Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT

Iliad by Homer - Join iZDOT


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<strong>Homer</strong>’s <strong>Iliad</strong><br />

him to the house of Hades, to fetch the hell-hound from Erebus, he<br />

would never have come back alive out of the deep waters of the<br />

river Styx. And now Jove hates me, while he lets Thetis have her<br />

way because she kissed his knees and took hold of his beard, when<br />

she was begging him to do honour to Achilles. I shall know what to<br />

do next time he begins calling me his grey-eyed darling. Get our<br />

horses ready, while I go within the house of aegis-bearing Jove and<br />

put on my armour; we shall then find out whether Priam’s son<br />

Hector will be glad to meet us in the highways of battle, or whether<br />

the Trojans will glut hounds and vultures with the fat of their flesh<br />

as they he dead <strong>by</strong> the ships of the Achaeans.”<br />

Thus did she speak and white-armed Juno, daughter of great<br />

Saturn, obeyed her words; she set about harnessing her goldbedizened<br />

steeds, while Minerva daughter of aegis-bearing Jove<br />

flung her richly vesture, made with her own hands, on to the<br />

threshold of her father, and donned the shirt of Jove, arming herself<br />

for battle. Then she stepped into her flaming chariot, and grasped<br />

the spear so stout and sturdy and strong with which she quells the<br />

ranks of heroes who have displeased her. Juno lashed her horses,<br />

and the gates of heaven bellowed as they flew open of their own<br />

accord- gates over which the Hours preside, in whose hands are<br />

heaven and Olympus, either to open the dense cloud that hides<br />

them or to close it. Through these the goddesses drove their<br />

obedient steeds.<br />

But father Jove when he saw them from Ida was very angry, and<br />

sent winged Iris with a message to them. “Go,” said he, “fleet Iris,<br />

turn them back, and see that they do not come near me, for if we<br />

come to fighting there will be mischief. This is what I say, and this<br />


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