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f7 At it! B ',. j i 1 'j. f f 1 ''-- V. b; I. .iiV - t iftiwJi nM i ..j m- ,k . PAGE SIX THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEXAS --2U2ay, mayJ Pupils Of Mrs. Cadenhead To Present Musical Mrs. J P. CndenhenU vi present her piano pupils In a muaicnl playlet, "Alice in Wonderland." also a selection of hymns, at the First Baptist Church, tomorrow night, (Friday), May 14, at 7:00 o'clock. Order of the program follows: Hymn, Faith of Our Fathers; ValU of the Wee Folks, Moon light Sonata. Debbie Mlcklcr. Janle Lou KeUey: The Do-D- o Dances, Becky Gholson; Mimi Dances, Joan Barnett. The Things We Do. Denlse Perry; The Cradle Song, Duet, Denlse Perry, Mrs, Cadenhead; Riding On A Mule Dancing Leaves, Donald Jones: On A Dutch Sailing Ship. Marsha Duct, eClClmGf Bern-- ; Tic-T- oe Marsha VOWS Berry, Mrs. Cadenhead: Siber ian Dance - Blasting Off, Pat Dukiney; Cinderella WitlU, Rebecca Ray: The Rocking Cradle, Duet, Rebecca Ray. Terry Walton; Midnight Express. Mike Dulaney. Marines Hj-m- Duct, Mike Dulaney, Janle Lou Kelley; Whirling Leaves. Terry Walton: The Pony Express, trio, Becky Gholson. Joan Barnett, Helen Mnry Cadenhead Ava-larsc- he. Joan Banett. Rusuc Gift Tea Honors Mrs. Fred Bennett Mrs. Fred Bennett, the former Barbara McDonald of For: Worth, was honored with a miscellaneous gift tea Saturday af- ternoon. May S. from 2 until 3 in the home of Mrs. Bunt Low-re- y of Rule Rainbow Club In Home Of Mrs. Reding- - Meets The Rainbow CTub met Tues- week the day evening- - of last in Reiuv: home The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs Edwards. Club aong, "Let Me Call You Sweetheart. ' wa led by the song leader. Mrs. SalJte Mrs. C A. Thomas gave the thought for the day A stoUoa w made to dmw fr pal. tcfe w5 aporvved Mrs Edwards read a Mother" Day poem, and Mrs. Bri- ers and Mrs. JoAMet saajc a duet, all dedicased to the dub mother Mrs W E JchaKnxi. Mrs. Jhnn also prewitted a verv taterestit readtag Several sacred sors wre led by Mrs. Patterson, also Mrs. Je' Andrew saag a spvcioL "Have Yon Realty Keen A FrwsaJ so StQtt Jlet had charge of th rara. "A Better UVW BMlii mth M Eachi eN txk ot KMe Ters. neffce- - vcus-- grow a auMkaiure Rersktetu nvv sril v 12 Mewrs. N tinea C A. Th(tta$, Andryws. PMtrsa, Pvt&rr Laraed. PltnMa. Jo-se- tet Rogers Edwanfcs Tread -- vtt. Jajn Redtog. also r nsttocs Mrs. SbukC Ceueh Mrs-- Lewis TSkorao. The vxt nweuag wfll fe fajr wnth Mrs- - Fesie Rinfors, isth, Wsuorsi are ahayu wuicnie. Mrs. Lane To Present Pupils In Recital The pfairo asd organ smalt s of Mrs. Kenneth LaKe wj fcr presented reetta.1 TuhaJ?. May is. at 7 p at ja the sanctuary tfee FUsc Methodist Churoh. Those appearing wtfl be W. a Etaonr CynOia FVae. Re-be- ea Faai Ftoch. Stephen Fteoh, Ham. Pat Harris. Don-- sa Jesselet. Susie MeAdou, An-t- ta PoweM Betty PoweJL Linda Powvtt. Marsha Shaver. Max-ga- na Walker Sue VVTIktason. Randy W$emaa and Sara Yeary Included: on the program be works by Schaura, Bland, Beethoven, Tboecpsoo. Chopin, Youmacs, Currie. Sireah&cv. Bach, Rachmaninotf, Tschaik-ove- ky and Defcussy The public is corddally invited, to attend. Singer Co. Sate St Serrice Cll NADWETS rk M4-344- 3 ?c affninf mt an.t Dmmimm mt 3rw - Petersen wiH. Chapel. Gail Barnctt; Little Pnlo Hnvrlan Boy Blue. duct Barnctt, Janet Follstaedt: Tschalkowsky PI !lib TnrJlll Concerto. Janet Follstaedt ; A iS Hungarian Dance, Toccatlna, iS'eV UlllCerS J F Cadenhead: On Wings of The Rule Garden Club met Song, Deanna Robertson; Pi- on Wednesday, May 5, In the ano and organ duet. To A Wild Phlladelphlan Club House in the Uose, Dearaia Robertson and last meeting of this club yer. Mrs. Cadenhead. Mrs. C. H. White presided at Hymns the business meeting. The Club Collect was read in unison, led by Mrs. Ed Vcrner. Mrs. H. J. Cloud read the minutes, and called the roll. The theme for the program Musical Playlet. Alice in Wonderland; Memories, Loved World, Foi- l- Try" The objective was Hortl-Ma- ry Cadenhead, as staedt: Walk With cuiture Study 3. Exhibit, e, . errj- - Ready, Janle Lou Kelley; Trust and Obey. Becky Ghol-so- n; Blest Be The Tie. Denlse Perry; What A Friend We Have In Jesus, Afarsha Berry; Jesus Loves Me. Donald Jones; God was "Don't say We Didnt Helen The Janet Alice; When We No. uic icrrj "wiwi, Exnianation Walton; ""' "aiv ouuiu Evaluation. T The Lobsters Quadrille, Va T a A Ul and AH A jy wr rfnu9, ii7(Vii iiiv it The program director was Mrs. Ed Verner, denhead; How Great Thou Art, Deanna Robertson; Jesus Savior Pilot Me, J. F. Cadenhead; The Lord's Prayer, Gail Beard Read Anvil - Montez 30 ficers was by Mrs. James A Mr and Mrs. M W. "Bean! of U Sr; Rule announce the marriage of their daughter. Ole Lyncttc. to Don Carlos Montez, Jr., of Las Ctuccs, New Mexico. The double ring ceremony was read April 30, at p. m. at the Station Chapel. N A.S. Barbers Point In Honolulu, Hawaii, where the bride is a student at the University and the groom is stationed with the armed services Asa W Jones. Chaplain, S. N , p.' ."" rnied the ceremony Attemianfc were Richjyn Bar- nard of Molina, CoJo . and Ru-f- us A. Baker, stationed in Ha- - The groom is the son of Mr. Mrs. Maples and Mrs Don Carlos Monies Sr. . , of Las Cruces. N M. Mrs. Monte: is a graduate of Rule High School and Is completing her second year at the ntae members, the Agent Mtss Barbara Marsee. and one visitor Mrs O E Patterson, prvent Jooey Whiteker was in charge of the meeting SalMe Patterson had charge of the opening exercise Committee reports were given. Dons Hanss reported on Rally Day in Seymour SaHle Patterson gae a report on sending out get-we- ll cards and also ga"e the counsel report. Mrs Johnson, the oldest mother present, wra presented a mother's dxy gift. The club al- so presented Miss Marsee wtth gift The next mectmg will be heW at the ccunhouse May 19 Tats wUl Jv a ill day eousty-vti- d meeting A salad unehoen be served at noon. AH club members an; urged to attend Sallte Patterson gave a read-ta- g. Opinion' Secret Pals ere reve-ale- and the group 4rvw for secret pals t be revealed la August $s!Je Pxnerson "ai te charge of the recreation, A refreshment plate sand-wsefc- os, of donuts and Cokes v serred. Over H variett f grapes are grown tor wne-jaak4- B? in Frar (Shlph flowered in eyelet ore' embroidered H zephyr P'que festev S U. A display of specimens and reports on the year's comprehensive studies were presented Begonias Mrs, H. L. Martin Fern Mrs- - Herschcl H'ncs Cbleus- - Mrs. H. J Cloud Mrs. Lynn Martin gave a report on District VTII meeting in Stamford. Installation of of- The following officers were Installed for 1965-6- 6 President. Mrs. R O Carothers. 