hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...


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20<br />

ligious leaders while I was there as well. This is one of the things<br />

that I felt they could deliver on——<br />

Mr. SMITH. Does that include the Falun Gong? I am sorry to interrupt.<br />

Ambassador HANFORD. I don’t think it does, because, of course,<br />

the problem there is that the Falun Gong has been labeled an evil<br />

cult under the evil cult law.<br />

Mr. SMITH. What about the underground churches who are not<br />

registered, like the Catholic Patriotic Church, which are all under<br />

government control? Anyone who is outside that line, can their<br />

youth as well participate?<br />

Ambassador HANFORD. The practices are inconsistent from province<br />

to province. I think—my guess would be, Congressman, that<br />

they wouldn’t press that so much if they were to break into a house<br />

church and find youth there. Their point wouldn’t be these youths<br />

shouldn’t be there. Their point would be this meeting shouldn’t be<br />

occurring.<br />

That was one of the other points on my list. We need to deal with<br />

this registration law issue, and I tried to point out to them how<br />

counterproductive this is for China. When the South China Church<br />

gets broken up, and the pastor and parishioners are hauled in, and<br />

parishioners are brutally tortured into falsely accusing the pastor<br />

of having raped them, this does China no good. The leaders I met<br />

with claimed to know nothing about this.<br />

We will be following up to make sure that they do work on this,<br />

but these issues of brutality were at the top of my list. The registration<br />

laws were on our short list. That would be a hard deliverable<br />

in the short run, but it is so important. It is the crux of why<br />

all these problems happen.<br />

We are urging them to begin dialogue immediately with the Vatican.<br />

That has stalled. We talked to them about a deliverable or two<br />

concerning Tibetan Buddhists. One other thing which they did<br />

agree to, and they are still considering the others, in the short run<br />

is to set up a working group that will interact with my office. As<br />

you know from your work, one of the problems in dealing with a<br />

government like this is you go to one bureau, maybe the Office of<br />

Religious <strong>Affairs</strong>, and you bring up an incident of brutality in a<br />

province, and they can always say, we’re not aware of this; that is<br />

the Security Bureau. Or you go to the foreign ministry. It just happens<br />

over and over.<br />

They are putting together a working group that will comprise<br />

several of these government bureaucracies where we can go to<br />

them in short order. We want to be able to do rapid response and<br />

have people that understand what we are about and work hand in<br />

hand with us to solve things quickly. They pledged to me even before<br />

I got on the plane to leave that they were going to do that.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.<br />

Mr. Tancredo.<br />

Mr. TANCREDO. Thank you, Madam Chairman.<br />

Mr. Ambassador, I want to concentrate on just one or two areas<br />

of concern. In the first case, specifically India, it is always a little<br />

bit of a concern or a little bit of a dilemma, I guess I should say,<br />

in how you deal with a democratic nation as opposed to a totalitarian<br />

nation on these issues. I mean, it is easier for us to attack,<br />

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