your bow and<br />

your arrows be, for Jove has made them useless in order to spite<br />

the Danaans. Take your spear, lay your shield upon your shoulder,<br />

and both fight the Trojans yourself and urge others to do so. They<br />

may be successful for the moment but if we fight as we ought they<br />

will find it a hard matter to take the ships.”<br />

Teucer then took his bow and put it <strong>by</strong> in his tent. He hung a shield<br />

four hides thick about his shoulders, and on his comely head he set<br />

his helmet well wrought with a crest of horse-hair that nodded<br />

menacingly above it; he grasped his redoubtable bronze-shod<br />

spear, and forthwith he was <strong>by</strong> the side of Ajax.<br />

When Hector saw that Teucer’s bow was of no more use to him, he<br />

shouted out to the Trojans and Lycians, “Trojans, Lycians, and<br />

Dardanians good in close fight, be men, my friends, and show your<br />

mettle here at the ships, for I see the weapon of one of their<br />

chieftains made useless <strong>by</strong> the hand of Jove. It is easy to see when<br />

Jove is helping people and means to help them still further, or<br />


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