1st Vice President, Mrs W D Pavne; 2nd Vice President, Mrs H J Cloud ; Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Herbert Rinn: Recording Secretary. Mrs J A. Hertel: Treasurer. Mrs. Morris Neal; Historian, Mrs. James A. Lisle. Sr : Paliamentarian. Mrs C H, White: Reporter, Mrs. Lynn Martin Hostesses for the dav were-Mrs- . O. G. Lewi. Mrs. W E. Sorrells. Mrs. Claude Norman and Mrs. Ed Verner. ireSlCieS At T.E.L. Meeting The Mrs. Lowrey TEL. Class of the First greeted guests at the door University of Honolulu Baptist Church met in a social In the receiving line were the honoree. The groom is a graduate of and business session, Monday. area's top ambassadress for lb Mrs. Bennett: her mother. Las Mrs. Cruces High School He la May 3. Mr Maples presided No. 1 economic factor, the Lub-ba- ck McDonald of Abilene; being Mrs. transferred to San Diego. over the business meeting Monterey product also Lowell Fulbnght, CaJtf Mrs. where sfee wtU Join him 'Take The Name of Jesus garnered a $1 WO cotton ward. M D Ftdbnght in June With You." was the opening J10- - and " expense-pai- d trip song. Miss Cheryl Prayer was offered by Counts registered Mrs. Thomas. Miss Crowley rt" John McQuinn and Mrs. Center Point Home e devotional from 37th gj srvi3r tab w l - iltr UllSlUlllim taee cover with a ptok rwe ceo- - Cl'ib Ha? MeetinGT Mrs. Arlis Vaadivr sitowed The Center Point Home Dem tae guis onstration Chb met May 6 with Other hostess were Mrs. W E. Johnson. There were Mrs-Pai Bell. Mrs T S Sujo. Mrs. T K KyiL Mrs Walter Counts. Mrs M W Board and Mrs Ted Htees Bp- t w i fc ih&SXr advertised in McCalt's Magazine trs- - Perrin gave a report of the last meeting and also the attendance and financial report Group Captains also gave reports, and Mrs Moblev reported on "flowers and cards " Mrs Tollver presided over the social hour Mrs J O Merchant read a poem. My Mother's Hands " Mrs. Livengood gave a poem. "Prayer for Mothers,' and Miss Crowley read a poem. To My Mother's Birthdav " "Grandmother's Prayer," a reading. was given by Mrs. Tollver Refreshments were served by Miss Crowley to Mmes. Mob-le- y. Perrin." Maples, Thomas. C A Merchant, J O Merchant. Livengood, Baasing and Tofiver GUEST IN SHERRJLL HOME Mrs. WilMm Douglas, cf Pittsburgh. Pa, Is visiting in the home of Mrs. Richard SfeerrJl Mrs- - Sherrill met Mrs. xiglas. a former Texan, at the Texas Club at Pittsburgh sev- eral years ago From Haskell, Mrs Dougias win go to Brown-wo- od to visit relatives and a son who v a minister in Brady Another pleasant surprise for Mrs Shernll was a visit front some of her neighbors in Pittsburgh, tr and Mrs. Clarence King, who arrived the same day that Mrs. Douglas came by plane from Pitts- burgh. They aH had a gettogether" at the home of Dr Floyd TayKw'j home la shell A P The prettiest face that fashion can show! Breezeweigrrt 65 Dacron- - pclyetter, 35 cotton. Bright white and garden pastels. 28 to 38. Baaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaal mMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmI tti aaaaaaaaaaaaaW H ( aaVjaaaaaaaaaaaaal aVLtfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiSI aaPl " T Wt n .acaaaaaaaaaailteiMifiaaaM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaal 'laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ' aaaaaaT fla2 iaaaaaBi Baaaaaaaaal HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamiJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai NANCY BERNARD Nancy Bernard Chosen Maid Of Cotton Nancy Bernard, daughter of Mr and Mrs R. E Bernard, 3304 34 th St . Lubbock, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J E Bernard, of Haskell, and Mr and Mrs. W. R, Moore, of Munday. was cfcosen the 1965 South Plains Maid of Cotton in a contest hold Tuesdav night. May 4. In the Municipal Audi-tonu- m, Lubbock, before a crowd of J persons. Miss Bernard, a blue-ey- ed blonde. University of Texas "coed, succeeded Rhea Bristow. University of Oklahoma student, as the South Plains representative to the national Maid of Cotton contest in Memphis, Tenn., in December. In addition to becoming the for two to the national finals First and second runncrs-u- p receive 5200 and $100 gift certificates, respectively The field of contestants contained 20 candidates. Judges were Mrs Patsy Avery, Columbus. Ga.. F M Arthur. Gas-toni- a. N C , fcilcolm E. Campbell. Raleigh. N C. John F Darrow New York City and Ralph S Holsington. Greenville. S. C. An active high school student. Miss Bernard has carried her enthusiasm to civic and collegiate fields. At Lubbock she is vice-presid- ent of Methodist Youth Fellowship and president of Wesley Singers and a member of Lubbock Syrjjhony Orchestra. At the University of Texas she Is a member of Chi Omega Sorority. Panheirenic representative and presidentelect, of the uni- versity carnival, most outstand- - , frwr?TT, 1 'VT..1 , one of the most beautiful, a Blucbcnnct Belle semi-finah- st Mortality rate contacting cholera per cent. in persons' is 30 to 50 Greek and Reman armies flour mitts mto the countries they cortjuered King Charles I f France wj known as Charles the Bale. Open Each Nite Be Entertained at the Most Popular nrnrair THEATRE On Highway 277 STAMFORD KKI. - SAT tl-- u DooMe Feature -- Oi TW, Hit 1 DA"S STARTS SIXD.VY li i Future ; Milton ?G11MAT' M T bAjMSMl m m m m. m " j miA1 mm i WED.