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t PAGE EIGHT COTTON SEED Limited supply of select Delinted and treated Lankhnrt 57, 1963 crop, germination 95 per cent $12.00 per 100, at HASKELL CO-O- P GIN Phone 864-204- 6 HASKELL WELCOMES YOU TO THE JAYCEE RICE SPRINGS RODEO JL1 13-14-- 15 We hope you will enjoy this annual event, and cordially invite you to visit with us. Mr ELSIE'S HI - LANDER DRIVE-I- N SHERMAN'S Xi FLOORS & INTERIORS Haskell, Texas PETE AND ELSIE JACOBS 801 South Ave. E Stamford Highway Telephone 864-330- 3 TO HASKELL THE HASKELL FREE PRE55. HASKELL. TEXAS Sagerton News j BY MBA. DZXBKST LKFBVBJB , Welcome rains fell in this Mr nnd Mrs. A. C Knlpling cumimmity Sunday and Mon-- visit.! their daughters in West day, helping crops planted and Columbia for Mother's Day. making it better for cotton planting later Many fanners Mr, ftnd w ;" Kenneth Stcgc-hav- e their malsc crops up to mwller and children spent a nice stand. Mother's Day with Mr. and Stegernoeller. Mr and Mrs, Charles Clark , Mrs. P. A. Sellers returned to Hous-Bent- on and Steve. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. . and Mrs. John Clark ton weekend where Mrs. all spent Mother's Day in Lub- - Sellers Is a patient at M. D. ,bock with Mr and Mrs. Bob Anderson Hospital. She hopes Clark Mr and Mrs. T. E. cme homo some time thin Simpson and Mrs O Cole ofl week. Rule also were there. Mr Rnd Mrs Dclbert Le- - Mrs Etta Leach went to Wa- - Kevre went to Austin last co lost weekend to visit her weekend for the State Track mother. Mrs. Ethel Lnughlin. Meet, in which their son, The first five grades of the Larry, ran on the Rule Bobcat Sagerton School and their tea- - 440-ya- rd relay The tenm, com-chc- rs went to Abilene Thursday posed of Gary Fannin, Paul pa-senta- - of last week for the Cornelius, Ronnie May and tion of Heidi and their annual Larry, placed second in the fin-piicnls behind Booker Their time A McMurry College minis- - Wj.s 43 9 to Booker's 13 6. Paul teriol student, Danny Bruce. Cornelius also placed second in brought the messnge at the the 220-ya- rd dash, which was Sagerton Methodist Church here vety good since he is only a Sunday Dr and Mrs Brascher Kreshtnan Steve Clark alsoac-o- f Stamford were also present oompanied the team ns well as for the morning sen-ic- e and Dennis Rlggins. an alternate, last quarterly conference Mr and Mrs Charles Clark. Mr and Mrs M Y. Benton and Mrs Pnt p,ewltt of Stnm Mrs John Clark attended a foi(, KllVt, demonstration on musical session in the home of f uniitt-it- t tefinishing for the Mr ami Mrs Davis .Tone" Sat- - members of the L.O C. Home iinlnv night Demonstration Club and guests Mr and Mr; William Mennst in the basement of St Paul's of Olton visited with Mr and Lutheran Church Thursdnv nf-M- is Edward Mennst and fam- - Xvrnoon Mrs BilHe Kupatt was ily weekend before last and the hostess Those present weiv went fishing at Stamford Ijike Mrs Prelln Knpilnp Mre Wi, Mr ami Mrs Johnny John- - , Mrs Hilda son nml daughter visited In Kk,kt. Mrs Vorlene Corzine Lubbock Inst week Ml8 AlIl,k, Nimilcpk M ' Ticohelmann. Mr and Mrs R O Gibson Rachel Tlechetmann. Mi-- s Mil- - Sr . visited in Asponnont last (,,V(, , j M t Sundav with Hoot Gibson who Mfs Herbert Nnueit. Mrs J C was injured in an accident at SpUzL,ri Ml Jo)u, a.u.k Mrs Aspermont nnd had returned w z Sumniors Mrs Fiod home from Hendricks Memorial schronerstedt ami the Hospital hostess. in Abilene Mrs Kunntt cave th.. counHl Guests in ne wen uioson (lek.Katts Yeport ami announ CARPET NO Down Payment 36 Months to Pay "ZSKfettaaaaaV mm IbLVdbbF Wner(wm MAY 13-14-- 15 - for the - ANNUAL JAYCEE Rice Springs RODEO You Will Thrill to the Spectacular Action to Be Witnessed by Hundreds Who Will Turn Out for it! C0GGINS & HARTSFIELD INSURANCE Real Estate PHONE 864-330- 1 I'rfmtaHM aaaaaVaaaaaaW 'SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV LaaaaaaaaaaaK Loans Lm" ..';'"' .'