hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...

hearing transcript (pdf - 690 kb) - House Foreign Affairs Committee ...


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10<br />

we have observed when we have traveled abroad. I daresay that<br />

many countries to which I have been privileged to go and people<br />

that I have been able to meet there, time and time again you see<br />

in their eyes and you hear in their voices this desperate plea for<br />

help in order to pursue the most basic human freedom, and that<br />

is the freedom to worship in their own way.<br />

It is to our great credit in the United States, frankly, that we do<br />

not see that here. There may have been a time even in our history<br />

when religious freedom was curtailed, but certainly thank God that<br />

it has not been an aspect of our national character for a long, long,<br />

long time, and—I don’t know where anyone else goes in this country<br />

and what they see, but I have never seen that look in anyone’s<br />

eyes here. I have never heard that in anyone’s voice here, this desperate<br />

need for help in order to achieve this basic human freedom,<br />

and that is to worship as they please. To the extent that we can<br />

and that we legitimately hold ourselves up as a model, I think it<br />

is well deserved.<br />

That does not mean that we should avoid criticism or that it is<br />

not due, it is just that I think the work of this <strong>Committee</strong>, especially<br />

Madam Chairman and also my good friend and colleague Mr.<br />

Smith, in and of itself is exemplary, frankly. I can’t think of another<br />

group of people, I can’t think of other individuals who have<br />

contributed more to this basic freedom around the world than<br />

Madam Chairman and Mr. Smith. I am personally—I will tell you,<br />

I am proud and always flattered to be able to sit on the same dais<br />

with you, both of you, and I think the world owes you a debt of<br />

gratitude. Thank you, Madam Chair.<br />

Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Thank you, Mr. Tancredo.<br />

Mr. Pitts.<br />

Mr. PITTS. Thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you for holding this<br />

important <strong>hearing</strong> on the international religious freedom report. As<br />

the witnesses will share, religious freedom violations are rampant<br />

around the world. Every day I receive reports in my office detailing<br />

atrocities experienced by religious minorities at the hands of their<br />

governments and/or communities in other parts of the world. In<br />

Nepal, in Burma, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Vietnam,<br />

Laos, Turkmenistan, North Korea, Sudan, China, Saudi Arabia,<br />

Belarus and numerous other countries, religious freedom is under<br />

attack today. The State Department’s Annual Report on International<br />

Religious Freedom—and I want to thank all of the personnel<br />

in the State Department for all the work that went into preparing<br />

this report in addition to the annual country reports on<br />

human rights—is an important part of raising religious freedom<br />

concerns so that light shines on the dark deeds committed against<br />

these peaceful religious believers.<br />

I would like to take the opportunity today to applaud the courageous<br />

men and women of the human rights community around the<br />

world and their work to fight against injustice and for the protection<br />

of fundamental human rights, such as religious freedom for<br />

the people of their nations.<br />

Earlier this summer I met with a delegation composed of an academic,<br />

a Catholic priest, and a Hindu human rights activist from<br />

India. They visited in our office and shared horrifying reports of<br />

the attacks on the Dalit, Christian and Muslim communities by<br />

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