-THU1- X- - - Adults Onl- y- Mary SS Class Meet In Home Of Mrs. Couch The Mary Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. Emmit Couch, with 13 members present The opening song, "Leaning on the Ever Lasting Arm," lead by Mrs. Walter Rogers, followed with prayer by Mrs. Edna Weinert Matrons Club Installs New Officers Weinert Matrons Club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Clyde Mayfield. Mrs. D. L Moody installed new officers with a "Challenge" theme New officers arc Mrs. W. A. King, president, Mrs. M. W. Phcmis-te- r. vice-preside- nt. Mrs. R. W Raynes, 2nd vice-preside- nt: Mrs- - H. W. Llles. treasurer: Mis. R. J. Ralney. secretary-Boarmembers are M H B. Guess and Henry Vojkufka Mrs King aDpcmted committees for the 1S6J-6- 6 club year. Thirteen members attended and one guest. Mrs. W. A. Sanders Mrs J A. Mayfield served refreshments. Members attending were. Mrs C G. Hammer Mrs. H W L le Mrs. P.. C Liles. Mrs W r- - Winchester. Mrs. Fred Monke. Mrs. M. W. Phemister. Mrs W A. King. Mrs. R. J. Ralney Mrs. Henrv Vojkufka. Mrs P F Weinert. Mrs. Henrv Smith, Mrs. Clvde MavfieM. and the hostess. Mrs. J. A.'Mav- - field Piano Ensemble To Be Presented Sunday, May 16 Eighteen high school and Junior high piano students of Mrs. Hubert Bell will be presented in a duet and ensemble recital on Sunday, May 11. at 3 p. m. in the High School auditorium. Only secular numbers will be played The public is invited to attend. Haskell County Abstract Company Established 1910. 2n COMPLETE ABSTRACT TO ALL HASKELL COUNTY LANDS AND TOWN LOTS. P. O. Box 505 409 z South 1st St., Haskell Phone 864-269- 1 Swim Suits Sportswear Junior Dresses Dresses Reg. & Half sizes Blouses Lingerie Hats Pastel Sportswear Girdles Pantie Girdles Pettipants u Slips Bras Early Spring Styles. Regular, Junior. A few halves. Seams, regular 79c While they last Brown Mrs Ed Fouts gave the devotional from the lMh Chapter of St Luke, also reading, 'Sidewalk for Sulnts and Sinners." by Gaston Foote Many good thoughts were brought out -- The Prodigal Son, the lonely man! teaching the disobedience of man before meeting Christ. Mrs. Moore offered prayer, The president. Mrs. McMillln lead the business session, and all offices gave good reports. Mrs. Stella Jossclct and Mrs. J H. Reding sponsored the entertainment- Refreshments were served by Group 1. Mrs. Fouts gave the closing prayer and then "goodbyes" were said. HOSPITAL NOTES ADMITTED Haskell: Tom Whltakcr. surgical. David L. Cobb, medical. Mrs. Wayne Perry, medical Mrs Hortcnsc Campcll, med. Mrs. Grace E. Reid. med. Jim Mi'lcr. medical Mrs Harry KocWcr. surgical Janice Burson. medical Mrs. R- - V Black, accident. Mrs. Noah Lane, medical Dimple Nchilng. medical. Robert Coburn. medical. Roche 'ler C. '.V. Hatfield, accident. Jayton A L. Ham, medical Ruler Randall Thomas, medical. Weinert : E. C Lowe, medical. DISMISS!) Tom Whitakcr, Mrs. Wayne Perrv, Mrs. Hortcnse Campbell. Mrs. Grace E Peid. Jim Miller, Janice Burton. Mrs. R. V Bla"'---. Mrs Noah Lane and Dimple Nchnng. all of Haskell. A L Ham. of Jayton. Randall Thomas, of Rule E. C. Lowe of Weinert THE VERY NEWEST Mr and Mrs Domingo En-ricq- uz of Haskell, baby girl. May 5. 1965 Mr and Mrs Rudolfo Rios Martinez. O Brien. babv girl Anna Mana, weight 7 lbs., 11 oz , born May 7. 1965. Off Sale 4 BIG DAYS May 14-1- 5 through $ SPECIAL GROUP DRESSES HOSE SALE HASSEN'S West Texts Utilkie I t jf aztaxMjo. naii j enSuncilifu liopue hmmttw, j ! Vt PAGE A 92ZIERI J' - Day 20. OFF On All Items $5.00 or More Cash Sale Only PRICE AND LESS VS V2 pF Annual Beauty, rep. 1.00 per pair 79c Mist Hose Sale, 6 pair only $4,50 Save $1.50 Seamless Hose, reg. 1.65 for 99c Reg. 1.50 for SSc Special Sale 49c Three New Nine Teens The three new Nine Tccrw have been selected as a result of try-ou- ts held Wcdncwlay. The new members nre, Dlan Cadenhead, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Frank Cadenhead; Donna Jossclct, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jossclct; and Patricia Tollver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.. Tollver, Jr. The girls will be inducted on Sunday. May 23, at the traditional Rainbow Concert. They will fill the places left by graduating senior, Millie Holden, Andrea Balrd and Judy Anderson. "It always hurts to ones." Uidr huTHI CXU' OF Tn. HendsTnTXS food, beautl&n' anil word, Passing of cSrftS Wallace ,7 and Mrs Nory kcll. Mr m ur of Munday George aiiiil SherHli . USED FURNITURE SALE Used Refrigerator jjjq. Used Washers (Wringer Automatic) Used Ranges $20,00 Living Room Suites $3950 Mnttrcsses . . $12.50, Nice Dinettes $27.50 ,Bed Room Suites $39.50, Also Used Chest, TV's, Lamp Tables, RoctJ Chairs, Springs, Piano, and Electric Guitar. We Finance with Approved Credit. . u, or t BOGGS & JOHNS01 Phone 864-234-6 Haskell, Tc New and Used Furniture and Applisnca Shut Out Hot Weather with a Paramount DeVil SWffiS&t !OllMJ " Iff bS89HHKML pfi MWWWWMwMMWWWWWWMMwMMWMKIKifcri'' mMMMMMMMMMgMMMMMMMMMMMarzTj PS v MOOQ 4043-- 2 $154.95 K iff HHBv Th new Paromount DeViBe is the awvwer fo yctr oz effen complete flexi&Kty cf centre! end a pcter'td " ' 51 1 Anocftment. Thu oncchment eJimmores ertry cf ox ' r " c"3 T. And there's no need to remese the ccofer m tn w - -the Jpong ju dro.n the vcter, cfese end leek -- " fcrgt cbcvt it. AS LOW AS SA.64 PtrMMdi tcher ncrniGl dovn pcyrrenfi NW10C STA-fKS- H HlTDtS cssurt cccLng eh'.ofXY c . Gooronteed dog procf, wtth ccrpft lniect przttCtKf COWnni AM WKCTION COWtOL Kt mover---! - w " a!tred to prcvide conctftrrcted c drhned ccc. " cf f - TWO 5S MOTOt CONTKX. By chenstng (refer Jps - peaty oefput u ecwitd to sjii comfcrt needi. PUSH ItmON rw CONTKX tSm.ncf the dry, hct cV.5y otit p fiat few nwx-te- j cf eperencn. 100 HOT-CHFft- OTHER POINTS OF SUPERIORITY BAKID ENASm fWSH GALVANIZED UNJ.V.tlC0 CCNTWC AWTC AM) KOVifS VWEIS CUSH!OrD IN USE5 AOfUSTAH WOTC MOUNTS HJGH MCCNIfD MOBXS OTKT AGATOT SOSnJ 8OKZ. at.lMMKWATH) ICAJWGS DYNA.WCAUY lAtANCK) KO V.HCH5 UCSTUCrK)WATBlMKlVOtfS TWO SPKO JMOfCflS Extra Uft SfmiHml Of BU 9 tofH (MrHrty 9t air at tJew, - aukt tf- I Wb wvmr,, mW y ff tot WTU nMmriiat " r it --j vyi, '