! U., ";. ed that a salad training mcet- - itl Wi n.r ' hUi Mr and Mrs R. O " M ,9 f , ' b "''l Gibson Jr of Stamford, and ,... ,.,. V wn " m fr rViniin nnd film- - ' ' ' It with Mrs A C Knlpling. ily of Stamfonl .irs lA'onnru Kieke and Mrs Clarence Tiechelmnnn on the committee The next meeting will be on June 3 in the home of Mrs. Herbert Nicrdleck at 3 00 p m Mr and Mrs. Ray Henrich.q of Abilene visited Mr. and Mrs Herbert Stremmcl last weekend Mr and Mrs Johnny Tiechel-man- n and Vicki visited with Mr nnd Mrs Thorn In Abilene on Sunday Gary Spltzer, son of Mr nnd Mrs Johnny SlpUrcr nnd n Freshman at Stamfonl High School, was awarded the Star Greenhnnd Award at the Fnth-- er and Son Future Farmers Banquet at Stamford last Friday night Mr and Mrs Alvin Ulmer ami Mr nnd Mrs Mclvin New spent Sunday in Lubbock with Jnna Ulmer. who attends Texas Tech and Mr nnd Mrs Jimmy New and Charles Mr and Mrs Norvell Lehr-mn- mi nnd family of Sarerton and Mr and Mrs J c Si'7 and daughters of Snydi-- i ;si-i- d with Mr nndMi-- . Otto Uhnnann on Mother's Dav iiuefcts in the home if Mr and Mrs r,co Mone Si Sundav were Mr nnd Mrs Frank-h- n Mraek ami rhl'dren f r.t Mr nnd Mrs Norv-il- i U'hmann nnd family of Sngci-to- n and Hrenda, "Bud nml Vnhlcnkamp of Ablkn ,ind Ted Monse Jan Miller Is Valedictorian A t Sfephenville Hich Jan Mtllei. 18. daughter of Mr nml Mrs Manuel T Milli r of Stephenvtlle Texas was named lt0t-6.- 'i Valedlctonan of Stephen. illo Hich School, with an average of 97 21 S Tlik average routed bv Mls? Miller is the Mrhest reoonled in the StephenvilV Hieh School in nevernl vears Tliere .ire 118 metuK-i- i In the gr.iduntlng clnwt She ix enrolled in Southwestern I'nlvemlty nt George-tm-- n. Texas, for this coming fall. 1U65-C- 8 Jan is a daughter of the former lanie Lyle Martin and a grnrddaughter of the late Mrs Ellzp.beth Martin all former rest lent of Huck.-- n Buzzzzzbuty, busy, busy people find FLORISTS fast In ths YELLOW PAGES. Where your fingers do the walking. SK Executive Meeting Homemakers Held At Cross Plains The Area IV Young Home-mnk- er Executive Committee meeting was held In Cross Plains Monday evening of last week at 5 00 o'clock Area IV constitution was di.tcusscd with changes that needed to be made Annual convention of Uie area IV will be held Saturday. September 25, 1065, nt the Windsor Hotel In Abilene. Texas, with registration beginning at 1:00 p. m. A very interesting program (Continued from Pnge ft) Paint Creek News her parents, Mr and Mrs Albert Blttner ami Curtis. Mrs Annie Pelser of Mnttson is spendlnr the week wiUi her daughter's family, Mr and Mrs Paul Fischer nnd Clarn Ann Clara Ann Fischer completed a teacher training course Monday night which has been fvurnt by Mrs Allen Johannes wife "f the pastor of t'm Lut'ieran Chfivh of Hnoi'Ht James Ross Mukler furnished the publlr address system for the Throckmorton rodeo on Thursd.iv nnd Friday night Milln Pe'iy and Jnnnv Morri- son c.iont the weekend with Mr and Mts Bill Neelev of Throok-moito- n and attended the Throckm irton lxxleo Tl'.- - FFA Chapter girls nnd Mis Rii's Powell, their chapter .sponsor, gave their chapter mothers, Mrs Allen Is boll and Mrs Ray Perry a corsage to wear on Mother's Dav Mi and Mrs L E Weeks from Wicket and Mrs Joe Young of Pivos sjvnt the weekend with their mother. Mrs W L Micklpr nt the Stamfonl senior citizens home and their brother. Jess Mlckler and family Jeannine Isboll underwent foot surgery nt the Haskell Hospital Tuesday morning MOTHER'S DAV VISITORS Visitors in the Re home Mother's Dav were their children, Mr nnd Mrs Dale Garrett and children. Dale Ann and Alnn Bruce of Lofors. Mr Gardner's mother. Mrs E D Gadner nnd his sister. Mrs Clifford Glenn; Mrs. Gardner's brother. Clarence Whltaker imd wife of Haskell, and sister. Mr and Mrs Galloway of Stamford. