hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...


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12<br />

all of the testimony and appendices that they provide be made part<br />

of the record.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Without objection. Thank you.<br />

Thank you to all the Members. Before we introduce our first panelist,<br />

I would like to advise all of our panelists that because of the<br />

ongoing debate on the Iraq resolution that is taking place on the<br />

Floor as we speak, and to ensure that we are able to hear from all<br />

of our panelists, our witnesses today, we will be adhering strictly<br />

to the 5-minute rule for both testimony and questions. That is not<br />

directed at you. Thank you, John.<br />

It is with great pleasure that I introduce our first panelist today.<br />

Mr. John V. Hanford, Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious<br />

Freedom. Mr. Hanford previously served for 14 years as a<br />

Congressional Fellow in International Religious Freedom in the office<br />

of Senator Richard Lugar, and furthermore, he was heavily involved<br />

in the writing of the International Religious Freedom Act.<br />

As a friend of religious freedom, Mr. Hanford is widely regarded as<br />

one of the country’s leading experts on issues of international religious<br />

liberty and religious persecution.<br />

Thank you, John, for being with us. Ambassador.<br />




Ambassador HANFORD. Madam Chair and Members of the Subcommittee,<br />

let me begin by thanking you for holding this <strong>hearing</strong><br />

on the 2002 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom.<br />

Members of this <strong>Committee</strong> have led the way in shining light on<br />

persecution endured by religious believers around the world, and<br />

this <strong>hearing</strong> serves an important role in that process.<br />

I want to express to each of you here today my appreciation and<br />

gratitude for your commitment to religious freedom. As I begin my<br />

tenure, I look forward to working very closely with you, and I<br />

thank you for your invitation to appear today. Prior to serving here<br />

as mentioned, I worked for 14 years up here on the Hill. It is good<br />

to be back in my haunt and to focus together on an issue that is<br />

so vital to the well-being and freedom of every human being, and<br />

indeed to the well-being and freedom of our Nation and the world.<br />

I have a written statement that I am going to summarize, and<br />

now I understand I need to summarize it in 5 minutes. I ask that<br />

my complete written statement be made part of the <strong>hearing</strong> record.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Without objection, for all witnesses.<br />

Ambassador HANFORD. I am pleased and honored to present you<br />

today with the fourth Annual Report on International Religious<br />

Freedom. This report reflects in tangible form our compassion as a<br />

Nation for religious believers abroad who suffer for their faith and<br />

our determination as a people to confront and alleviate that suffering.<br />

By me right here is a paper copy of this in case any of you<br />

would like to take it home for a little bedside reading. This is what<br />

it looks like, not on CD–ROM, and just to show you how high-tech<br />

we have become at the State Department, we now have a creditcard-sized<br />

CD–ROM if you would like to carry this in your wallet.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Oh, come on. You were fumbling with the<br />

microphone. Don’t try to impress us with high technology.<br />

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