L tSpAYjjjAY Officers failed At Lr. Monday 13, 1965 E?r ' of Amor! liUirncd. Instnllcd Kflccw at n Mother-- F jLi mom of Sam's (lliin'b . I luivc the following Heed In stock: Stntc Certified Lnnkhnrt 67 Dellntcd 20c lb. State Certified Lnnkhnrt Oil Dellntcd 20c lb. Select Lankhart 07 PcUntcd 12c lb. . BELTdN jOO North First .Street Dnughter dinner Monday night Cafe. Vickl Hurson brought the invocation nnd Glendii Long the devotional. Kncli new officer In turn stated their duties and took the ontii of office. The president-elect, Johnnie Ray Lowe, led the group In snylng the F1IA COTTONSEED DUNCAN Phone 8GI-2G- I0 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Leather Cleaners Silver Gold Polish Fabric Cleaners Mops nnd Mop Hends Small and Warehouse size Brooms Sponge Mops Wax and Oil Base Floor Sweeps Dust Mops Wax Polishers and Cleaners Rental Polish- - t-i- t :i..u iir.. i.i - T i erg ruriuiuL-- yvii. luuruiu I'ousil SHERMAN'S FLOORS St INTERIORS N. W. Corner Square - Haskell, Texas fflVt HS sW KV w9S . 111' r&Cnl . Telephone 864-249- 1 SB' 'H fj Select from our large stock where you will find just right gift! 'N LAD SHOP the He DAD 411 South First Street this . makes a MAT BUY!!! frc.T '.Ckjq; this Male iraauates Select that Special Gift for the male Graduates :'btiybur list Now! 3. Haskell, Texas RCA SOLID COPPER CIRCUIT DEPENDABILITY KCA SOLID COPPER CIRCUITS KEPLACEOLDFABIIIONED-IIAN- D WIRING" . . . FOR GREATER DE- PENDABILITY-, BETTER TV FEWER SERVICE HEADACHES. MCA VICTOR 'I f I Th OCUONAIR ..!.. AQ429 16 tub (ovtftll ill'. 179 . piciuta JCX solid copper circuit rc aid fasMontcf J. wfr''1Sr" ... for frafr dependability, btf-'c- r "V pc.formonc, fewer service fctarfacnes. ?124 With Trade PRAZIER'S APPLIANCES ,. J,. M4-27M- .. PIwm f. r h I S'nnil Debby Wiseman led the MIA prayer song. Other officers Instnllcd were Joyce Cook, vice-preside- Sharon Crouch, secretary; Sally Carter, treasurer; Thercsn Gnl-vn- n, rcportor-hlBtorla- ii; Bonnie Howard, parliamentarian; and Rita Woodward, pianist. The Haskell Chapter prcscnt- - rrsE- - T w Jctcr "nd Mrs. ,' .J ' JcOoHum, coifiponsors of the FHA with gifts. Special Seasonings For Familiar Foods Know No Season Special seasonings for fnmll-I- nr fowls know no Reason, reminds Mrs. Gwcn Clyatt, Texas A&M Extension consumer marketing specialist. Tliese seasonings can provide year-rou- nd enjoyment. For example, when frying chicken, sprinkle the coated chicken pieces with chopped chives or onion and a little thyme and rubbed sage Then cook as you always do If yon are preparing chops for dinner, after browning, sprinkle the chops with curry powder Or, If you are not a curry fan, sprinkle the frowned chops with dill seed. Then add a little water, cover nnd cook until fork-tend- er. When you have some fully cooked ham to slice and you want to serve it hot, you mny want to try this mctliod : Spread prepared mustard over the ham slices cut a fourth to 38 inch thick. Then sprinkle on brown sugar generously. Broil the mustard-brow- n sugar topped ham slices until hot and the topping bubbles. If veal chops or steaks nre on the menu, for a change you may want to marinate them in a well-season- ed French dressing over beef steaks or lamb chops before broiling. Tliese and other special scasoners know no season, the specialist reminds. nt; LITTLE LEAGUE Thursday, May 0: Hawks vs. Tigers. Score, Hawks 7, Tigers 18. Billy Wiseman and Eddie Stewart were the winning pitchers. Terry Pringle pitched B innings for the Hawks, with Phillip Josselet pitching last inning. Friday, May 7: Lions downed the Rams, 5-- 0. Randy Stone saw action on the mound for the Lions and Wayne Reeves hurled for the Rams. Saturday, May 8: Cubs and Tigers played a very tight game until the top of the fifth when the Tigers began scoring. Wiseman pitched 4i innings and Stewart pitched last 21-i- . Gannaway was the losing pitcher Final score, Tigers 7, Cubs 0. Monday, May 10: Hawk3 nnd Lions tangled in the tightest gnme of the season to date. Keith Everett wns the winning pitcher, with Mike Maples on tlie mound for the Lions. Final score, Hawks 4, Lions 3. Thus far in the early season of play no home runs have ,bccn made. A spokesmnn for the Little League said: "We would encourage you to come watch the games and encourage the Little Leaguers." Game Schedule May 13-2- 0 Thurs., May 13: Tigers vs. Lions. Fri., Mny 1 1 : Hawks vs. Cubs Sat., May 15: Rams vs. Tigers Mon., May 17: Cubs vs Hawks Tuesday, May 18: Rams vs. Tigers. Game Time: 7:30 p. m. Cubs responsible for maintenance of field next week. No inning shall start after 0:30 p. m. GRADUATED FROM LEADERSHIP SCHOOL Airman First Class Alton K. Chamberlain, son of Mrs. Etta L Onenl, 318 Rackwood Drive, Wlchitn Falls. Texas, has (been graduated from the U. S. Air Force Of- ficer School at Randolph AFB, Texas. Airman Chamberlain, who was trained In management nnd leadership, Is a radar repairman with an Air Force Communications Service unit at James Connally AFB, Texns. His unit supiorta the AFCS mission of maintaining communications for control of global Air Force operations. The airman, formerly of Go-re- e, Texns. is a graduate of Gorec High School. His wife, Patricia. Is the daughter of Newton Westmoreland of Rule. Iron working wns practiced in Britain as early ns BOO B. C. The hermit crab lives in nn omntV nn.ll shell nnd, as It grows larger, must find a bigger shell. Advertising doesn't coat . . . It Pays I . BARFIELD for FARM AND RANCH LOANS Haskell, Texas THE HASKELL FREE PRESS, HASKELL, TEJCAS The Good Earth by itms. n. p. conn Last week we visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Steele in their Ft. Phantom lake cnbln. Entering their yard was like stepping into another world. Red blaze roses and honeysuckle along the fence made a picturesque background for day lilllcs and iris of every hue. There arc three levels to tile bluff on which the cabin rests. A picnic area in the back yard affords a broad view of the lake. Hackberry, box elder and vitcx makes a shady retreat of the picnic area. The second level is planted in box elder and wild plum trees. Three Pence roses reach nearly to the eaves of a front bed room. So large are the flowers and buds, so luxuriant the folinge, one marvels they cou'd be so pretty in this West Texns wind. f A kidney shaped fish pond curls lazily around a lnrge mesqulte tree In the front yard. Dutch nnd Spuria Iris, nmaryl-li- s, East Tcxus spider lilies and ferns give a tropical look to the pond. At the cabin entrance a large wisteria covered tree makes a shady nook for red nmaryllls, pink rosette roses and a red-ibl- rd wcigela. A tiny fish pond nestles among the flowers at the base of the tree. A window box of colorful co-lc- us makes a pretty sight for the large picture window at the front of the cabin. Apricot, peach and plum trees add color and profit to the front yard. Thornlcss boys-enberrl- es twine up a trellis of wire under two huge peach trees. Chrysanthemums, Mny nnd Shasta daisies, day lilies, hibiscus and iris mingle together, to complete the picture. Mrs. Steele is a member of the Abilene Garden Club nnd Jehovah Witnesses Conclude Training Program, Abilene Jehovah's Witnesses' three-da- y training program in Abilene was concluded Sunday when H. A. Fctzlk, district supervisor, spoke on the subject, "The Moral Breakdown What Can Be Done About It?" In speaking to the 450 persons nsscmblcd, Fctzlk said, "Today's indifference toward Bblc principles is bringing the Immoral conditions mentioned by Paul in Second Timothy 3:1-- 5, 'in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here...' " "Jesus aptly describes our conditions ns, 'men become fnlnt out of fenr and expectation of things coming upon the inhabited earth,' " Fctzlk said, "but He also gave us a remedy for the. moral breakdown when he taught us to pray, 'Our Father in heaven . Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place as in heaven, also upon earth!" Tlie circuit supervisor of the meet, W. D. Goff, speaWng on tlie subject, "A People with a Purpose," said, "The very name Jehovah's Witnesses mnkes it binding on all dedicated and baptized Witnesses to have a purpose in life of bearing testimony to His Name and kingdom." The theme, "Willingly Fulfill Your Ministry," was emphasized by talks, discussions nnd demonstrations with n part of the program set aside for and storc-to-sto- re house-to-hou- se ministry to the people of Abilene nnd vicinity. "" liW'BWWBiWPPPHIIBBBBBBTHBpWPSHjjHKt. .v3F t'ijjjt Is known j Haskell Garden Club members, for she and Mrs. Harold Q. Cooke of Abileno gave a demonstration of bazaar gifts to the Haskell Club last year Mr. Steel is well known to merchants here, ns he is a salesman and comes to Haskell every other week. Margie Seldcn, Mrs. Steel's dnughtcr, lives next door to the Steele's. Margie has two very unusual trees in her yard. A monkey and tulip tree. The monkey tree has lacy fern like folinge with bristles on the truck and Hm,bs that feels so much like fur, onp could close their eyes and swear they were stroking a furry, animal, It almost gives one an eerie feeling, so life-li- ke is the fur. Tulip trees are" of the Poplar family They often grow to a height of 200 feet, in their native habitat. The tulip tree requires much moiBturc and a rather acid soil. Compost can supply the acid. There are several rather large tulip trees in Abilene. The pale gecn tulip like blossoms, and the nearly square folinge, makes these trees very Jitjrajyve . Sgt. N. F. Donanob Decorated For 20-Ye- ar 8 Service Master Sergeant Nelson F. Donahoo, son of Mrs. J. F. Don-ah- oo of C57 Westvicw Drive, Abilene, Texas, has been decorated with the U. S. Air Force Commendation Medal upon his retirement from the Air Force at Dyess AFB, Texas, afer 20 yen is service. Sergeant Donahoo wns the medal for meritorious service as a personnel superintendent at Dyess, where he served with a Strategic Air Command unit prior to his retirement. The sergeant served during World' War II and the Korean Conflict A graduate of Early High School, Brownwood, Tex., he nttended Draughon's Business College. Sergeant Donahoo's w i f e, Zena, is the daughter of Mrs. Floy McMcans of Route 1, Rule, Texas. Three Drilling Projects For Haskell County Three drilling projects have been nnnounccd for Haskell County. Brldwell OH Co., Wichita Fulls nnd Abilene, staked No. 1 J. V. "frrizell Jr., five miles northwest of Stnmford. Tlie planned 4800-fo- ot Strawn test is on a 150-nc- re lease. It spots 330 feet from north nnd 2175 from east lines of section 89, block 1, H&TC survey. Site makes It a south offset to Megargel Drilling Co. No. 1 V. C. Schmidt, a recent Strawn sand discovery O'Donohoe & Fouts of Wichita Falls staked No. 1 Fred Gilliam In the regular field six miles northeast of Haskell. Having a proposed depth of 2700 feet to test the King sand, it to on a 164-nc- rc lease. Site for No, 1 Gilliam Is 1350 feet from south nnd 2350 from cast lines of J Campbell survey A-0- 1. Another regular field location was staked 7 miles northwest of Haskell as States Oil Co., of Denver, No, 1 Ira Hester. 'Location js on a 100.5 ncre lease, spotting 3,009 feet from south nnd 330 from west lines of Oliver Smith survey A-3- 71 Permit depth npplicd for is 4999 feet. Welcome to the Jaycee Rice Springs RODEO For A Swell Time ... Be in Haskell for Our Big Celebration! May 13-14-- 15 Bring Your Cleaning to Us . . , We Appreciate Your Business and it is Always n Pleasure to Servo Youl BIARD'S CLEANERS & SERVICE CLEANERS Two Places to Serve You rfaskell, Texas ,B'''W THE SAFE USE liy F. w. MARTIN, County Agent Insecticides come in many forms, and this is important in tneir use. Among the more com lllrIalablaM dUst8' pow- - dcrs, cmulslflable concentrates, o 1 solutions, granulated mate- - rials and aerosols and spray bombs. Dusts don't mix with water and should never be used ns sprays. Their chemical content may vary from one-ha- lf to 20 per cent. They come as dry powders ready for use. Wettable powders are for spray use. They contain a wetting agent and may contain from 15 to 85 per cent of the nctunl Ingredient. Soluable powders are chemicals that readily dissolve In water. They can be npplicd with 1 o w pressure, 1 o w volume sprayers. Emulsifiable concentrates are liquids carrying the Insecticide In a suitable solvent and emul-slfie- r. Emulsions can be applied wltli n low-pressu- re, low-volu- me sprayer. Oil solutions arc ready for use and may contain from a half to 10 per cent active ingredients. Granulated mntcrials are ready to use Insecticides in or on particles of a carrier. They "House-Warmin- g" Honors Mrs. Lula Ketron A surprise "house-warmin- g" was held in the home of Mrs. Lula Ketron Tuesdny evening, May 11, sponsored by Imogcnc Frcshour nnd mother, Mrs. T. J. Rousseau. After nn hour of viewing gifts and visitation, refreshments of punch and cake were served to the following guests: Mmcs Viola Rhyder, Wanda Morris, Hattic Henshaw, Thelma Hebblts and Ruby Henshaw, of Seymour; Mmes Betty Jo Hipp, Ethel Lou Shelton. Allie Ford, Jonn Pruitt, Beatrix Mobley, Ethel Kirkpatrick, Pnuline Dick, Louise Smith, Floyenc Holder, Miss Betty Jo Clanton nnd honored Lula Ketron, of Haskell, nnd sponsors, Imogcne Frcshour, Seymour, and Mrs. T. J. Rousseau, Haskell. TO RECEIVE B. S. DEGICEE FROM McMTJRRY Mrs. Dorothea Monroe will receive the Bachelor of Science Degree from McMurry College in Abilene at the college's 42nd annual commencement program to be held May 31 in Radford auditorium on the campus. Dr. Charles P. Bunch, outstanding physician and churchman from Artcsin, N. M will deliver the commencement nd-drc- ss. Receiving honorary doctorate degrees will be three lenders of the Methodist Church: William C. Patten of Albuquerque, N. M., The Rev. Lloyd V. Hamilton. Big Spring; and The Rev. H. Dewitt Seago, Brownfield. Mrs. Monroe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rucffer of Hnskell. She is majoring in business education and mlnor-in- g in English. While nt Mc- Murry she has been n member of Theta Chi Lamda social club. OF INSECTICIDES nre useful for controlling soil Insects because tihey last longer than other formulations. Aerosols and spray bombs contain one or more insectl- - niflntl 1 rnllfnHi rtrlrt A tl n ku Pcent eos. The bombs produce a flne mist or a coar Flno mlstfl (aorosols) nrc used in conm, f1vlnf, ', nr, coarse spray bombs for leaving a residue of the insecticide. In addition, baits, insecticide-fertiliz- er mixtures, insecticide-herbici- de mixtures and mothproofing agents nre some of the special formulations available, the county agent said. Regardless of the form of insecticide used, the County Agent emphasized the need for follow-- I SUPER BEN FRANKLIN Ladies' CANVAS SHOES Close Out, Broken Sizes and Colors. A Real Buy! Etrn Q7c Kg. Speciitl 51.09 LADIES' PANTIES Floral nnd Prints. Assorted colors nnd styles. A regular 49c panty graduation gift. 37' SPECIAL PK. THANK YOU CARDS Now is the time o buy them at a Big Savings. Our regular 29c box. HASKELL for $1 00 PAGE lng lnbcl directions to the letter nnd using them only foi the purpose stated on tlie label. Also thnt insecticides be treated with care and .stored out of reach of children. for Insurance Haskell, Texas SPECIALS Men's STRETCH SOCKS Nice patterns and colors. Graduation Gift Special Itcgular 00 10c each 6 for Jpl Boxed GREETING CARDS Get Well, Sympathy, Birthday, Congratulations, etc. A Regular 08c value. 57c TIMEX WATCHES Now Is ThewTiinc to Give AT A BIG 10 BEN FRANKLIN WELCOME flLflaVaLliLLEi'wVMLLLLLLLLLB' TO HASKELL for the BARFIELD Jaycee Rice Springs R-0-D-E- -0 FELKER'S RESTAURANT KENNETH FELKER GREASED PIE CHASE HASKELL RODEO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS - MAY 14-1- 5 Under Auspices of HASKELL JAYCEES Eight greased pigs will be turned loose in the Rodeo Grounds Friday and Saturday nights, to become the property of the boys capturing them. Only boys 12 years of age and under are eligible to enter, and must be accompanied at the gate on the nights of the event by their parents. Those boys entering the greased pig contest are asked to fill in the coupon below and bring it to the rodeo gate Friday and Saturday nights. Greased PIG Scramble Friday and Saturday Nights May 14, 15, 1965 HASKELL RODEO ' V fin ii,i ft t t t t !' itMMM'lltlMilMMt'lMliltlllMttHIIM SEVEN DISCOUNT TEXAS . H j' w v f 1 1 i urn i I'm m uM j 3BfI jHn Ago Address M Partner's Name M , Mi I aoaumc all responsibility in case of accident: Wma w ,...- . . - - .. . TTTBMBHsMHHiHBBHBHBBBilMsisMHsHHM "ffifc