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who sent flowers, cards nnd came to see me while I was in the hospital especially the Nurses and Doctors who waited on me were so nice and kind. Many thanks, Sincerely, May Fields and Eva Dean. iop i COUUBQV a fiEunion mStamford, July . Impala Sjort Sedan, just ont of 15 modilt n Iht Nutnltr Ont line Is being planned, under the leadership of Wanda Cleveland, Abilene, area president Theie were 13 members and advisors present at the Cross Plains meeting. TRICE'S N. 14th & Avenue I For Your Everyday Needs Texan SALT 20c l'osrlte (I Oil) J ok. Popcorn ... 20c Rig ltov or Emperor DOG FOOD 3 cans 25c ALL Biscuits 2 for 1 5c Golden or Sun Valley 0LE0 . . lb. !9c All Brands Loaf BREAD ...15c "" "' " Foremost Whipping '. Pint Cream 19c Man land (Tub or Folgcr's COFFEE lb. 69c (Limit 1) Foremost Pint Half & Half 19c Foremost Half Gallon-Sw- eet Milk or Buttermilk 33c Prices Effective NOW (Wc Iteserve the Klght to limit quantities) After nil, you don't get the No. 1 place (or sUiy there year after year after year) unless you give people a lot for their money. That, Chevrolet does. Ixxk what's new for 1965. Every thing. Like the handsomest new styling you've ever turned around for another glance at. 2 Boxes Success hasn't gone to its price SEE THE THE NO. Like Chevrolet's Jet-smooth ride, even " better now Wide-Sfcin- with ce to steady Rod Hot and Rolling! See your Chevrolet dealer for 517 North Flrtt Haskell, Hoover Dam, 720 feet. Is the Table highest In tlH world lug , no, ,,'J. B rtSSw(Bfc. ll" . T pVv mta Ami tvksA ksiiiiiiiiiBR r .V Clues to help you win are under Dr Pepper bottle capi! FIRST PRIZE fun-fille- Two tl weeks in scenic Switzerland (TIME capital ol tho world), a car clock (Installed in a 1905 MusUing), Ilia nnd Her Longino watches and SIU.VU" nn nour, z hours a tiny for 14 days: n total of $3,410.04 cash! Plus 703 Other NEXT 3 PRIZES Evlnrude, Motor, Trailer plus Ship's Bell. NEXT 25 PRIZES RCA Tnpo Recorder plus Stop Watch. NEXT 25 PRIZES American Thermos Camping Outfit plus Sun Dial. Time NEXT 200 PRIZES Time Magazine for a year. out for funt 13 " f, KHrU """JK NEXT 50 PRIZES Tyco Model Train Stt plus Railroad Watch. NEXT 200 PRIZES Zebco Fishing Outdt plus Skin Diver Watch. NEXT 200 PRIZES Kodak Instamatic Camsu nine P..-- L r wuvuwu U0CK, .."' It's time, for Dr Pepper's annual kooky contest. And thlstis it's all about timel You could Win tho Timo of Your life! Wo'vo buried Read 'n heed! n timo capsule in our mainoEct grounds nnd sot tho timo we'll dig it up. All you have to do w (1) correctly determine tho "dig-u- n' timo to tho mn..t day, hour, minuto nnd second and (2) supply tho last line to a Dr Popper limerick. We'll givo you lota of cluo help to figuxo out tho exact tiat Tho fivo enny clues will bo printed under Dr PcDner Wi. caps, published in national magazines and local find nniwnrinff nn "r"liii Hinffa" in Inrnl atrirna Don't wasto timo! Enter now! Wliy Time? coMpirrt tANKONDRKrityg t newspapu Wo picked time for tliis year's contest because wo'vo docW "10,'' "2" and ,,4' as traditional Dr Pepper times. (Butyw Ku tuiuuu unjuy niw uuppur upper any umo.j wo ve toM tho contest to remind you that "Good Times Begin mi Wi ut JL'cpncr." tho lun-luic- d eoft drink that's brimm r flavor und lots of lift. Get with Dr Pepper or Diet Dr Ptpw distinctively different for today's light 'a lively taste! To remind you of 10, 2 and 4 what else! FIRST CLUE: The month cluo It "Ruby." S how eaty It It, CONTEST CLOSES U.S.A. 1 WAY Texas T 22, 1965 MAY IIHIHHMAY WW THE & TIME Timely Prlzcel P"i?KCr Pipf OF Coirjisr, Dillii.Twilit) things as you go. Like however much economy or excitement you'd want, o'J? miserly M0-h- p Six to our faocioM Turbo-Je- t V8, 325 hp on order. Besides price, one other thing hasn changed: Chevrolet's trndiiiomil rw;' value . . . still so good you won't beeJ it until you get it. So get it (nlong all that's new; at your Chevrolet new Chevrolet . chevelle chevy n corvau BAILEY TOLIVER CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 864-262- 6 12 ''"

