hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...


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14<br />

Fifth, a similar dynamic has emerged which must be described<br />

as discrimination rather than persecution, but which is rooted in<br />

the same impulse of disproportionate response to a just concern. In<br />

France, sweeping anti-cult legislation passed last year. To the credit<br />

of the French legal system, thus far those who have sought to<br />

use that law against religious practitioners have met with failure.<br />

Yet the law itself remains problematic not only because of the<br />

threat that the language carries in France, but because it is even<br />

now being considered for emulation by countries that lack France’s<br />

commitment to rule of law and human rights. I might add when<br />

I travel to China and Vietnam, this is coming up.<br />

Finally, religion-based terrorism by nongovernmental actors,<br />

though often with ties to rogue regimes, is emerging as a major<br />

cause of religious persecution. Terrorist organizations such as al<br />

Qaeda are growing in number. These groups define their goals in<br />

religious terms and view human beings as mere obstacles to violent<br />

instatement of tyranny under the guise of religion.<br />

Let me just summarize now by saying, in conclusion, once again<br />

how profoundly privileged I feel to be here today to represent before<br />

you the needs and the suffering of so many noble men and<br />

women around the world. I also feel privileged in this work because<br />

I know I stand with so many people of goodwill. They are Members<br />

of Congress, such as many in this room, who have worked long and<br />

hard to make this issue a priority in our foreign policy. They are<br />

<strong>Foreign</strong> Service officers who meet in the dark of night to help believers<br />

in harm’s way. They are members of my staff at the Office<br />

of International Religious Freedom, men and women who are devoting<br />

their professional lives to the cause of religious freedom for<br />

all. And they are, of course, our President and Secretary of State,<br />

who care deeply about religious freedom.<br />

But at the end of the day, all of us who care about this issue are<br />

privileged because we stand with the persecuted. We stand with<br />

the millions of men and women around the world who yearn simply<br />

for the freedom to practice their religious beliefs without fear of<br />

government coercion or reprisal. This report is for them. I believe<br />

it gives them hope. Indeed, we hear from them sometimes, and<br />

they tell us it gives them hope. At the very least, it communicates<br />

to the persecuted and to their tormentors that we will not forget<br />

them. And that we will never abandon their cause.<br />

Thank you, Madam Chair and Members of the Subcommittee, for<br />

being here today and for your commitment to religious freedom. I<br />

would be pleased to answer any questions.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Thank you, Ambassador, for an excellent<br />

statement.<br />

[The prepared statement of Ambassador Hanford follows:]<br />



Madam Chair and Members of the Subcommittee, let me begin by thanking you<br />

for holding this <strong>hearing</strong> on the 2002 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom.<br />

Members of this <strong>Committee</strong> have led the way in shining light on the persecution<br />

endured by religious believers around the world, and this <strong>hearing</strong> serves an important<br />

role in that process. I want to express to each of you here today my appreciation<br />

and gratitude for your commitment to religious freedom.<br />

It is my privilege and honor to serve our President, the American people, and courageous<br />

men and women of faith around the world, as Ambassador at Large for<br />

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