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Pupils Of Mrs.<br />

Cadenhead To<br />

Present Musical<br />

Mrs. J P. CndenhenU vi<br />

present her piano pupils In a<br />

muaicnl playlet, "Alice in Wonderland."<br />

also a selection of<br />

hymns, at the First Baptist<br />

Church, tomorrow night, (Friday),<br />

May 14, at 7:00 o'clock.<br />

Order of the program follows:<br />

Hymn, Faith of Our Fathers;<br />

ValU of the Wee Folks, Moon<br />

light Sonata. Debbie Mlcklcr.<br />

Janle Lou KeUey: The Do-D- o<br />

Dances, Becky Gholson; Mimi<br />

Dances, Joan Barnett.<br />

The Things We Do. Denlse<br />

Perry; The Cradle Song, Duet,<br />

Denlse Perry, Mrs, Cadenhead;<br />

Riding On A Mule Dancing<br />

Leaves, Donald Jones: On A<br />

Dutch Sailing Ship. Marsha<br />

Duct, eClClmGf<br />

Bern-- ; Tic-T- oe Marsha VOWS<br />

Berry, Mrs. Cadenhead: Siber<br />

ian Dance - Blasting Off, Pat<br />

Dukiney; Cinderella WitlU, Rebecca<br />

Ray: The Rocking Cradle,<br />

Duet, Rebecca Ray. Terry<br />

Walton; Midnight Express.<br />

Mike Dulaney. Marines Hj-m-<br />

Duct, Mike Dulaney, Janle Lou<br />

Kelley; Whirling Leaves. Terry<br />

Walton: The Pony Express, trio,<br />

Becky Gholson. Joan Barnett,<br />

Helen Mnry Cadenhead Ava-larsc- he.<br />

Joan Banett. Rusuc<br />

Gift Tea Honors<br />

Mrs. Fred Bennett<br />

Mrs. Fred Bennett, the former<br />

Barbara McDonald of For:<br />

Worth, was honored with a miscellaneous<br />

gift tea Saturday af-<br />

ternoon. May S. from 2 until 3<br />

in the home of Mrs. Bunt Low-re- y<br />

of Rule<br />

Rainbow Club<br />

In Home<br />

Of Mrs. Reding- -<br />

Meets<br />

The Rainbow CTub met Tues-<br />

week the<br />

day evening- - of last in<br />

Reiuv: home The meeting<br />

was called to order by the<br />

president, Mrs Edwards. Club<br />

aong, "Let Me Call You Sweetheart.<br />

' wa led by the song<br />

leader. Mrs. SalJte<br />

Mrs. C A. Thomas gave the<br />

thought for the day A stoUoa<br />

w made to dmw fr pal.<br />

tcfe w5 aporvved<br />

Mrs Edwards read a Mother"<br />

Day poem, and Mrs. Bri-<br />

ers and Mrs. JoAMet saajc a<br />

duet, all dedicased to the dub<br />

mother Mrs W E JchaKnxi.<br />

Mrs. Jhnn also prewitted a<br />

verv taterestit readtag<br />

Several sacred sors wre led<br />

by Mrs. Patterson, also Mrs.<br />

Je'<br />

Andrew saag a spvcioL "Have<br />

Yon Realty Keen A FrwsaJ so<br />

StQtt Jlet had charge of<br />

th rara. "A Better UVW<br />

BMlii mth M Eachi eN<br />

txk ot KMe Ters.<br />

neffce- - vcus-- grow a auMkaiure<br />

Rersktetu nvv sril v<br />

12 Mewrs. N tinea C A.<br />

Th(tta$, Andryws. PMtrsa,<br />

Pvt&rr Laraed. PltnMa. Jo-se- tet<br />

Rogers Edwanfcs Tread --<br />

vtt. Jajn Redtog. also r<br />

nsttocs Mrs. SbukC Ceueh<br />

Mrs-- Lewis TSkorao.<br />

The vxt nweuag wfll fe fajr<br />

wnth Mrs- - Fesie Rinfors,<br />

isth,<br />

Wsuorsi are ahayu wuicnie.<br />

Mrs. Lane To<br />

Present Pupils<br />

In Recital<br />

The pfairo asd organ smalt s<br />

of Mrs. Kenneth LaKe wj fcr<br />

presented reetta.1 TuhaJ?.<br />

May is. at 7 p at ja the<br />

sanctuary tfee FUsc Methodist<br />

Churoh.<br />

Those appearing wtfl be W.<br />

a Etaonr CynOia FVae. Re-be- ea<br />

Faai<br />

Ftoch. Stephen Fteoh,<br />

Ham. Pat Harris. Don-- sa<br />

Jesselet. Susie MeAdou, An-t- ta<br />

PoweM Betty PoweJL Linda<br />

Powvtt. Marsha Shaver. Max-ga- na<br />

Walker Sue VVTIktason.<br />

Randy W$emaa and Sara<br />

Yeary<br />

Included: on the program<br />

be works by Schaura, Bland,<br />

Beethoven, Tboecpsoo. Chopin,<br />

Youmacs, Currie. Sireah&cv.<br />

Bach, Rachmaninotf, Tschaik-ove- ky<br />

and Defcussy<br />

The public is corddally invited,<br />

to attend.<br />

Singer Co.<br />

Sate St Serrice<br />

Cll<br />


rk M4-344- 3<br />

?c affninf mt an.t<br />

Dmmimm mt 3rw<br />

-<br />

Petersen<br />

wiH.<br />

Chapel. Gail Barnctt; Little Pnlo Hnvrlan<br />

Boy Blue. duct Barnctt,<br />

Janet Follstaedt: Tschalkowsky PI !lib TnrJlll<br />

Concerto. Janet Follstaedt ; A iS<br />

Hungarian Dance, Toccatlna, iS'eV UlllCerS<br />

J F Cadenhead: On Wings of The Rule Garden Club met<br />

Song, Deanna Robertson; Pi- on Wednesday, May 5, In the<br />

ano and organ duet. To A Wild Phlladelphlan Club House in the<br />

Uose, Dearaia Robertson and last meeting of this club yer.<br />

Mrs. Cadenhead.<br />

Mrs. C. H. White presided at<br />

Hymns<br />

the business meeting. The Club<br />

Collect was read in unison, led<br />

by Mrs. Ed Vcrner.<br />

Mrs. H. J. Cloud read the<br />

minutes, and called the roll.<br />

The theme for the program<br />

Musical Playlet. Alice in<br />

Wonderland; Memories, Loved World, Foi- l- Try" The objective was Hortl-Ma- ry<br />

Cadenhead, as staedt: Walk With cuiture Study 3. Exhibit,<br />

e,<br />

.<br />

errj- -<br />

Ready, Janle Lou Kelley;<br />

Trust and Obey. Becky Ghol-so- n;<br />

Blest Be The Tie. Denlse<br />

Perry; What A Friend We Have<br />

In Jesus, Afarsha Berry; Jesus<br />

Loves Me. Donald Jones; God was "Don't say We Didnt<br />

Helen The Janet<br />

Alice; When We No.<br />

uic icrrj "wiwi, Exnianation<br />

Walton; ""' "aiv ouuiu Evaluation.<br />

T The Lobsters Quadrille, Va T a A Ul<br />

and<br />

AH A<br />

jy wr rfnu9, ii7(Vii iiiv it<br />

The program director was<br />

Mrs. Ed Verner,<br />

denhead; How Great Thou Art,<br />

Deanna Robertson; Jesus Savior<br />

Pilot Me, J. F. Cadenhead;<br />

The Lord's Prayer, Gail<br />

Beard<br />

Read Anvil<br />

- Montez<br />

30<br />

ficers was by Mrs. James A<br />

Mr and Mrs. M W. "Bean! of U Sr;<br />

Rule announce the marriage of<br />

their daughter. Ole Lyncttc.<br />

to Don Carlos Montez, Jr., of<br />

Las Ctuccs, New Mexico.<br />

The double ring ceremony<br />

was read April 30, at p. m. at<br />

the Station Chapel. N A.S.<br />

Barbers Point In Honolulu, Hawaii,<br />

where the bride is a student<br />

at the University and the<br />

groom is stationed with the<br />

armed services<br />

Asa W Jones. Chaplain,<br />

S. N , p.' ."" rnied the ceremony<br />

Attemianfc<br />

were Richjyn Bar-<br />

nard of Molina, CoJo . and<br />

Ru-f- us<br />

A. Baker, stationed in Ha- -<br />

The groom is the son of Mr. Mrs. Maples<br />

and Mrs Don Carlos Monies Sr. . ,<br />

of Las Cruces. N M.<br />

Mrs. Monte: is a graduate of<br />

Rule High School and Is completing<br />

her second year at the<br />

ntae members, the Agent Mtss<br />

Barbara Marsee. and one visitor<br />

Mrs O E Patterson,<br />

prvent<br />

Jooey Whiteker was in charge<br />

of the meeting SalMe Patterson<br />

had charge of the opening exercise<br />

Committee reports were<br />

given. Dons Hanss reported on<br />

Rally Day in Seymour SaHle<br />

Patterson gae a report on<br />

sending out get-we- ll cards and<br />

also ga"e the counsel report.<br />

Mrs Johnson, the oldest mother<br />

present, wra presented a<br />

mother's dxy gift. The club al-<br />

so presented Miss Marsee wtth<br />

gift<br />

The next mectmg will be<br />

heW at the ccunhouse May 19<br />

Tats wUl Jv a ill day eousty-vti- d<br />

meeting A salad unehoen<br />

be served at noon. AH club<br />

members an; urged to attend<br />

Sallte Patterson gave a read-ta- g.<br />

Opinion' Secret Pals<br />

ere reve-ale- and the group<br />

4rvw for secret pals t be revealed<br />

la August<br />

$s!Je Pxnerson "ai te charge<br />

of the recreation,<br />

A refreshment plate sand-wsefc- os, of<br />

donuts and Cokes v<br />

serred.<br />

Over H variett f grapes<br />

are grown tor wne-jaak4- B? in<br />

Frar<br />

(Shlph<br />

flowered<br />

in eyelet<br />

ore'<br />

embroidered<br />

H<br />

zephyr P'que festev<br />

S<br />

U.<br />

A display of specimens and<br />

reports on the year's comprehensive<br />

studies were presented<br />

Begonias Mrs, H. L. Martin<br />

Fern Mrs- - Herschcl H'ncs<br />

Cbleus- - Mrs. H. J Cloud<br />

Mrs. Lynn Martin gave a report<br />

on District VTII meeting<br />

in Stamford. Installation of of-<br />

The following officers were<br />

Installed for 1965-6- 6 President.<br />

Mrs. R O Carothers. 1st Vice<br />

President, Mrs W D Pavne;<br />

2nd Vice President, Mrs H J<br />

Cloud ; Corresponding Secretary.<br />

Mrs. Herbert Rinn: Recording<br />

Secretary. Mrs J A.<br />

Hertel: Treasurer. Mrs. Morris<br />

Neal; Historian, Mrs. James A.<br />

Lisle. Sr : Paliamentarian. Mrs<br />

C H, White: Reporter, Mrs.<br />

Lynn Martin<br />

Hostesses for the dav were-Mrs- .<br />

O. G. Lewi. Mrs. W E.<br />

Sorrells. Mrs. Claude Norman<br />

and Mrs. Ed Verner.<br />

ireSlCieS At<br />

T.E.L. Meeting<br />

The<br />

Mrs. Lowrey TEL. Class of the First<br />

greeted guests<br />

at the door<br />

University of Honolulu Baptist Church met in a social<br />

In the receiving<br />

line were the honoree.<br />

The groom is a graduate of and business session, Monday. area's top ambassadress for lb<br />