tSDAY, MAY 13, 1965 VUKU3K' ILBl TOA fra w"a a s uSwawi.Rii's '1 .. H I ' jO iWHiwsmi 1 ,i j IMS I ! --J L I .LiW. w-awuJ Lxn am rww muuM .rwr?i fas msncm t fw jf ntrtmtrmxser W tfiMtLMTglK.V' 'aa&M M2r LLORINE WSk liL,i Metzger's homogenized I .tin iv n Wholcsun Frozen 5 ORANGE JUICE 2 () oz. cans c Kimbell's for c till cans COFFEE Kimhell's 1 lb. can c Ironing Board PAD & COVER Aqua Net Reg. HAIR SPRAY value Bayer's ASPIRIN .' Big' K FLOUR Welt filled ears Jlormel BACON J." lb. 100 count ,'. 12 OZ. PKG. c ic D'55? ',: Wilson'.- - 1 -- v- gallon HfO d,9 only Quart Size With New Spring Crop U. S. No. 1 Fresh CORN we kkskuvi: TIIK ItKJHT TO LIMIT O.UANTlTlKb ..full II II II "TD jr M 7 h GREEN THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS iwmwwrrwrttn r RAuiTnmUiimr WHwewsy h 8OTKBBK mm urex c " c r Jjt-t-J 29 39 XulKMIM, c c """ pTkV. urxwrjcww frf," u ' f '; ItUUM .aiwmiovu ORANGE DRINK mm PRICES IN THIS SQUARE EXTRA SPECIALS FOR c IWWWPWWW Scot Bathroom 57 WEDNESDAY ONLY MA Y 19, 1965 SALAD DRESSING Kimbell's qt. 29 ... 8 lb. I WATCH YOUR DOOR FOR WEDNESDAY CIRCULAR OF OTHER SPECIAL buys: mnwioitrMjRw BitM laMWHHNfeftMiMnNMMPH Rnaamvm lb- - CENTER SLICE HAM 69' EZ Ail iksscm Valentine .:. Wl King PICNICS I 3rl,68 mmmmmmhMimtmmmmm M S BEANS ' MAY 13-14-- THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE HASKELL, TEXAS 1 ii). feissat; iimmmmmismmT Corn lb. roll amwrwT1'ra'!B'" .Mrs. BairdV Mead's, Ir8 m C 10 Bar k&& or Package Salmon (nil f) ' FLOOR WAX MkMMMkUaaMHHUUttUMil HUWAMMttHMMNKM MM QUALITY PRODUCE Texas Fresh Dug Johnson's New Bravo Banquet Park ay RiS hm Melzger's large loaf while Dei Menu Frozen Mexican w Honey Boy 11 9BE9B POTATOES 5 c lb Russet bag 69c OETERGENT SALT Kimbell's box Cut BANANAS Golden Yellow Kimbell's Linn id Qt. Double Luck . lb. I GREEN BEANS 2 cans FRESH GROUND BEEF 39 NEW POTATOES Wilson's PAGE NINE WTPWW can- - for 4 Bologna - Olive Loaf Pickle & Pimento CHEESE & MACARONI OIKS C OB 9 c 9C Candy 39 LdNCH MEATS Texas Banana RMHi 6oz.pkgs. 98c SQUASH . j c c '4.

