Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

Nestor spoke first. “My friends,” said he, “is there any man bold<br />

enough to venture the Trojans, and cut off some straggler, or us<br />

news of what the enemy mean to do whether they will stay here <strong>by</strong><br />

the ships away from the city, or whether, now that they have<br />

worsted the Achaeans, they will retire within their walls. If he<br />

could learn all this and come back safely here, his fame would be<br />

high as heaven in the mouths of all men, and he would be<br />

rewarded richly; for the chiefs from all our ships would each of<br />

them give him a black ewe with her lamb- which is a present of<br />

surpassing value- and he would be asked as a guest to all feasts<br />

and clan-gatherings.”<br />

They all held their peace, but Diomed of the loud war-cry spoke<br />

saying, “Nestor, gladly will I visit the host of the Trojans over<br />

against us, but if another will go with me I shall do so in greater<br />

confidence and comfort. When two men are together, one of them<br />

may see some opportunity which the other has not caught sight of;<br />

if a man is alone he is less full of resource, and his wit is weaker.”<br />

On this several offered to go with Diomed. The two Ajaxes,<br />

servants of Mars, Meriones, and the son of Nestor all wanted to go,<br />

so did Menelaus son of Atreus; Ulysses also wished to go among<br />

the host of the Trojans, for he was ever full of daring, and thereon<br />

Agamemnon king of men spoke thus: “Diomed,” said he, “son of<br />

Tydeus, man after my own heart, choose your comrade for<br />

yourself- take the best man of those that have offered, for many<br />

would now go with you. Do not through delicacy reject the better<br />

man, and take the worst out of respect for his lineage, because he is<br />

of more royal blood.”<br />


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