Mrs.<br />

Bennett: her mother.<br />

Las<br />

Mrs.<br />

Cruces High School He la May 3. Mr Maples presided No. 1 economic factor, the Lub-ba- ck<br /><br />

McDonald of Abilene;<br />

being<br />

Mrs.<br />

transferred to San Diego. over the business meeting<br />

Monterey product also<br />

Lowell Fulbnght, CaJtf<br />

Mrs.<br />

where sfee wtU Join him 'Take The Name of Jesus garnered a $1 WO cotton ward.<br />

M D<br />

Ftdbnght<br />

in June<br />

With You." was the opening J10- - and " expense-pai- d trip<br />

song.<br />

Miss Cheryl<br />

Prayer was offered by<br />

Counts registered<br />

Mrs. Thomas. Miss Crowley<br />

rt" John McQuinn and Mrs. Center Point Home e devotional from 37th<br />

gj<br />

srvi3r tab w l - iltr UllSlUlllim<br />

taee cover with a ptok rwe ceo- - Cl'ib Ha? MeetinGT<br />

Mrs. Arlis Vaadivr sitowed<br />

The Center Point Home Dem<br />

tae guis<br />

onstration Chb met May 6 with<br />

Other hostess were<br />

Mrs. W E. Johnson. There were<br />

Mrs-Pai<br />

Bell. Mrs T S Sujo.<br />

Mrs. T K KyiL Mrs Walter<br />

Counts. Mrs M W Board and<br />

Mrs Ted Htees<br />

Bp- t w i fc ih&SXr<br />

advertised in McCalt's Magazine<br />

trs- - Perrin gave a report of<br />

the last meeting and also the<br />

attendance and financial report<br />

Group Captains also gave reports,<br />

and Mrs Moblev reported<br />

on "flowers and cards "<br />

Mrs Tollver presided over the<br />

social hour<br />

Mrs J O Merchant read a<br />

poem. My Mother's Hands "<br />

Mrs. Livengood gave a poem.<br />

"Prayer for Mothers,' and Miss<br />

Crowley read a poem. To My<br />

Mother's Birthdav " "Grandmother's<br />

Prayer," a reading.<br />

was given by Mrs. Tollver<br />

Refreshments were served by<br />

Miss Crowley to Mmes. Mob-le- y.<br />

Perrin." Maples, Thomas.<br />

C A Merchant, J O Merchant.<br />

Livengood, Baasing and Tofiver<br />


Mrs. WilMm Douglas, cf<br />

Pittsburgh. Pa, Is visiting in<br />

the home of Mrs. Richard<br />

SfeerrJl Mrs- - Sherrill met Mrs.<br />

xiglas. a former Texan, at the<br />

Texas Club at Pittsburgh sev-<br />

eral years ago From Haskell,<br />

Mrs Dougias win go to Brown-wo- od<br />

to visit relatives and a<br />

son who v a minister in Brady<br />

Another pleasant surprise<br />

for Mrs Shernll was a visit<br />

front some of her neighbors in<br />

Pittsburgh, tr and Mrs. Clarence<br />

King, who arrived the<br />

same day that Mrs. Douglas<br />

came by plane from Pitts-<br />

burgh. They aH had a gettogether"<br />

at the home of Dr<br />

Floyd TayKw'j home la<br />

shell A<br />

P<br />

The prettiest face that fashion can show!<br />

Breezeweigrrt 65 Dacron- - pclyetter, 35 cotton.<br />

Bright white and garden pastels. 28 to 38.<br />

Baaaaa<br />

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HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamiJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai<br />


Nancy Bernard<br />

Chosen Maid<br />

Of Cotton<br />

Nancy Bernard,<br />

daughter of Mr and Mrs R. E<br />

Bernard, 3304 34 th St . Lubbock,<br />

and granddaughter of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. J E Bernard, of Haskell,<br />