t<br />



Limited supply of select Delinted and treated<br />

Lankhnrt 57, 1963 crop, germination 95 per<br />

cent $12.00 per 100, at<br />


Phone 864-204- 6<br />




JL1 13-14--<br />

15<br />

We hope you will enjoy this<br />

annual event, and cordially<br />

invite you to visit with us.<br />

Mr<br />

ELSIE'S<br />



Xi<br />


Haskell, Texas<br />


801 South Ave. E Stamford Highway<br />

Telephone 864-330- 3<br />



Sagerton News j<br />


Welcome rains fell in this Mr nnd Mrs. A. C Knlpling<br />

cumimmity Sunday and Mon-- visit.! their daughters in West<br />

day, helping crops planted and Columbia for Mother's Day.<br />

making it better for cotton<br />

planting later Many fanners Mr, ftnd w ;" Kenneth Stcgc-hav- e<br />

their malsc crops up to mwller and children spent<br />

a nice stand. Mother's Day with Mr. and<br />

Stegernoeller.<br />

Mr and Mrs, Charles Clark ,<br />

Mrs. P. A.<br />

Sellers returned to Hous-Bent- on<br />

and Steve. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. .<br />

and Mrs. John Clark ton weekend where Mrs.<br />

all spent Mother's Day in Lub- - Sellers Is a patient at M. D.<br />

,bock with Mr and Mrs. Bob Anderson Hospital. She hopes<br />

Clark Mr and Mrs. T. E. cme homo some time thin<br />

Simpson and Mrs O Cole ofl week.<br />

Rule also were there. Mr Rnd Mrs Dclbert Le- -<br />

Mrs Etta Leach went to Wa- - Kevre went to Austin last<br />

co lost weekend to visit her weekend for the State Track<br />

mother. Mrs. Ethel Lnughlin. Meet, in which their son,<br />

The first five grades of the Larry, ran on the Rule Bobcat<br />

Sagerton School and their tea- - 440-ya- rd relay The tenm, com-chc- rs<br />

went to Abilene Thursday posed of Gary Fannin, Paul<br />

pa-senta- -<br />

of last week for the Cornelius, Ronnie May and<br />

tion of Heidi and their annual Larry, placed second in the fin-piicnls<br />

behind Booker Their time<br />

A McMurry College minis- - Wj.s 43 9 to Booker's 13 6. Paul<br />

teriol student, Danny Bruce. Cornelius also placed second in<br />

brought the messnge at the the 220-ya- rd dash, which was<br />

Sagerton Methodist Church here vety good since he is only a<br />

Sunday Dr and Mrs Brascher Kreshtnan Steve Clark alsoac-o- f<br />

Stamford were also present oompanied the team ns well as<br />

for the morning sen-ic- e and Dennis Rlggins. an alternate,<br />

last quarterly conference<br />

Mr and Mrs Charles Clark.<br />

Mr and Mrs M Y. Benton and Mrs Pnt p,ewltt of Stnm<br />

Mrs John Clark attended a foi(, KllVt, demonstration on<br />

musical session in the home of f uniitt-it- t tefinishing for the<br />

Mr ami Mrs Davis .Tone" Sat- - members of the L.O C. Home<br />

iinlnv night Demonstration Club and guests<br />

Mr and Mr; William Mennst in the basement of St Paul's<br />

of Olton visited with Mr and Lutheran Church Thursdnv nf-M- is<br />

Edward Mennst and fam- - Xvrnoon Mrs BilHe Kupatt was<br />

ily weekend before last and the hostess Those present weiv<br />

went fishing at Stamford Ijike Mrs Prelln Knpilnp Mre Wi,<br />

Mr ami Mrs Johnny John- - ,<br />

Mrs Hilda<br />

son nml daughter visited In Kk,kt. Mrs Vorlene Corzine<br />

Lubbock Inst week Ml8 AlIl,k, Nimilcpk M '<br />

Ticohelmann.<br />

Mr and Mrs R O Gibson Rachel Tlechetmann. Mi-- s Mil- -<br />

Sr . visited in Asponnont last (,,V(, , j<br />

M t<br />

Sundav with Hoot Gibson who Mfs Herbert Nnueit. Mrs J C<br />

was injured in an accident at SpUzL,ri Ml Jo)u, a.u.k Mrs<br />

Aspermont nnd had returned w z Sumniors Mrs Fiod<br />

home from Hendricks Memorial schronerstedt ami the<br />

Hospital<br />

hostess.<br />

in Abilene Mrs Kunntt cave th.. counHl<br />

Guests in ne wen uioson (lek.Katts Yeport ami announ<br />

CARPET<br />

NO Down Payment<br />

36 Months to Pay<br />

"ZSKfettaaaaaV<br />

mm IbLVdbbF<br />

Wner(wm<br />

MAY 13-14-- 15<br />

- for the -<br />


Rice Springs<br />

RODEO<br />

You Will Thrill to the Spectacular Action to Be<br />

Witnessed by Hundreds Who Will Turn Out for it!<br />



Real Estate<br />

PHONE 864-330- 1<br />

I'rfmtaHM<br />

aaaaaVaaaaaaW 'SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV<br />

LaaaaaaaaaaaK<br />

Loans<br />

Lm" ..';'"' .'! U., ";. ed that a salad training mcet- -<br />

itl Wi n.r<br />

' hUi<br />

Mr and Mrs R. O "<br />

M ,9 f ,<br />

' b "''l<br />

Gibson Jr of Stamford, and ,... ,.,. V<br />

wn " m<br />

fr rViniin nnd film- - ' ' '<br />

It with Mrs A C Knlpling.<br />

ily of Stamfonl<br />

.irs lA'onnru Kieke and Mrs<br />

Clarence Tiechelmnnn on the<br />

committee The next meeting<br />

will be on June 3 in the home<br />

of Mrs. Herbert Nicrdleck at<br />

3 00 p m<br />

Mr and Mrs. Ray Henrich.q<br />

of Abilene visited Mr. and Mrs<br />

Herbert Stremmcl last weekend<br />

Mr and Mrs Johnny Tiechel-man- n<br />

and Vicki visited with Mr<br />

nnd Mrs Thorn In Abilene on<br />

Sunday<br />

Gary Spltzer, son of Mr nnd<br />

Mrs Johnny SlpUrcr nnd n<br />

Freshman at Stamfonl High<br />

School, was awarded the Star<br />

Greenhnnd Award at the Fnth-- er<br />

and Son Future Farmers<br />

Banquet at Stamford last Friday<br />

night<br />

Mr and Mrs Alvin Ulmer<br />

ami Mr nnd Mrs Mclvin New<br />

spent Sunday in Lubbock with<br />

Jnna Ulmer. who attends Texas<br />

Tech and Mr nnd Mrs Jimmy<br />

New and Charles<br />

Mr and Mrs Norvell Lehr-mn- mi<br />

nnd family of Sarerton<br />

and Mr and Mrs J c Si'7<br />

and daughters of Snydi-- i ;si-i- d<br />

with Mr nndMi-- .<br />

Otto<br />

Uhnnann on Mother's Dav<br />

iiuefcts in the home if Mr<br />

and Mrs r,co Mone Si Sundav<br />

were Mr nnd Mrs Frank-h- n<br />

Mraek ami rhl'dren f r.t<br />

Mr nnd Mrs Norv-il- i<br />

U'hmann nnd family of Sngci-to- n<br />

and Hrenda, "Bud nml<br />

Vnhlcnkamp of Ablkn ,ind<br />

Ted Monse<br />

Jan Miller Is<br />

Valedictorian A t<br />

Sfephenville Hich<br />

Jan Mtllei. 18. daughter of<br />

Mr nml Mrs Manuel T Milli r<br />

of Stephenvtlle Texas was<br />

named lt0t-6.- 'i Valedlctonan of<br />

Stephen. illo Hich School, with<br />

an average of 97 21 S<br />

Tlik average routed bv Mls?<br />

Miller is the Mrhest reoonled<br />

in the StephenvilV Hieh School<br />

in nevernl vears Tliere .ire 118<br />

metuK-i- i In the gr.iduntlng<br />

clnwt She ix enrolled in Southwestern<br />

I'nlvemlty nt George-tm-- n.<br />

Texas, for this coming<br />

fall. 1U65-C- 8<br />

Jan is a daughter of the former<br />

lanie Lyle Martin and a<br />

grnrddaughter of the late Mrs<br />

Ellzp.beth Martin all former<br />

rest lent of Huck.-- n<br />

Buzzzzzbuty,<br />

busy, busy people find<br />

FLORISTS fast In ths<br />


Where your fingers<br />

do the walking.<br />

SK<br />

Executive Meeting<br />

Homemakers Held<br />

At Cross Plains<br />

The Area IV Young<br />

Home-mnk- er<br />

Executive Committee<br />

meeting was held In Cross<br />

Plains Monday evening of last<br />

week at 5 00 o'clock Area IV<br />

constitution was di.tcusscd with<br />

changes that needed to be<br />