and Mr and Mrs. W. R, Moore,<br />

of Munday. was cfcosen the 1965<br />

South Plains Maid of Cotton in<br />

a contest hold Tuesdav night.<br />

May 4. In the Municipal Audi-tonu- m,<br />

Lubbock, before a<br />

crowd of J persons.<br />

Miss Bernard, a blue-ey- ed<br />

blonde. University of Texas "coed,<br />

succeeded Rhea Bristow.<br />

University of Oklahoma student,<br />

as the South Plains representative<br />

to the national Maid of<br />

Cotton contest in Memphis,<br />

Tenn., in December.<br />

In addition to becoming the<br />

for two to the national finals<br />

First and second runncrs-u- p<br />

receive 5200 and $100 gift certificates,<br />

respectively<br />

The field of contestants contained<br />

20 candidates. Judges<br />

were Mrs Patsy Avery, Columbus.<br />

Ga.. F M Arthur. Gas-toni- a.<br />

N C , fcilcolm E. Campbell.<br />

Raleigh. N C. John F<br />

Darrow New York City and<br />

Ralph S Holsington. Greenville.<br />

S. C.<br />

An active high school student.<br />

Miss Bernard has carried<br />

her enthusiasm to civic and<br />

collegiate fields. At Lubbock<br />

she is vice-presid- ent of Methodist<br />

Youth Fellowship and president<br />

of Wesley Singers and a<br />

member of Lubbock Syrjjhony<br />

Orchestra. At the University of<br />

Texas she Is a member of Chi<br />

Omega Sorority. Panheirenic<br />

representative and presidentelect,<br />

of the uni-<br />

versity carnival, most outstand- -<br />

, frwr?TT, 1 'VT..1 ,<br />

one of the most beautiful, a<br />

Blucbcnnct Belle semi-finah- st<br />

Mortality rate<br />

contacting cholera<br />

per cent.<br />

in persons'<br />

is 30 to 50<br />

Greek and Reman armies<br />

flour mitts mto the<br />

countries they cortjuered<br />

King Charles I f France wj<br />

known as Charles the Bale.<br />

<strong>Open</strong> Each Nite<br />

Be Entertained at the<br />

Most Popular<br />

nrnrair<br />


On Highway 277<br />


KKI. - SAT tl-- u<br />

DooMe Feature<br />

-- Oi TW, Hit<br />

1 DA"S STARTS SIXD.VY li<br />

i Future ;<br />

Milton<br />

?G11MAT'<br />

M T bAjMSMl<br />

m m m m. m " j<br />

miA1<br />

mm i<br />

WED.-THU1- X- -<br />

- Adults Onl- y-<br />

Mary SS Class<br />

Meet In Home<br />

Of Mrs. Couch<br />

The Mary Sunday School<br />

Class of the First Baptist<br />

Church met in the home of Mrs.<br />

Emmit Couch, with 13 members<br />

present<br />

The opening song, "Leaning<br />

on the Ever Lasting Arm," lead<br />

by Mrs. Walter Rogers, followed<br />

with prayer by Mrs. Edna<br />

Weinert Matrons<br />

Club Installs<br />

New Officers<br />

Weinert Matrons Club met<br />

Friday at the home of Mrs.<br />

Clyde Mayfield. Mrs. D. L<br />

Moody installed new officers<br />

with a "Challenge" theme New<br />

officers arc Mrs. W. A. King,<br />

president, Mrs. M. W. Phcmis-te- r.<br />

vice-preside- nt. Mrs. R. W<br />

Raynes, 2nd vice-preside- nt:<br />

Mrs- - H. W. Llles. treasurer:<br />

Mis. R. J. Ralney. secretary-Boarmembers<br />

are M H<br />

B. Guess and Henry Vojkufka<br />

Mrs King aDpcmted committees<br />

for the 1S6J-6- 6 club year.<br />

Thirteen members attended<br />

and one guest. Mrs. W. A.<br />

Sanders<br />

Mrs J A. Mayfield served<br />

refreshments.<br />

Members attending were.<br />

Mrs C G. Hammer Mrs. H<br />

W L le Mrs. P.. C Liles. Mrs<br />

W r- -<br />

Winchester. Mrs. Fred<br />

Monke. Mrs. M. W. Phemister.<br />

Mrs W A. King. Mrs. R. J.<br />

Ralney Mrs. Henrv Vojkufka.<br />

Mrs P F Weinert. Mrs. Henrv<br />

Smith, Mrs. Clvde MavfieM.<br />

and the hostess. Mrs. J. A.'Mav- -<br />

field<br />

Piano Ensemble<br />

To Be Presented<br />

Sunday, May 16<br />

Eighteen high school and Junior<br />

high piano students of Mrs.<br />

Hubert Bell will be presented in<br />

a duet and ensemble recital on<br />

Sunday, May 11. at 3 p. m. in<br />

the High School auditorium.<br />

Only secular numbers will be<br />

played The public is invited to<br />

attend.<br />

Haskell County Abstract Company<br />

Established 1910.<br />

2n<br />



TOWN LOTS.<br />

P. O. Box 505<br />

409 z South 1st St., Haskell<br />

Phone 864-269- 1<br />

Swim Suits<br />

Sportswear<br />

Junior Dresses<br />

Dresses<br />

Reg. & Half sizes<br />

Blouses<br />

Lingerie<br />

Hats<br />

Pastel Sportswear<br />

Girdles<br />

Pantie Girdles<br />

Pettipants<br />

u Slips<br />

Bras<br />

Early Spring Styles.<br />

Regular, Junior.<br />

A few halves.<br />

Seams, regular 79c<br />

While they last<br />

Brown Mrs Ed Fouts gave the<br />

devotional from the lMh Chapter<br />

of St Luke, also reading,<br />

'Sidewalk for Sulnts and Sinners."<br />

by Gaston Foote Many<br />

good thoughts were brought out<br />

-- The Prodigal Son, the lonely<br />

man! teaching the disobedience<br />

of man before meeting Christ.<br />

Mrs. Moore offered prayer,<br />

The president. Mrs. McMillln<br />

lead the business session, and<br />

all offices gave good reports.<br />

Mrs. Stella Jossclct and Mrs.<br />

J H. Reding sponsored the entertainment-<br />

Refreshments were<br />

served by Group 1. Mrs. Fouts<br />

gave the closing prayer and<br />

then "goodbyes" were said.<br />


NOTES<br />


Haskell:<br />

Tom Whltakcr. surgical.<br />

David L. Cobb, medical.<br />

Mrs. Wayne Perry, medical<br />

Mrs Hortcnsc Campcll, med.<br />

Mrs. Grace E. Reid. med.<br />

Jim Mi'lcr. medical<br />

Mrs Harry KocWcr. surgical<br />

Janice Burson. medical<br />

Mrs. R- - V Black, accident.<br />

Mrs. Noah Lane, medical<br />

Dimple Nchilng. medical.<br />

Robert Coburn. medical.<br />

Roche 'ler<br />

C. '.V. Hatfield, accident.<br />

Jayton<br />

A L. Ham, medical<br />

Ruler<br />

Randall Thomas, medical.<br />

Weinert :<br />

E. C Lowe, medical.<br />

DISMISS!)<br />

Tom Whitakcr, Mrs. Wayne<br />

Perrv, Mrs. Hortcnse Campbell.<br />

Mrs. Grace E Peid. Jim Miller,<br />

Janice Burton. Mrs. R. V<br />

Bla"'---. Mrs Noah Lane and<br />

Dimple Nchnng. all of Haskell.<br />

A L Ham. of Jayton.<br />

Randall Thomas, of Rule<br />

E. C. Lowe of Weinert<br />


Mr and Mrs Domingo En-ricq- uz<br />

of Haskell, baby girl.<br />

May 5. 1965<br />

Mr and Mrs Rudolfo Rios<br />

Martinez. O Brien. babv girl<br />

Anna Mana, weight 7 lbs., 11<br />

oz , born May 7. 1965.<br />

Off Sale<br />

4 BIG DAYS<br />

May 14-1- 5 through $<br />




HASSEN'S<br />

West Texts Utilkie<br />

I t jf aztaxMjo. naii j enSuncilifu liopue hmmttw, j ! Vt<br />

PAGE A 92ZIERI J'<br />

-<br />

Day<br />

20.<br />

OFF<br />

On All Items<br />

$5.00 or More<br />

Cash Sale Only<br />

PRICE<br />

AND<br />

LESS<br />

VS V2 pF<br />

Annual Beauty, rep. 1.00 per pair 79c<br />

Mist Hose Sale, 6 pair only $4,50<br />

Save $1.50<br />

Seamless Hose, reg. 1.65 for 99c<br />

Reg. 1.50 for SSc<br />

Special Sale<br />

49c<br />

Three New<br />

Nine Teens<br />

The three new Nine Tccrw<br />

have been selected as a result<br />

of try-ou- ts held Wcdncwlay.<br />

The new members nre, Dlan<br />

Cadenhead, daughter of Dr, and<br />

Mrs. Frank Cadenhead; Donna<br />

Jossclct, daughter of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Herman Jossclct; and Patricia<br />

Tollver, daughter of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. J. L.. Tollver, Jr.<br />

The girls will be inducted on<br />

Sunday. May 23, at the traditional<br />

Rainbow Concert.<br />

They will fill the places left<br />

by graduating senior, Millie<br />

Holden, Andrea Balrd and Judy<br />

Anderson. "It always hurts to<br />

ones." Uidr huTHI<br />

CXU' OF Tn.<br />

HendsTnTXS<br />

food, beautl&n'<br />

anil word,<br />

Passing of cSrftS<br />

Wallace ,7<br />

and Mrs Nory<br />

kcll. Mr m ur<br />

of Munday<br />

George aiiiil<br />

SherHli .<br />


Used Refrigerator jjjq.<br />

Used Washers (Wringer Automatic)<br />

Used Ranges $20,00<br />

Living Room Suites $3950<br />

Mnttrcsses . .<br />

$12.50,<br />

Nice Dinettes $27.50<br />

,Bed Room Suites $39.50,<br />

Also Used Chest, TV's, Lamp Tables, RoctJ<br />

Chairs, Springs, Piano, and Electric Guitar.<br />

We Finance with Approved Credit.<br />

. u,<br />

or t<br />

BOGGS & JOHNS01<br />

Phone 864-234-6 Haskell, Tc<br />

New and Used Furniture and Applisnca<br />

Shut Out<br />

Hot Weather<br />

with a<br />

Paramount DeVil<br />

SWffiS&t !OllMJ<br />

"<br />

Iff<br />

bS89HHKML pfi<br />



MOOQ 4043-- 2<br />

$154.95<br />

K iff<br />

HHBv<br />

Th new Paromount DeViBe is the awvwer fo yctr oz<br />

effen complete flexi&Kty cf centre! end a pcter'td " '<br />

51 1<br />

Anocftment. Thu oncchment eJimmores ertry cf ox ' r " c"3 T.<br />

And there's no need to remese the ccofer m tn w - -the<br />

Jpong ju dro.n the vcter, cfese end leek -- "<br />

fcrgt cbcvt it.<br />

AS LOW AS<br />

SA.64<br />

PtrMMdi<br />

tcher ncrniGl dovn<br />

pcyrrenfi<br />

NW10C STA-fKS- H HlTDtS cssurt cccLng eh'.ofXY c .<br />

Gooronteed dog procf, wtth ccrpft lniect przttCtKf<br />

COWnni AM WKCTION COWtOL Kt mover---!<br />

- w "<br />

a!tred to prcvide conctftrrcted c drhned ccc. " cf f -<br />

TWO 5S MOTOt CONTKX. By chenstng (refer Jps -<br />

peaty oefput u ecwitd to sjii comfcrt needi.<br />

PUSH ItmON rw CONTKX tSm.ncf the dry, hct cV.5y otit<br />

p fiat few nwx-te- j cf eperencn.<br />

100 HOT-CHFft-<br />











Extra Uft SfmiHml Of BU 9<br />

tofH (MrHrty 9t air at tJew, - aukt tf-<br />

I<br />

Wb wvmr,, mW y<br />

ff tot WTU nMmriiat "<br />

r<br />

it<br />

--j vyi,<br />


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