made<br />

Annual convention of Uie area<br />

IV will be held Saturday. September<br />

25, 1065, nt the Windsor<br />

Hotel In Abilene. Texas, with<br />

registration beginning at 1:00<br />

p. m.<br />

A very interesting program<br />

(Continued from Pnge ft)<br />

Paint Creek News<br />

her parents, Mr and Mrs Albert<br />

Blttner ami Curtis.<br />

Mrs Annie Pelser of Mnttson<br />

is spendlnr the week wiUi her<br />

daughter's family, Mr and Mrs<br />

Paul Fischer nnd Clarn Ann<br />

Clara Ann Fischer completed<br />

a teacher training course Monday<br />

night which has been fvurnt<br />

by Mrs Allen Johannes wife "f<br />

the pastor of t'm Lut'ieran<br />

Chfivh of Hnoi'Ht<br />

James Ross Mukler furnished<br />

the publlr address system<br />

for the Throckmorton rodeo on<br />

Thursd.iv nnd Friday night<br />

Milln Pe'iy and Jnnnv Morri-<br />

son c.iont the weekend with Mr<br />

and Mts Bill Neelev of Throok-moito- n<br />

and attended the<br />

Throckm irton lxxleo<br />

Tl'.- - FFA Chapter girls nnd<br />

Mis Rii's Powell, their chapter<br />

.sponsor, gave their chapter<br />

mothers, Mrs Allen Is boll and<br />

Mrs Ray Perry a corsage to<br />

wear on Mother's Dav<br />

Mi and Mrs L E Weeks<br />

from Wicket and Mrs Joe<br />

Young of Pivos sjvnt the weekend<br />

with their mother. Mrs W<br />

L Micklpr nt the Stamfonl<br />

senior citizens home and their<br />

brother. Jess Mlckler and family<br />

Jeannine Isboll underwent<br />

foot surgery nt the Haskell<br />

Hospital Tuesday morning<br />


Visitors in the Re<br />

home Mother's Dav were their<br />

children, Mr nnd Mrs Dale<br />

Garrett and children. Dale Ann<br />

and Alnn Bruce of Lofors. Mr<br />

Gardner's mother. Mrs E D<br />

Gadner nnd his sister. Mrs<br />

Clifford Glenn; Mrs. Gardner's<br />

brother. Clarence Whltaker imd<br />

wife of Haskell, and sister. Mr<br />

and Mrs Galloway of Stamford.<br />


We wish to thank all who<br />

sent flowers, cards nnd came to<br />

see me while I was in the hospital<br />

especially the Nurses and<br />

Doctors who waited on me were<br />

so nice and kind. Many thanks,<br />

Sincerely, May Fields and Eva<br />

Dean. iop<br />

i COUUBQV<br />

a fiEunion<br />

mStamford, July .<br />

Impala Sjort Sedan, just ont of<br />

15 modilt n Iht Nutnltr Ont line<br />

Is being planned, under the<br />

leadership of Wanda Cleveland,<br />

Abilene, area president<br />

Theie were 13 members and<br />

advisors present at the Cross<br />

Plains meeting.<br />

TRICE'S<br />

N. 14th & Avenue I<br />

For Your Everyday<br />

Needs<br />

Texan<br />

SALT 20c<br />

l'osrlte (I Oil) J ok.<br />

Popcorn ... 20c<br />

Rig ltov or Emperor<br />

DOG FOOD<br />

3 cans 25c<br />

ALL<br />

Biscuits 2 for 1 5c<br />

Golden or Sun Valley<br />

0LE0 . . lb. !9c<br />

All Brands Loaf<br />

BREAD ...15c<br />

"" "' "<br />

Foremost Whipping '. Pint<br />

Cream 19c<br />

Man land (Tub or Folgcr's<br />

COFFEE lb. 69c<br />

(Limit 1)<br />

Foremost Pint<br />

Half & Half 19c<br />

Foremost<br />

Half Gallon-Sw- eet<br />

Milk or<br />

Buttermilk 33c<br />

Prices Effective NOW<br />

(Wc Iteserve the Klght<br />

to limit quantities)<br />

After nil, you don't get the No. 1 place<br />

(or sUiy there year after year after year)<br />

unless you give people a lot for their<br />

money. That, Chevrolet does. Ixxk what's<br />

new for 1965. Every thing.<br />

Like the handsomest new styling you've<br />

ever turned around for another glance at.<br />

2 Boxes<br />

Success hasn't gone to its price<br />

SEE THE<br />

THE NO.<br />

Like Chevrolet's Jet-smooth<br />

ride, even "<br />

better now Wide-Sfcin- with ce to steady<br />

Rod Hot and Rolling! See your Chevrolet dealer for<br />

517 North Flrtt<br />

Haskell,<br />

Hoover Dam, 720 feet. Is the Table<br />

highest In tlH world lug , no, ,,'J. B<br />

rtSSw(Bfc. ll" .<br />

T pVv<br />

mta<br />

Ami tvksA<br />

ksiiiiiiiiiBR<br />

r .V<br />

Clues to help you win are under<br />

Dr Pepper bottle capi!<br />


fun-fille- Two tl weeks in scenic<br />

Switzerland (TIME capital ol<br />

tho world), a car clock (Installed<br />

in a 1905 MusUing),<br />

Ilia nnd Her Longino watches<br />

and SIU.VU" nn nour, z<br />

hours a tiny for 14 days: n<br />

total of $3,410.04 cash!<br />

Plus 703 Other<br />


Evlnrude, Motor, Trailer<br />

plus Ship's Bell.<br />

NEXT 25 PRIZES<br />

RCA Tnpo Recorder plus<br />

Stop Watch.<br />

NEXT 25 PRIZES<br />

American Thermos Camping<br />

Outfit plus Sun Dial.<br />

Time<br />

NEXT 200 PRIZES<br />

Time Magazine for a year.<br />

out for funt<br />

13<br />

"<br />

f,<br />

KHrU<br />

"""JK<br />

NEXT 50 PRIZES<br />

Tyco Model Train Stt<br />

plus Railroad Watch.<br />

NEXT 200 PRIZES<br />

Zebco Fishing Outdt<br />

plus Skin Diver Watch.<br />

NEXT 200 PRIZES<br />

Kodak Instamatic Camsu<br />

nine<br />

P..-- L r wuvuwu U0CK, .."'<br />

It's time, for Dr Pepper's annual kooky contest. And thlstis<br />

it's all about timel You could Win tho Timo of Your life!<br />

Wo'vo buried<br />

Read 'n heed! n timo capsule in our mainoEct<br />

grounds nnd sot tho timo we'll dig it up. All you have to do<br />

w (1) correctly determine tho "dig-u- n' timo to tho mn..t<br />

day, hour, minuto nnd second and (2) supply tho last line to<br />

a Dr Popper limerick.<br />

We'll givo you lota of cluo help to figuxo out tho exact tiat<br />

Tho fivo enny clues will bo printed under Dr PcDner Wi.<br />

caps, published in national magazines and local<br />

find nniwnrinff nn "r"liii Hinffa" in Inrnl atrirna<br />

Don't wasto timo! Enter now!<br />

Wliy Time?<br />

coMpirrt<br />

tANKONDRKrityg<br />

t<br />

newspapu<br />

Wo picked time for tliis year's contest because wo'vo docW<br />

"10,'' "2" and ,,4' as traditional Dr Pepper times. (Butyw<br />

Ku tuiuuu unjuy niw uuppur upper any umo.j wo ve toM<br />

tho contest to remind you that "Good Times Begin mi<br />

Wi<br />

ut JL'cpncr." tho lun-luic- d eoft drink that's brimm r<br />

flavor und lots of lift. Get with Dr Pepper or Diet Dr Ptpw<br />

distinctively<br />

different for today's light 'a lively taste!<br />

To remind you of 10, 2 and 4 what else!<br />

FIRST CLUE: The month cluo It "Ruby." S how eaty It It,<br />


U.S.A.<br />

1 WAY<br />

Texas<br />

T<br />

22,<br />

1965<br />

MAY<br />


WW THE<br />

& TIME<br />

Timely Prlzcel<br />

P"i?KCr Pipf<br />

OF<br />

Coirjisr,<br />

Dillii.Twilit)<br />

things as you go. Like however much<br />

economy or excitement you'd want, o'J?<br />

miserly M0-h- p Six to our faocioM<br />

Turbo-Je- t V8, 325 hp on order.<br />

Besides price, one other thing hasn<br />

changed: Chevrolet's trndiiiomil rw;'<br />

value . . . still so good you won't beeJ<br />

it until you get it. So get it (nlong<br />

all that's new; at your Chevrolet<br />

new Chevrolet . chevelle chevy n corvau<br />



Phone 864-262- 6<br />

12 ''"

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